Devotional to JDs,  

How to Be Effective in Evangelism

         보다 효과적 전도를 위하여


The Bible tells us to spread the Gospel and share our faith (e.g. Matthew 28:18-20, Philemon 1:6), but this seems to be difficult for most Christians to do. Since I was always so bad at it, I prayed for help and read books and tried different approaches, and I learned some useful things along the way.

You can share the Gospel, and this article will get you there!

I will add more to this article from time to time, so please send me any ideas and practical experiences you've had which might help others!

Some ways to prepare

Here are some things you can do to feel more prepared and ready to share the Gospel:

1.  Work on loving the Lord.

o  As your love for God grows, so does your desire to serve and obey Him.

o  For some ideas, see my article called Loving and Praising Jesus.

o  Jesus said that this is the first and greatest commandment (Matthew 22:37-38).

2.  Work on loving other people.

o  Jesus said that this is the second greatest commandment (Matthew 22:39).

o  Remember, unbelievers are not the enemy, they have been taken captive by the enemy (2 Timothy 2:24-26).

o  Love is the proper motivation for everything we do (e.g. 1 Corinthians 13:1-3, Galatians 5:6).

o  When you're standing near people (on an elevator, waiting in line, etc.), mentally tell them things like,

o   "God loves you and cares about you. ... God doesn't want you to go to hell. ... I love you and care about you. ... I don't want you to go to hell."

o  Even if you're not ready to step out in faith and share the Gospel yet, this will put you in a good frame of mind for sharing the Gospel. Try it! It really helps!

마땅히 주의 종은 다투지 아니하고 모든 사람을 대하여 온유하며 가르치기를 잘하며 참으며 거역 하는 자를 온유함으로 징계할지니 혹 하나님이 저희에게 회개함을 주사 진리를 알게 하실까 하며 저희로 깨어 마귀의 올무에서 벗어나  하나님께 사로잡힌 바 되어 그 뜻을 좇게 하실까 함이라

And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.                                                             II Tim  2:24-26

3.  Deal with the fear of failure.

o  Jesus didn't convince everyone (e.g. Matthew 19:16-23, John 8:42-59), and the apostles didn't convince everyone (e.g. Acts 5:27-33).

o  Our job is to tell people, not convince people. Convicting and convincing people is the Holy Spirit's job.

o  Jesus allowed the rich young man to walk away (Matthew 19:16-23), and we need to allow people to walk away as well if they're not sensing any conviction. This takes a lot of pressure off of us!

o  When babies take a few steps and fall down, their parents aren't angry at them. Their parents are proud of them for trying! In the same way, it's likely that when we fall flat on our face or chicken out, God isn't angry at us, He is proud of us for getting up and trying again!

4.  Deal with the fear of rejection, fear of confrontation, fear of looking foolish, fear of being stereotyped, fear of offending, etc.

o  Jesus and the disciples were rejected, and Jesus specifically said that we will be rejected (e.g. Matthew 10:22-23). Rejection is normal and expected, don't worry about it.

o  Sometimes belligerent or confrontational people turn out to be very open to the Gospel because God has been working on their hearts. Don't make assumptions about how people will respond!

o  Our fears are usually unfounded. They are simply false evidence which "appears" to be real (False Evidence Appearing Real).

o  A good article on dealing with fear .

o  Everything new feels awkward at first, but you'll get better with practice.

o  Sometimes you will feel fear ... trust God and do it anyway!

o  It is wrong to want people's approval more than God's approval, or to be ashamed of the Gospel (Galatians 1:10, Romans 1:16, 2 Timothy 1:8, Mark 8:38).

o  Confrontations don't happen very often.

이제 내가 사람들에게 좋게 하랴 하나님께 좋게 하랴 사람들에게 기쁨을 구하랴 내가 지금까지 사람의 기쁨을 구하는 것이었다면 그리스도의 종이 아니니라

For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.                  Gal 1:10

5.  Deal with the fear of inadequacies.

o  Moses complained of not being eloquent and being slow of speech and tongue (Exodus 4:10-16), and possibly he stuttered or stammered (Exodus 6:12), yet God worked mightily through him.

o  Paul felt weakness and fear and trembling when he proclaimed the Gospel (1 Corinthians 2:1-4), yet God worked mightily through him.

o  God can work mightily through you no matter what your issues are, but only if you step out in faith and open your mouth!

6.  Deal with the fear of not knowing what to say or how to answer difficult questions.

o  Learn some things to say (see below).

o  Learn some replies to common responses (see below).

o  Practice in your mind or with a friend until you feel fairly comfortable. You'll get more comfortable with experience.

o  It's okay to say that you don't know the answers to people's questions!

형제들아 내가 너희에게 나아가 하나님의 증거를 전할 때에 말과 지혜의 아름다운 것으로 아니하였나니 내가 너희 중에서 예수 그리스도와 그의 십자가에 못 박히신 것 외에는 아무것도 알지

아니하기로 작정하였음이라 내가 너희 가운데 거할 때에 약하며 두려워하며 심히 떨었노라내 말과 내 전도함이 지혜의 권하는 말로 하지 아니하고 다만 성령의 나타남과 능력으로 하여 너희 믿음이 사람의 지혜에 있지 아니하고 다만 하나님의 능력에 있게 하려 하였노라

And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God. For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified. And I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling. And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.                                     I Cor 2:1-5

`Simple steps to help you break out of your shell

1.  Every day, pray for God to prepare people's hearts and to place them in your path, and to give you the right words to say, and to give you boldness, and so on.

o  Even the apostles wanted prayer for sharing the Gospel boldly and clearly! (e.g. Acts 4:29, 2 Corinthians 10:1, Ephesians 6:19-20, Colossians 4:3-4).

2.  Practice starting a conversation with strangers (on any topic).

o  This will help you become more comfortable talking to people, if that doesn't come naturally for you.

o  Take an interest in people. Everyone has a story!

3.  Practice helping people.

o  Throughout the day, say something like, "Lord, who can we help today?" This puts you in a good frame of mind for finding opportunities to be a servant, and for helping people by sharing the Gospel (when you're ready), and it acknowledges that it's the Lord working through you.

o  Let people see your faith in action (e.g. James 2:14-18, Romans 12:16-13:1, Philippians 1:27). Actions speak louder than words, and we are the only "Bibles" that non-Christians are reading!

4.  Practice talking about God in everyday conversations.

o  You might not be ready to give a full presentation of the Gospel, but this step will help you become more comfortable switching conversations over to spiritual topics.

Ways to share the Gospel

Be sensitive to God's promptings, and step out in faith. Amazing things will happen!

People who don't go to church won't understand many religious terms, and they won't want to be preached at and overwhelmed with lots of facts and figures and Bible verses.

Share the Gospel in a gentle, humble, loving way. Don't be pushy, but instead leave them with a good impression of Christians so that they might be more open to the next person who shares the Gospel (e.g. 1 Peter 3:15-16, 2 Timothy 2:24-26, Proverbs 15:1).

If they are negative at first, calmly continue in case they soften up, but if they don't soften up then let them go.

Here are some ways to share the Gospel:

1.  Watch for openings which will help you determine if the person is unsaved, and which will help you turn conversations to spiritual topics. Here are some ideas:

o  "How's your day going? Anything I can pray for you?"

§  Even non-Christians appreciate an offer of prayer.

o  "Hi, I'm a missionary."

§  The dictionary defines a missionary as "A person who tries to convert someone else," so we're all meant to be missionaries wherever we are.

§  This fascinates people, so it's an easy, non-confrontational opening which allows you to get an idea whether they're Christian or not.

§  After Jesus gave the disciples their commission to go into all the world, they started preaching right there in Jerusalem . Our first mission field will usually be our own backyard.

오직 성령이 너희에게 임하시면 너희가 권능을 받고 예루살렘과 온 유대와 사마리아와

땅 끝까지 이르러 내 증인이 되리라 하시니라

But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Spirit is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem , and in all Judaea, and in Samaria , and unto the uttermost part of the earth.                         Acts 1:8

o  "What church do you go to?"

o  "Do you have any kind of spiritual beliefs?"

o  "Do you see yourself as a sinner in God's sight?"

o  "If you died right now, where would you go?"

o  "Do you ever wonder if your spiritual beliefs are the real thing?"

o  "Do you ever wonder if you're good enough to go to heaven?"

o  "Do you ever have any spiritual questions, but you're not sure who to ask?"

§  If the answer is yes, you can simply give them a tract or bookmark with some websites or phone numbers (see #3 below).

o  "Do you have a Christian background?"

o  "When you said, 'It's like the blind leading the blind,' did you know that's in the Bible?"

§  For lots of common expressions which are in the Bible, see my article called Modern Phrases and Expressions in the Bible.

o  Use current events as ways of turning the conversation to Christ.

§  Jesus used current events to turn the conversation to repentance (e.g. Luke 13:1-5), and Paul used local objects to initiate conversations (e.g. Acts 17:22-23), etc.

2. Make it obvious that you're a Christian.

o  Sometimes non-Christians will start up conversations with you when God has been preparing their hearts.

o  Try wearing Christian T-shirts, carrying a Christian coffee mug, carrying your Bible and reading it in public places, and so on.

o  When you make it obvious that you're a Christian, it gives you a strong incentive to act the way a Christian should!

The POWER of Attraction, to Repel, and to Surmount –

Jesus Disciples’ Anointing to make disciples.

3.  Hand out tracts or bookmarks.

o  Check your local Christian bookstore for tracts, or browse through these Google search results .

o  This is a very easy way to spread the Gospel. Simply say, "Here's a gift for you."

o  Keep tracts or bookmarks handy when you're out at stores, malls, etc., so that you can quickly grab one to give to a person.

o  Here are some articles on ways to use tracts:

§  How to Use Tracts

§  Using Gospel Tracts

§  Who, Me?

o  To make your own bookmarks, see my article called Make Your Own Evangelistic Bookmarks. The bookmarks contain websites with discipling information plus toll-free prayer/counseling phone numbers, so they're useful for Christians as well as non-Christians. Say something like,

o   "Here, let me give you one of these. Whenever you need prayer or you have spiritual questions, there are some phone numbers and websites on here, so hang on to this bookmark."

4.  Hand out Bibles.

o  Various places sell inexpensive New Testaments.

o  Put tracts or bookmarks in the Bibles.

5.  The 30-Day Experiment.

o  Good for people who want proof that God exists, which includes practically every unbeliever!

o  Say something like this,

o  "Scientists need to be honest and objective when they perform experiments, right? So try this experiment, being honest and objective. Read the Gospel of John in the Bible, like a chapter a day every day for 30 days. There are 21 chapters in the Gospel of John, so it's okay if you miss some days. Before you read each day, ask Jesus to reveal Himself to you as you read, then listen to your heart and notice Him gently drawing you!"

o  You can buy the Gospel of John for under 80 cents each at .

o  Put a tract or bookmark in the book.

o  Various authors provide testimonies of how effective this is!

6.  Share your testimony.

o  Keep it down to 3 minutes or less.

o  Talk about what your life was like before being saved, how you got saved, and what your life has been like after receiving salvation.

o  The New Testament talks about our testimony for Jesus, and sometimes unbelievers are impacted by our real-life testimony.

7.  Are you a good person?
Hell's Best Kept Secret

o  This approach uses the Ten Commandments to bypass the unbelievers' intellectual arguments, going straight to their consciences!

o  Demonstrates that Judgment Day is both inevitable and reasonable.

8.  Four Spiritual Laws
Bad News / Good News
Roman Road to Salvation

o  These are similar approaches which tend to use the following verses (or similar verses such as Ephesians 2:8-9). The idea is to have the person read these verses out loud from a booklet or Bible so that you can explain what they mean:

§  Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."

§  Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

§  Romans 5:8 "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

§  Romans 10:13 "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."

§  Romans 10:9-10 "That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved."

9.  Friendship Evangelism, Storytelling Evangelism, etc.

o  Describes a number of creative ways to share the Gospel.

Handy stories, analogies, illustrations, examples, etc.

1.  There are invisible radio signals, TV signals, etc., all around us. You can't see them, but this doesn't prove that they're not real! Similarly, you can't see God, but this doesn't prove that He's not real!

2.  You might think that God is unfair, but God is not the guilty one. We are the guilty ones. All of us have broken His laws and deserve to stand guilty before Him on Judgment Day. But He is willing to forgive us!

3.  Consider that if someone is found guilty of murder, he can get the death penalty. Just one crime can send a person to death, even if that crime happened many, many years ago! Similarly, all of the sins that you committed many, many years ago are still on your record if you haven't been forgiven by God.

4.  No other religious leader ever atoned for your sins, so no other religion can save you.

5.  Imagine that a guy murders your spouse or your child or your parent, and you go to court to see him get the death penalty. You want justice! The murderer admits that he's guilty, but he says that his good deeds should outweigh his bad deeds because he's really a good person. Then you watch in shock as the judge lets him go free! What kind of lousy judge is that? Where's the justice? So what kind of Judge would God be if He lets you go free just because you say that you're a "good person"?

6.  Are there any kinds of people that you would not allow to come into your house and live with you? Would you invite a serial killer to come stay with you? If he has done lots of "good deeds," you still wouldn't let him into your house! If you have kids, would you invite a child-molester to come live with you? It would be against your nature to let certain people come live with you, right? "Sin" is anything which is against the nature of God. God is not going to let certain people come live with Him in heaven because all sins are against His nature, such as lying, stealing, premarital sex, adultery, murder, rejecting God, and so on.

7.  People in airplanes don't put on a parachute in order to make their ride more comfortable, they put it on so that they can safely bail out when the plane is about to crash and burn. No-one gets out of this life alive, the plane of your life will crash, so you will either burn or else you can safely bail out with Jesus as your parachute. We all have trials and tribulations during this plane trip that we call life, but non-Christians have no parachute for that moment when their plane crashes and their life comes to an end.

8.  A man who was caught in the act of a serious crime was brought before a judge. Turned out that the man was the judge's long-lost son! The judge had no choice. He declared his son guilty and fined him a huge amount of money as the law required. But then he stepped down from the bench, took off his robe, and paid the fine for his son. We are all guilty of sinning against God, and therefore punishment is required. But God took the punishment for us on the cross!

Responses that unbelievers might make

Don't let the conversation get sidetracked. Keep bringing the conversation back to the unbeliever's need for salvation.

It's okay to say that you don't have all the answers!

If there is no evidence that the unbeliever is sensing any conviction from the Holy Spirit then he's not ready for the good news of the cross. Conviction and conversion are not your responsibility, so politely let him go.

1.  "I don't believe in God."

o  Do you think that there might be life on other planets somewhere in the universe, but we just don't know it yet? In the same way, it is certainly possible that God exists but you just don't know it. Try the 30-day experiment.

o  What would happen if you're on the street and a huge truck is barreling towards you, and you don't believe in such a thing as a truck? The truck is really there whether or not you choose to believe it! Try the 30-day experiment.

2.  "All roads lead to God."

o  The problem with your theory is that God Himself says that Jesus is the only way. Try the 30-day experiment.

3.  "I have a lot more fun as a non-Christian."

o  For a short while, maybe. But the world's ways can't really fill that emptiness inside you. The world's ways can't give you righteousness, which you'll need on Judgment Day. Try the 30-day experiment.

4.  "I believe that Jesus was a moral man and a great teacher."

o  [For some suggestions on how to answer this, see my article called Was Jesus Just A Great Teacher?]

5.  "You're trying to lay a guilt trip on me!"

o  Which one of God's commands makes you feel guilty? Try the 30-day experiment.

6.  "Faith is for the weak-minded."

o  Try to live for an entire day without putting faith in anything. When your alarm clock goes off in the morning, don't have faith that it's set to the correct time. When you eat breakfast, don't have faith that it was made in accordance with health regulations. When you sit in your chair, don't have faith that it will hold your weight. Before you turn on your TV or radio, don't have faith that there are invisible TV signals and radio signals all around you. You live by faith all day, every day. Do you think of yourself as being weak-minded? Try the 30-day experiment.

7.  "I'm not interested. I'm busy. I'm not ready."

o  I understand. Here's something that you can read later [hand him a tract or a bookmark].

8.  "Science hasn't proven the existence of God."

o  God is a spirit, so He can't be analyzed by scientific instruments. Therefore, science will never be able to prove or disprove the existence of God. Instead, God will reveal Himself to you in your heart. Since you're interested in science, try the 30-day experiment.

o  When atheists have thoroughly studied Christianity in order to disprove it, many times they ended up becoming Christians. Try Googling "atheists who became Christian".

o  If you won't believe in anything unless you see it, then how do you know you've got a brain? Since you're interested in science, try the 30-day experiment.

9.  "A loving God wouldn't send people to hell."

o  God does love us, but He is also holy and righteous, which means that He must judge us for our sins. Try the 30-day experiment.

o  He doesn't cause anyone to go to hell, but instead it's people who cause themselves to go to hell by rejecting Jesus. Try the 30-day experiment.

10.  "What about everyone who never heard of Jesus?"

o  The issue is not what will happen to them, the issue is what will happen to you? Try the 30-day experiment.

11.  "I'm a good person, I haven't sinned."

o  If we judge by the world's standard, then you're probably right. But God has a zero-tolerance policy, and according to His standard you have committed numerous sins. For example... [go through the "Are you a good person?" approach above, using the Ten Commandments]

12.  "I go to church. I grew up in a Christian home. I'm a Christian."

o  Awesome! So have you noticed yourself changing and growing? Is your relationship with Jesus improving? [Not everyone who claims to be saved is really saved. Is there any Christian fruit in their lives?]

13.  "Christians are all hypocrites."

o  If we focus on people then sure, we will see people making bad choices and committing sins and so on because God has given us free will. Christians are human, and we all have weaknesses and we all fail sometimes. But hypocrites are not the important issue, the important issue is you. Try the 30-day experiment.

14.  "The Bible is thousands of years old and full of contradictions."

o  When I was an agnostic I used to say things that I heard other agnostics saying, but I never checked for myself. Have you ever read the Bible yourself? Here's my Bible, can you show me some contradictions? [For some more suggestions on how to answer this, see my article called Is the Bible Trustworthy?]

15.  "I guess I need to wait until I'm worthy enough."

o  You'll never be worthy enough on your own. No-one is "good enough" to go to heaven. But God loves us, and He made a way for us to be forgiven! Try the 30-day experiment.

16.  "What about all the suffering in the world? I don't want anything to do with a God who allows evil to happen."

o  God has given us free will, and it's the evil in our hearts (i.e. our sin) which causes us to hate and steal and lie and kill and so on [go through the "Are you a good person?" approach above, using the Ten Commandments].

Scenarios - Using the Ten Commandments.

Practice with different audiences in mind, and pray that God will prepare their hearts:

1.  At stores, malls, restaurants, etc. (i.e. a very short amount of time with strangers)

o  Hand them a tract or a bookmark, leave a bookmark with your tip in a restaurant, etc.

2.  On airplanes, on the street, repair people in your home, etc. (i.e. a longer amount of time with strangers)

o  Share your testimony, use the "Are You a Good Person?" approach, explain the 30-day experiment, etc.

3.  Relatives, neighbors, co-workers (i.e. long-term relationships)

o  Be a servant and model Christ, and use some of the above approaches when the time seems right.

4.  Teens and kids

o  For some tracts, websites, videos, etc., for kids and teens, see these Google search results .

5.  Sharing the Gospel over the Internet

o  Here are some websites, videos, etc., that you can email to people:

§  Videos of on-the-street witnessing

§  Are you a good person?

§  Why Become A Christian?

6.  Sharing the Gospel with people of other spiritual beliefs

o has lots of information on cults and other religions.

  - from Layhands Evangelism.

몸은 죽여도 영혼은 능히 죽이지 못하는 자들을 두려워하지 말고 오직 몸과 영혼을 능히

지옥에 멸하시는 자를 두려워하라

And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.              Mt 10:28

[유 1:23-유 1:25]

(23)또 어떤 자를 불에서 끌어내어 구원하라 또 어떤 자를 그 육체로 더럽힌 옷이라도 싫어하여 두려움으로 긍휼히 여기라  

(23)And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.

(24)능히 너희를 보호하사 거침이 없게 하시고 너희로 그 영광 앞에 흠이 없이 즐거움으로 서게 하실 자  (25)곧 우리 구주 홀로 하나이신 하나님께 우리 주 예수 그리스도로 말미암아 영광과 위엄과 권력과 권세가 만고 전부터 이제와 세세에 있을지어다 아멘

(24)Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, (25)To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.                                          Jude 1:23-25

May the Lord bless you as you go out and obey the Great Commission to win the souls!

JD-Class/Pastor P.K.     How to Be Effective in Evangelism


바울의 전도 방법

St. Pauline Evangelism


우리가 먹고 마시는 권이 없겠느냐 우리가 다른 사도들과 주의 형제들과 게바와 같이 자매 된 아내를 데리고 다닐 권이 없겠느냐 어찌 나와 바나바만 일하지 아니할 권이 없겠느냐(고전 9:4-5).

이방에 복음 전하는 자로 택함 받은 사도 바울은 그가 복음 전하면서 실천했던 헌신적 발자취를 살펴 보면서 말씀을 통해 은혜 받고자 합니다.
홀로 다녔음(고전9:5)

다른 이들처럼 동부인 하지 않고(고전7:7, 9:5, 27)
오직 주신 사명에만 충성하여(고전9:12, 14, 25, 빌3:14, 딛2:10, (딤전1:12, 빌1:21)
주의일을 위해 모두 다 받침(고전9:14, 빌1:20-21, 3:7-8)

자비량으로 일했음(살후3:8)
교회나 성도들에게 피해를 주지 않고(고전9:4, 10:24, 12:13, 살후3:8-9)
복음전도에 장애가 되지 않기를 힘씀(고전9:12, 18, 23, 롬2:6-7)
항상 자비량하고 복음을 전함(고전9:15, 행20:34-45, 고후12:15, 살전2:9)

십자가만을 전했음(고전2:2)

바울은 주님의 십자가 외의것 생각지 않음(고전1:23-24, 2:2, 히12:1-2)
바울은 자신을 십자가에 못밖았다 하였음(갈2:20, 롬6:6, 갈3:27, 5:24)
바울은 오직 십자가만을 자랑함(골2:14-15, 고전1:18, 갈6:14)

사도 바울은 주님의 복음을 전하기 위해 자신이 가지고 있던 모든 지식을 배설물 같이 버리고 오직 한 분 예수 그리스도의 영광을 위하여 전 생애를 살아간 그의 발자취를 따라가는 복음의 일꾼이 되시기를 바랍니다.

빌1:20-21, 갈6:14-17

(14)그러나 내게는 우리 주 예수 그리스도의 십자가 외에 결코 자랑할 것이 없으니 그리스도로 말미암아 세상이 나를 대하여 십자가에 못박히고 내가 또한 세상을 대하여 그러하니라

(14)But may it never be that I should boast, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.

                                                          Gal 6:14

(14) Mas lejos est/ de m@ gloriarme, sino en la cruz de nuestro Se=or Jesucristo, por el cual el mundo me es crucificado ~ m@, y yo al mundo.

(14) ejmoi; de; mh; gevnoito kauca'sqai eij mh; ejn tw'/ staurw'/ tou' kurivou hJmw'n !Ihsou'Cristou' di ou| ejmoi; kovsmo" ejstauvrwtai kajgw; tw'/ kovsmw/

전도폭발훈련의 비전은 인구폭발에 대한 하나님의 해결책으로써 교회 안에 지도자와 평신도들을 복음으로 무장시켜 한국과 전 세계에 죽어 가는 영혼들에게 복음을 전하는 것입니다.

1. 친교

전도폭발은 신자들이 자신의 인간관계망 안에서 전도를 생활화 할 수 있도록 무장시켜준다.

2. 전도

전도폭발은 우선적으로 개인전도에 초점을 맞춘다.
*복음의 내용을 배우고 효과적으로 전하는 방법을 익힐 것이다.

3. 제자훈련

전도에는 반드시 성경적 제자훈련이 뒤따라야만 한다.
제자란 지역교회에 소속하여 영적으로 성장하면서 자기책임을 다하고 다른 신자들을
제자로 삼는 교인을 가리킨다.

4. 건강한 교회성장

"전도폭발교회"는 세가지 면의 건강한 성장을 경험하게 될 것이다.
(1) 영적성장 (2) 숫자적 성장 (3) 조직적 성장

전도폭발훈련의 원래 명칭은 국제전도폭발 무장 사역(Evangelism Explosion Equipping Ministry) 이라고 부른다.

왜 국제라는 말을 쓰는가? 주님의 사역이 국제적이기 때문에 국제라는 말을 쓴다. 주님의 지상명령은 우리가 모든 나라들과 모든 족속에게 그리스도의 구원의 은혜를 전할 것을 요구한다.(마28:18-20 ; 막16:15) 다시 말하면 한 사람도 예외 없이 모든 사람에게 복음이 전파되어야 함을 의미한다.

2. 전도
여기서 전도는 복음을 선포하는 것을 의미한다. 대중집회나 강단설교를 통한 전도를 의미하지 않는다. 지역교회를 활동기지로 삼고 전개해 나가는 개인전도를 의미한다.

3. 폭발
폭발이란 말은 폭탄에 의한 파괴를 의미하지 않는다. 이 말은 배가라는 말과 통하는 말로서 세계 인구에게 복음을 전할 전도자의 수를 기하급수적으로 배가시키는 하나님의 능력을 의미한다.

4. 무장
전도폭발훈련은 단순히 영혼 하나 데리고 오는 전도자 하나를 훈련시키는 것이 아니다. 영혼을 건지는 사람을 가르칠 훈련자를 무장시키는 것을 더욱 중요시하고 있다. 그러므로 무장은 교실 수업만 가지고 할 수 없다. 복음제시 내용을 전부 암기하게 하고, 반드시 전도현장실습을 병행하며, 언제라도 툭치면 복음제시가 튀어나올 수 있는 사람으로 훈련과 무장을 시킨다.

5. 사역
전도폭발훈련은 단순히 교회의 어떤 한 프로그램을 이수하는 훈련이 아니다. 이 훈련은 교실에서 전도하는 방법을 매주 훈련을 받을 뿐만이 아니라 직접 불신자를 향해 나가는 실제 현장 사역이다.

전도폭발 무장사역은 초교파적인 사역이기 때문에 다음과 같은 신조와 원리를 가지고 훈련하고 있다. 이 신조와 원리들은 전도폭발 복음제시 전체 내용 속에 그대로 스며들어 있다.

1. 성경은 영감으로 기록된 하나님의 말씀으로써 정확무오하며 절대적 권위가 있다.

2. 하나님은 오직 한 분뿐이시며 영원히 성부와 성자와 성령의 삼위로 존재한다.

3. 우리 주 예수 그리스도는 한 인격 안에 계시는 참 하나님이신 동시에 참 인간이시다.
그는 동정녀에게서 탄생하셨고, 죄 없는 생애를 사셨고, 이적을 행하셨으며, 그의 흘리신 피와
죽음을 통해서 죄를 대속하셨다. 그는 죽은 자 가운데서 육체로 부활하셨고, 승천하셔서 성부
하나님의 보좌 우편에 앉아 계시며 권능과 영광으로 친히 재림하실 것이다.

4. 잃어버린 죄인의 구원을 위해서는 성령으로 거듭나는 일(중생)이 절대적으로 필요하다.

5. 영생은 믿음, 곧 자기의 구원을 위하여 오직 예수 그리스도만을 신뢰하는 참 믿음으로써만 받는다.

6. 성령께서는 모든 참 신자들 안에 거하시며 그들로 하여금 경건한 삶을 살 수 있게 해주신다.

7. 구원을 받은 자들과 잃어버린 자들이 다 같이 죽음에서 부활하게 될 것이나, 구원을 받은 자들 은 생명의 부활에 들어가고 잃어버린 자들은 심판의 부활에 들어가게 될 것이다.

8. 지역교회는 하나님이 세우신 기관으로서 세상에 나아가 전도활동을 벌이기 위한 일차적인 전도 기지이다.

9. 모든 참 신자는 만민에게 복음을 전파하고 또한 모든 족속으로 제자를 삼으라하신 그리스도 의 명령을 받은 사람들이다.

10. 경험이 부족한 전도자는 전도훈련 그룹에 참여하여 좀더 경험이 많은 전도자가 인도하는 실제 전도상황에서 현장실습에 참여할 때 가장 효과적으로 복음을 전할 수 있게 된다.
[눅 19:10-눅 19:10]

(10)인자의 온 것은 잃어버린 자를 찾아 구원하려 함이니라  

(10)For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.

                                                        Luke 19:10

(10) Porque el Hijo del hombre vino ~ buscar y ~ salvar lo que se hab@a perdido.

h\lqen ga;r oJ uiJo;" tou' ajnqrwvpou zhth'sai kai; sw'sai to; ajpolwlov"  

전도와 죽음에 관하여

지금까지 이 지구 위에 살다간
모든 사람이 100명이라고 한다면....
어제까지 99명이 죽었고,
오늘 죽어 가는 사람이 바로 당신과 나 입니다.

이 세상에서 나에게 일어 날 수 있는 일 중에서
죽음보다 더 확실하고, 실재적인 것은 없습니다.

죽음은 때와 장소를 가리지 않으며....
죽음은 나이를 따지지 않으며....
죽음은 당신이 앞으로 어떻게 살 것을 묻지 않습니다.

그러므로 죽음은....
우리가 살아있는 이 현실보다
더 확실한 현실입니다.

하나님께서 성경에 기록하시기를....
죽음은 죄의 결과로
모든 사람에게 반드시 닥칠 것을
엄숙히 선고한 다음,

그 다음에는 “심판이 있으리라” 말씀합니다.
(히브리서 9장 27절에...)

그러므로, 사람에게는
언제 죽음을 맞이해도
두렵지 않고, 천국에 들어 갈 수 있도록
준비를 해 놓고 사는 일이
가장 시급한 일입니다.

그 방법이 없는 것도 아닌데....
우리는 너무 눈앞의 일에만 급급하여....
잠시후면 자신에게 확실하게 일어날 현실을 무시하고 삽니다.

이미 많은 사람들이
죽음을 언제 맞이해도 당황하지 않고
죽음 이후에 맞이할 더 행복한 삶을
준비를 해놓고 삽니다.

그렇게 준비된 삶을 살자고....
이 편지를 보냅니다.

"하나님이 세상을 이처럼 사랑하사
독생자를 주셨으니
이는 저를 믿는 자마다 멸망치 않고
영생을 얻게 하려 하심이니라

하나님이 그 아들을 세상에 보내신 것은
세상을 심판하려 하심이 아니요
저로 말미암아 세상이 구원을 받게 하려 하심이라“
(요한복음 3장16,17절 말씀에...)
                         -  from

성경의 전도의 사례들

성경에서도 전도했던 많은 사람들이 나옵니다.

예를 들어 볼까요?

예수님의 전도를 보시겠습니다.

마태복음 4:17
이때부터 예수께서 비로소 전파하여 가라사대 회개하라 천국이 가까왔느니라 하시더라

빌립의 전도를 볼까요?

요한복음 1:46
나다나엘이 가로되 나사렛에서 무슨 선한 것이 날 수 있느냐 빌립이 가로되 와 보라 하니라

요나의 전도는요?

요나 3:4
요나가 그 성에 들어가며 곧 하룻길을 행하며 외쳐 가로되 사십일이 지나면 니느웨가 무너지리라 하였더니 별것 없지요?^^

그런데도, 많은 무리가 예수님을 믿었으며 복음이 충만히 임했고

나다나엘도 예수님의 좋은 제자가 되었으며

니느웨는 왕에서 부터 백성까지 모두 금식하며 회개했습니다.

여기에 구원에 대한 성경말씀을 들려주도록 하세요.

말씀 자체에 살았고 운동력이 있어 큰 역사가 일어납니다.

이는전도하는 이는 사람이지만

역사하시는 분은 하나님 이시기에 그렇습니다.

Why winning the soul in Japan is difficult ?

일본인 전도 어려운 이유, ‘和’ 중심 사고방식 때문

“일본인 전도위한 복음적 관점 명시해야”
오쿠야마 목사
‘에딘버러 100주년 기념 동경2010 대회’가 순조롭게 셋째날을 맞이한 가운데 대회장인 오쿠야마 미노루 목사(일본민족총복음화운동협의회 총재)가 오전 주제강연을 통해 ‘전형적인 일본인 전도를 위해 어떤 복음 전도적 관점을 가져야 하는지’에 대해 강의했다.

오쿠야마 목사는 ‘일본인을 향한 도전들: 불교, 신도교 그리고 그 외의 것들’이란 제목으로 전한 메시지에서 “저는 그리스도인이 되기 전 불교도이자 신도교도였다”는 말로 말문을 연 그는 자신의 경우처럼 “일본인들은 동시에 두 개의 종교를 믿는다는 점에서 저는 전형적인 일본인이었다”며 ‘일본인 전도의 어려움과 그 이유’를 전했다.

일본인 전도의 어려움과 이유그는 “일본 사람들은 표면상으로 너무나 쉽게 그리스도인이 되는 것 같지만, 실상 그들의 영혼을 얻기란 대단히 어렵다”며 “일본인 전도의 어려움은 교회 성장 세미나나 셀그룹 등 복음전도 방법론 때문이 아니다”고 단언했다.

그는 또 “일본인 목사나 선교사들의 자질에 문제가 있어서도 아니다”며 “일본교회에 그리스도인이 적은 이유는 바로 일본인 자신에게 있는데, 바로 인간관계를 중요시하는 일본인들의 사고방식 때문”이라고 말했다.

예를 들어 NHK가 매우 평범하고 일반적인 일본인들만을 의도적으로 선택해 설문조사를 실시한 결과, 놀랍게도 70%나 되는 사람들이 가장 희망하는 종교를 기독교로 꼽을 정도로 일본인들은 기독교가 바람직한 종교임을 인식하고 있다. 그럼에도 교회에 가지 않는 이유는 그들의 가족과 이웃과의 관계를 중요하시는 조화사상(‘和’) 때문이라는 것이다.

‘和’ 중심의 사고방식의 배경은 ‘불교’
이런 ‘화(和)’ 중심의 사고방식이 형성된 배경에는 바로 불교가 있다고 그는 설명했다. 일본의 불교에서 심대한 영향을 끼친 쇼꾸타이시(AD 574-622)가 너무나 ‘和’ 를 강조한 나머지 ‘和’ 정신이 일본인들의 마음 가운데 깊게 파고들었고, 지금까지 영향을 끼치고 있다는 논리다.

그로 인해 일본은 인간관계보다 진리를 더 중요시하는 한국·중국과는 다른 사고방식을 형성했고, 결과적으로 일본인 사회 안에서 조화를 깨는 자들은 옳고 그름에 관계없이 나쁜 사람이 된다. 자동적으로 절대주의는 외면되고 상대주의가 높이 평가되는 것이다.

또 그는 “일본 기독교 안에서도 ‘和’ 를 중시하는 경향이 있다”며, 그 예로 “복음주의와 오순절주의의 장벽을 넘어 초교파적인 교제를 갖는 것이 불가능한 이유가 바로 ‘和’ 에 있다”고 분석했다. 복음주의 진영에 속한 목회자들이 장벽을 넘어서는 시도를 하면, 혐오스럽고 조화를 깨는 사람으로 낙인찍힌다는 것이다.

그는 “이처럼 일본인 대다수는 진리보다 인간관계가 중요하고, 이 점은 바로 많은 일본인들이 복음을 받아들이기 힘든 이유”라며 “중국인과 한국인은 인간관계보다 진리를 더 중요하게 여기기 때문에 많은 그리스도인들이 있을 수 있다. 기독교는 진리이기 때문”이라고 덧붙였다.

그는 “인류학자들은 일본은 ‘인간관계 중심사회’이고 중국, 한국은 ‘원리 중심사회’라고 말한다”며 “인간관계 중심사회에 사는 사람들은 원리 없이도 삶을 영위할 수 있지만, 원리 중심사회에서는 원리나 진리 없이 삶을 지속할 수 없다”고 말했다.

일본의 신또
신또에 대해서는 “원래 일본 종교이지만, 매우 복잡하고 완전히 다신교이며 매우 애니미스틱 해서 산이나 강, 동물, 심지어 사람이나 여우, 뱀 따위를 섬기기도 한다”며 “많은 신도교 전문가들에 따르면 신도는 원래 다신교가 아니라 일신교로 시작됐지만, 후손들에게 일신교 사상을 심어주는 데 실패하고 지금은 애니미즘에 완전히 정복당해 일본인들이 복음을 받아들이는데 걸림돌이 되고 있다”고 말했다.

메시지를 마치며 그는 일본의 이런 정황 속에서도 “복음의 씨앗은 생명력과 힘을 갖고 있으며, 결코 땅에 헛되이 떨어지지 않는다는 것을 알아야 한다”고 강조하고, “우리의 할 일(복음전도)을 지속적으로 해 나가야 한다”고 역설했다.

특히 “어떤 나라든 어떤 선교지든 우리는 예수님의 명령에 단지 순종할 뿐이다. 온 천하에 복음을 전하는 것이 왜 그토록 중요한가. 그 이유는 바로 세계의 마지막(마 24:14), 즉 종말과 직결되기 때문”이라며 “그것은 세계 선교에 대한 우리 과업의 성취를 말하고, 옥토 같은 선교지든 황무지든 천하에 복음을 전해야 하는 이유”라고 전했다.                                        ( - from 강성현 )

[마 24:14-마 24:16]

(14)이 천국 복음이 모든 민족에게 증거되기 위하여 온 세상에 전파되리니 그제야 끝이 오리라  

(14)And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

(14) Y ser~ predicado este evangelio del reino en todo el mundo, por testimonio ~ todos los Gentiles; y entonces vendr~ el fin.

kai; khrucqhvsetai tou'to to; eujaggevlion th'" basileiva" ejn o{lh/ th'/ oijkoumevnh/ eij" martuvrion pa'sin toi'" e[qnesin kai; tovte h{xei to; tevlo"


(15)그러므로 너희가 선지자 다니엘의 말한바 멸망의 가증한 것이 거룩한 곳에 선 것을 보거든(읽는 자는 깨달을진저) (16)그 때에 유대에 있는 자들은 산으로 도망할지어다

(15)When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)  (16)Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:  

                                                   Mt 24:14-16
[딤후 4:1-딤후 4:8]

(1)하나님 앞과 산 자와 죽은 자를 심판하실 그리스도 예수 앞에서 그의 나타나실 것과 그의 나라를 두고 엄히 명하노니    (2)너는 말씀을 전파하라 때를 얻든지 못 얻든지 항상 힘쓰라 범사에 오래 참음과 가르침으로 경책하며 경계하며 권하라

(1)I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; (2)Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.

(3)때가 이르리니 사람이 바른 교훈을 받지 아니하며 귀가 가려워서 자기의 사욕을 좇을 스승을 많이 두고  (4)또 그 귀를 진리에서 돌이켜 허탄한 이야기를 좇으리라 (3)For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;  

(4)And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.  

(5)그러나 너는 모든 일에 근신하여 고난을 받으며 전도인의 일을 하며 네 직무를 다하라  (6)관제와 같이 벌써 내가 부음이 되고 나의 떠날 기약이 가까왔도다

(5)But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry (6)For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand.

(7)내가 선한 싸움을 싸우고 나의 달려갈 길을 마치고 믿음을 지켰으니  (8)이제 후로는 나를 위하여 의의 면류관이 예비되었으므로 주 곧 의로우신 재판장이 그 날에 내게 주실 것이니 내게만 아니라 주의 나타나심을 사모하는 모든 자에게니라 (7)I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:

(8)Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.                       II Tim 4:1-2

JD-Class/Pastor P.K.    How to Be Effective in Evangelism – II


Words & Music: Robert Lowry (1826-1899) 나의 죄를씻기는

                                    What can wash away my sin?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.


Oh! precious is the flow
That makes me white as snow;
No other fount I know,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

2.For my pardon, this I see,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
For my cleansing this my plea,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.           Refrain

3.Nothing can for sin atone,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
Naught of good that I have done,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.            Refrain
4.This is all my hope and peace,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
This is all my righteousness,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.


5.Now by this I’ll overcome—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus,
Now by this I’ll reach my home—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.


6.Glory! Glory! This I sing—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus,
All my praise for this I bring—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.


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