2010.10.06 09:43

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Los Angeles– Jesus Cross Marching 2010

I.Sept 22(Wed), 2010 – L.A. & Hollywood Surrounding

2010년 – 로스 안젤레스 -십자가 대행진 -집결 장소

(18)십자가의 도가 멸망하는 자들에게는 미련한 것이요 구원을 얻는 우리에게는 하나님의 능력이라  (18)For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.                           I Cor 1:18

L.A. Hollywood – “ELIJAH & 7000” - Jesus Cross Marching Depot

         Sept 22(Wed) 10:00am -2:00pm - 집결 장소

★ 오전 First Baptist Church, 10:00am , Hollywood ★

6682 Shelma Ave, Hollywood, CA 90028 ( at Las Palmas St.

- One block East from Highland Ave. on Hollywood Bl.)

  헐리웃 제일 침례 교회 -십자가 대행진 집결 장소 –10:00am
★ (** Come to Hollywood Bl. & Highland Ave. –Kodak Theater★

이상의 집결 장소에  22일(수) 10:00am 까지 집결하여 십자가 행진합니다



II. Los Angeles Gloria 2010 Praise Celebrations

(1) 9/20(월) 오후 7:30 집회

                       장소:미주평안 교회, 설교: 이상남 목사 ,송정명목사 담임

       (2)9/21(화) 오후 7:30 집회

장소: 로스엔젤스침례교회, 박성근목사 담임

      (3)9/22(수) 오후 7:30 집회

장소: 세계등대교회, 설교: 박희민 목사,이상남 목사 담임

      (4)9/21(화) 오전 11시부터-오후1시까지: 소중한사람들주관

            L.A Skid Row 형제들을 위한 찬양집회(Union Rescue Mission Center)

                                   설교: 변용진목사, God's Image 협찬







Los Angeles 지역 2010년 – 8-9월 주요 중보 기도 List  



California 지역의 영권에 – 성령님의 능력으로 - 미가엘 군대의 엘샤다이 승리를 위해

          - 영적 Warrior,  Watchman,  (A)Waker,  Winner 예수 이름으로



신랑 예수 맞이하는 – 신부의 단장(Adornment)과 신부의 무장(Full Armor)

Glorious, Pure, Holy, & Blameless bride 와

성령의 검(말씀) 과 성령의 도고와 간구 기도



그리스도의 장성한 분량 ( Full maturity of Christ-likeness) 형상 –

인격 -  거룩,   진리,   사랑,   겸손 충만;

훈련  -  절대 순종,  절대 믿음,  절대 인내,  절대 겸손



섬기는 교회와 가정에 – 회개의 열매,  성령의 –사랑, 기쁨, 평강-의 열매,

                          전도와 제자 삼음의 열매 – 첫째는 사랑 - First Love in Christ


V **

California 연방 고등 법원에서 Proposition 8이 다시 승리하여 –결혼의 신성회복

-       결혼은 오직 한 남성과 한 여성으로 정의 된다  (No Gay-lesbians)


VI **

오는 Nov 2, 2010 중간 선거에서 7명의 성서 중심의(R) 연방하원과 11명 이상의  연방상원(R)이 선출 되어 - 향후 Verichip 및 Death Panels등에 수정 법으로 chip으로 부터 성도와 자녀들를 보호 하도록  (**HR경우 – 219-212하원; 60-39상원 통과)



Jesus Cross 2010 Marching -

9월 14일(화) –Elijah & 7000, NYC      9월 18일(토) – Elijah & 7000, DC-MD

9월 22일(수) –Elijah & 7000, L.A. Hollywood - 엘리야와 7000 십자가 대행진


Gloria 성악단과 김대웅 목사님 – 성령 충만과 건강 위하여


선교기도           김수정 캄보디아   선교사, 박철현  말레시아  선교사

-       인관일  미얀마    선교사, 최재관  코스타리카 선교사 외

-       이귀범 선교사님과 북한 선교와 통일을  위한 기도


치유기도 -장미애집사 -  암에서 승리하여 계속 전도인 되도록, 윤권사님 – 암수술후 회복과 더욱 강건하시도록, 엄 Soren군의 자폐증에서의 승리를 위하여 ; 김피터 목사님 계속 암의 진통에서 승리 - 9/15New York, 9/16 Washington 집회를 위해 기도 –


성령 충만과 건강 - 7순-8순의 권사님들 – 백권사님, 이권사님, 고권사님, 장권사님,

                  임권사님, 윤권사님  외

헐리웃 사역 & Homeless사역과 소피아 박 목사님 –

횃불 기도원과 영적 부흥 과 전인 치유 등


(딤전 1:19) 믿음과 착한 양심을 가지라 어떤 이들이 이 양심을 버렸고 그 믿음에 관하여는 파선하였느니라…






Words: Fan­ny Cros­by, 1875,  Music: W. How­ard Doane

1. To God be the glory, great things He has done;
So loved He the world that He gave us His Son,
Who yielded His life an atonement for sin,
And opened the life gate that all may go in.


Praise the Lord, praise the Lord,
Let the earth hear His voice!
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord,
Let the people rejoice!
O come to the Father, through Jesus the Son,
And give Him the glory, great things He has done.

2. O perfect redemption, the purchase of blood,
To every believer the promise of God;
The vilest offender who truly believes,
That moment from Jesus a pardon receives.


3. Great things He has taught us, great things He has done,
And great our rejoicing through Jesus the Son;
But purer, and higher, and greater will be
Our wonder, our transport, when Jesus we see.


And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness                                                           Acts 4:31



JC Marching & Importance of Holiness

예수 십자가 행진과 거룩의 회복

School of Jesus Disciples    …             Eph 4:2-3

743 S. Grandview St. L.A. CA 90057     Tel. (213)484-2795 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              Pastor P.K.

Every Sunday 3:30 pm         JD-class       Email: peterkim123@sbcglobal.net  

“그러나 너는 모든 일에 근신하여 고난을 받으며 전도인의 일을 하며 네 직무를 다하라”

But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.                                                                       II Tim 4:5



Devotional to JDs,

거룩에 관한 가르침-(Part-VI)


Rev. Benjamin T. Roberts, A. M.

Benson H. Roberts – Editor & compiler
Benson Howard Roberts was the son of Rev. Benjamin Titus Roberts. From 1860 to his death in 1893 Benjamin Roberts edited and published The Earnest Christian, an independent family magazine similar in character but, some would say, journalistically superior to the more widely known Guide to Holiness.

Following the death of the Benjamin in 1893, Benson compiled from his father's editorial writings, which had extended across a third of a century, a book with the title Holiness Teachings.

(4)이는 주께서 그 심판하는 영과 소멸하는 영으로 시온의 딸들의 더러움을 씻으시며 예루살렘의 피를 그 중에서 청결케 하실 때가 됨이라  (4)When the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and shall have purged the blood of Jerusalem from the midst thereof by the spirit of judgment, and by the spirit of burning.                            Isa 4:4  

(4) Cuando el Se=or lavare las inmundicias de las hijas de Si#n, y limpiare las sangres de Jerusalem de en medio de ella, con esp@ritu de juicio y con esp@ritu de ardimiento.



PART –VI (제 6부)


Ch 19.  How Holiness is Obtained.

거룩의 소유의 길

We use the word sanctified in this chapter, in its fullest sense, as equivalent to sanctified wholly.

Determination is the first great essential to being sanctified to God. No matter how deeply one’s feelings may be wrought upon, he will not go through, unless he is fully decided to be holy, and to lead a holy life.

This decision must be an independent one. It will not do to have any secret reservation. Many profess holiness as long as they have a preacher that preaches holiness. Then, if they get another pastor, who preaches publicly in a Christian pulpit, but worships secretly at the altars of Baal, or the shrine of fashion, they will follow their preacher wherever he leads. No one, while thus undecided, can ever obtain true holiness. There must be the decision of Joshua.


“But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”—Josh. 24:15

Others may make an opposite choice; I may grieve over the wrong choice they make, but This decision must be self-sacrificing. He who will be holy while it is popular, or profitable, will never become holy at all. The very essence of holiness is the extinction of selfishness. It requires just as much of the martyr spirit to be a holy man or woman today, as it did in the days when they exposed holy men and women to be torn in pieces by wild beasts, or chained them to the stake to be burned.

The spirit of persecution is not dead. The old antagonism between sin and holiness still remains. Christ and Belial sustain no more friendly relations to each other than they did in the days of the apostle. It is still true that


“Whosoever will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.” Jas. 4:4.  

There must be a willingness to encounter its hostility, to endure the worst that it can inflict upon us. In the 14th chapter of St. Luke are recorded several illustrations which our Lord uses to show the necessity of counting the cost, by all who would be His disciples. “So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple.”


If, then, you would obtain true holiness, you must count it of more value, not only than any one thing; but more than all things else. Things that were the greatest sources of joy to you must be abandoned if they stand in the way of living a holy life.

To obtain holiness we must sanctify ourselves. This is the Lord’s order as laid down in both the Old and the New Testament. He who prays for a harvest, must, if he would not mock God, prepare his ground, and sow, and till, and guard against destructive forces, in a proper manner. So he who would be holy, must break up the fallow ground of his heart, and sow to himself in righteousness.

To secure spiritual results, it is just as necessary to meet the conditions which God has established, as it is to meet physical conditions to secure desired material results. The laws of the spiritual kingdom are as inflexible as those of the vegetable kingdom. No amount of faith, or of praying, can take the place of the work which God requires us to do. We must show our faith by our works.


             하나님은 그의 신부에게  절대적  성결을 요구 하신다

See how explicit are the directions which God gives to those who would be holy.


“For I am the Lord your God: ye shall therefore sanctify yourselves, and ye shall be holy.”—Lev. 11:44. “Sanctify yourselves, therefore, and be ye holy: for I am the Lord your God.”—Lev. 20:7.

“And let the priests also, which come near to the Lord, sanctify themselves, lest the Lord break forth upon them.”—Ex. 19:22.


[출 19:22-출 19:22]

(22)또 여호와께 가까이 하는 제사장들로 그 몸을 성결히 하게 하라 나 여호와가 그들을 돌격할까 하노라  (22)And let the priests also, which come near to the LORD, sanctify themselves, lest the LORD break forth upon them.       Ex 19:22

(22) Y tambi/n los sacerdotes que se llegan ~ Jehov~, se santifiquen, porque Jehov~ no haga en ellos estrago.

(22) hw:hy_ !h,B; $rop]yIA@P, WvD;q't]yI hw:hy_Ala, !yviG:NIh' !ynIh}Koh' !g"w_

These passages teach that we must separate ourselves from every thing that is impure; and set ourselves apart for holy purposes, and God will make us holy. But our part of the work must be done first. All that is necessary for God to do to enable us to do our part, he does in advance. God works in us to will and to do, but he can go no farther towards making us saints, unless we work out our own salvation as He works within us, by His blessed Spirit. We are to go to the extent of our ability before we have any right to expect supernatural aid.


Holiness is a voluntary state. A man is not a machine. His freedom of will alone renders him capable of holiness. The New Testament teaching is to the same effect.


“Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.”—II Cor. 7:1.  

Here is taught the second blessing. They are “dearly beloved;” that is, real Christians. They already were holy in part. “Perfecting holiness” implies that the work of holiness was already begun in them. Especially notice the part enjoined upon us in this passage. We are to “cleanse ourselves.” We must not ask the Lord to do what we can do.


“But the proud he knoweth afar off.”—Ps. 138:6.  

We can lay aside all its outward manifestations, and then, with confidence ask God to take the unholy disposition from our hearts.

Again the apostle says,

“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.”—Rom. 12:1.

Here again, we have the second blessing. They were already brethren. But in order to prove that “this is the will of God, even your sanctification,” we are entreated to “present our bodies a living sacrifice.”

This implies a consecration of every thing, even our lives, to the service of God. All our powers are to be employed as He directs. If our bodies are given to God, they must be fed and clothed and used for Him. We cannot follow the fashions of the world in any particular in which they conflict with the plain directions that God has given. We must be directed by God in our business, and in all the affairs of life.

To obtain entire sanctification we must confess our inbred sins, our sinful dispositions, which to a greater or less extent remain after one is truly sanctified to God.


“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”—1 Jon. 1:9.

That is, if we confess the sins we have committed, God is faithful to forgive us; for He has promised to do it. If we confess our inbred sins He is faithful to cleanse us from them from all unrighteousness. This is what Mr. Wesley means by the “Repentance of believers.” “The repentance consequent upon justification, is widely different from that which is antecedent to it. This implies no guilt, no sense of condemnation, no consciousness of the wrath of God. It does not suppose any doubt of the favor of God or any ‘fear that hath torment.’ It is properly a conviction, wrought by the Holy Ghost, of the sin which still remains in our heart; of the “phronema sarkos,” carnal mind, which does still remain (as our church speaks) even in them that are regenerate; although it does no longer reign; it has not now dominion over them.


It is a conviction of our proneness to evil, of a heart bent to backsliding, of the still continuing tendency of the flesh to lust against the Spirit. Sometimes, unless we continually watch and pray, it lusteth to pride, sometimes to anger, sometimes to love of the world, love of ease, love of honor or love of pleasure more than of God. It is a conviction of the tendency of our heart to self-will, to atheism or idolatry, and, above all, to unbelief, whereby, in a thousand ways, and under a thousand pretenses, we are ever departing, more or less, from the living God.”

To be sanctified wholly we must trust implicitly in God, through the merits of Jesus Christ to do the work now. Just as long as we put it off in the future, just so long the work will be delayed. A belief that it will be done sometime will not bring the blessing. Nor will the faith that saves spring up of itself, if we meet all the other conditions. It is an active trust that must be voluntarily, consciously exercised. “But what is the faith whereby we are sanctified saved from sin and perfected in love? It is a divine evidence and conviction, first, that God hath promised it in the Holy Scripture.


             하나님은 현재 시제로  거룩을 인도하시고 요구하신다

Secondly. It is a divine evidence and conviction that what God hath promised He is able to perform. It is thirdly, a divine evidence and conviction that He is able and willing to do it now. And why not? Is not a moment to Him the same as a thousand years? He cannot want more time to accomplish whatever is His will.”

Again: “Certainly you may look for it now, if you believe it is by faith, and by this token you may surely know whether you seek it by faith or by works. If by works, you want something to be done first, before you are sanctified. You think, I must first be or do thus or thus. Then you are seeking it by works unto this day. If you seek it by faith, you may expect it as you are; and if as you are, then expect it now.”


Ch 20. How Holiness is Retained.

            거룩의 회복

It is not necessary to teach us how to lose our health. Works on Hygiene do not attempt to do that. A simple neglect of the laws of health will bring on disorder, disease, and finally death. To become a confirmed dyspeptic one does not need to commit some striking and willful act of disobedience to the laws of our physical being. Many a person has lost his health without being able to tell how he lost it.

So the Bible does not teach us how to lose holiness. It gives us very explicit directions how to keep it. We give a few.


“The Lord make you to increase and abound in love one toward another, and toward all men even as we do toward you: to the end he may stablish your hearts unblameable in holiness before God, even our Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his saints.”—I Thess. 3:12, 13.


“If ye do these things ye shall never fall, for so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.”—II Peter 1:10, 11. “Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last times.”—I Peter 1:5

Notice, in each of these passages there is something spoken of for us to do if we would keep holiness and get through to Heaven. In the first, we are told that we must “increase and abound in love one toward another and toward all men.” What we had when we were converted, or when we were sanctified wholly is not sufficient. It is not enough that we grow in knowledge; there must be a marked increase in love. We must abound in it—not merely toward those who love us, but toward “all men.”

In the second passage we are directed to do certain things. By reference to the preceding verses we shall find that the “things to be done” in order that we may “never fail,” are Christian graces to be added to the beginnings of these graces received when we were converted and when we were sanctified wholly.

Some lakes and inland seas are without outlets; but none are without inlets. Insensible evaporation would soon dry up the largest of them, if its waters were not receiving a constant addition. The sturdiest tree would soon die if it could derive no nourishment from earth or air. So no matter how much grace a person received when he was converted, and how great an increase was realized when he was sanctified wholly, if he does not go on in his experience and grow in grace he will become dry and unfruitful, spiritually dead, and insensible to his condition.

His outward conduct may be without reproach, but his power is gone. To keep a house in good order repairs must be made as need requires; to keep wealth one must be acquiring wealth; to keep learning one must be adding to his store of learning, and to keep holiness one must be steadily “perfecting holiness in the fear of the Lord.”

In the third passage quoted, we are taught that it is the power of God that keeps us. This is frequently stated in the Scriptures.


“Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy.”—Jude 24.  

God’s power is adequate to carry us safely through any emergency that can possibly arise. However numerous and strong may be our enemies, God can easily overcome them. Whatever difficulties may stand in our way He can remove them. If a sea lies in our path He can open a passage through it. If a mountain would stop our progress He can give us wings like an eagle and enable us to soar above it. In the furnace He can keep us. In the desert He can feed us. Nothing is too great or too hard for the power of God. It is almighty. He who is kept by the power of God is kept in safety.

He is willing, nay anxious to keep us all. He is just as ready to keep one as another. Then why are not all kept? The reason is found in us, and not in God. We are kept through faith. This faith is a voluntary trust on our part. One is kept, because he, of his own free will, exercises faith in God. Another doubts, and thus severs his union with God, and he in consequence falls into darkness and at last into sin.

There are many passages of Scripture which teach that we are kept by the infinite love and power of God. But, like those we have considered, they imply or express conditions which we are to meet. These conditions are important. If we meet them, we keep the grace which God has given us. If we fail to meet them then we lose the blessing of holiness. Many lose it in this way without knowing it.

This was the case with the minister of the church of Ephesus. He was so active, so patient, so orthodox, and so zealous for the purity of the church that he had not the slightest idea that he had met with any serious loss. His zeal against evil-doers and false teachers, had taken the place of the tender love he had in other days. He considered himself radical, and uncompromising, and established in the faith. But Christ pronounced him fallen.


Reader, have you had a clear experience of being sanctified wholly? If not, then seek it at once. You cannot afford to live another day without it.

If you have obtained this blessing are you keeping it, clear and fresh? You may keep up the profession. Many do, long after they have lost the blessing. There may be nothing particularly amiss in their conduct or conversation, but they do not bring forth the fruits of holiness. They have not its joy or its power. They lack its gentleness, its meekness, its simplicity. Their profession is based upon reasoning or habit, and not upon the direct witness of the Spirit.

Beloved, how is it with you at the present time? Are you fulfilling the conditions on which the keeping of the blessing of holiness depends? If you are not increasing and abounding in that tender, unselfish love that makes you careful of the reputation of others, and considerate of their interests and happiness; if you are reckless in your statements, and ready with damaging insinuations against those who do not agree with your opinions; or if, on the other hand, you are light and trifling, gradually conforming to the world in your conversation, in your dress, and in your business, then you have every reason to believe that you have lost the blessing of holiness.


Be honest with yourself: welcome the light, and humble yourself before God, and seek to be right with Him no matter how much of humiliation it may involve.



Ch 21. How Holiness is Lost.

               거룩의 상실

Holiness is voluntary. It is a moral state. But a moral action implies freedom of choice No one is praised or blamed, rewarded or punished, for doing that which could not possibly be avoided. But the holy are rewarded, the unholy are punished. Therefore a holy person is holy from choice.

But a voluntary state may be lost. The helm that can be turned in a right direction can also be turned in a wrong direction. The vessel that has been kept in the channel for years may at last, be run upon a rock.

One who has walked in the way of holiness for a season, may yield to temptation and turn aside. It is true that the longer one walks with God, the more securely he walks. The nearer a body moves to the sun, the stronger it is attracted towards the sun. But comets that come very near to the sun at times, finally take a turn and fly off into space. Those who get very near to the Lord are likely to press on and grow in grace; but they may fall, and get away from the Lord. David was, for years, a holy man, fully approved of the Lord; but he fell into sin. Paul was caught up into the third heaven where he saw things that language could not describe. Yet Paul was keenly alive to the fact that he might lose the grace he had received and be finally lost. His watchfulness was great and constant. He says,


“I keep under my body and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.”—I Cor. 9:27.

It is evident then, that one who has experienced the blessing of holiness, can lose it. He need not; he should not; but still he may. There is a possibility that he may fall away.


거룩한 사람도 순간적 죄에 빠질수 있으므로 전신 갑주로 무장해야한다

In what relation does one stand to God who has lost the blessing of holiness? Can one lose the blessing of entire sanctification and still retain the blessing of justification? These are important questions which should be examined carefully.

When one falls into actual sin he loses both justification and sanctification. He falls into condemnation. He is no longer a saint; he becomes a sinner. If he gets back to God, he must come confessing his sins and seeking pardon.


“Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him; let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.”—Jas. 5:19, 20.  

It is a brother who has erred. Not a false professor, but a real Christian. He is to be converted like any other sinner. If not converted, his soul is in danger of death.

Again one may lose the blessing of entire sanctification by giving way to doubts and unbelief. It is by faith we stand. Whatsoever ground we gain by faith we hold by faith. By unbelief we lose it. He who walks on the water by faith, goes down, as fear supplants his faith. One may also lose the blessing of holiness by failing to confess it. In the same degree that profession becomes indefinite, the experience becomes indefinite. Doubt lies at the bottom of this want of confession. Satan is ever ready to accuse a saint of God. But to hold his ground he must keep fully consecrated to God and confess out boldly all that God does for him.


“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony: and they loved not their lives unto the death.”—Rev. 12:11.

When one listens to the accusations of Satan and fails to bear a clear testimony of his being washed by the blood of the Lamb, he loses the blessing. The witness is gone. But he does not necessarily fall into sin. He may still be keenly alive to the fear of God. He may still watch against sin and have victory over it. He may still truly love God and faithfully endeavor to keep all His commandments. Such a person in losing the blessing of holiness has not lost his justification. He is still a child of God. He is sensible of what he has lost and strives to regain it.


[계 12:11-계 12:11]

(11)또 여러 형제가 어린 양의 피와 자기의 증거하는 말을 인하여 저를 이기었으니 그들은 죽기까지 자기 생명을 아끼지 아니하였도다  

(11)And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.   Rev 12:11

(11) Y ellos le han vencido por la sangre del Cordero, y por la palabra de su testimonio; y no han amado sus vidas hasta la muerte.

kai; aujtoi; ejnivkhsan aujto;n dia; to; ai|ma tou' ajrnivou kai; dia; to;n lovgon th'" marturiva" aujtw'n kai; oujk hjgavphsan th;n yuch;n aujtw'n a[cri qanavtou


To do this it is not necessary that he should throw up all profession of religion and begin anew. He is not unholy; but he is holy only in part. He should pray to be sanctified wholly. He should confess what he has lost. He should consecrate up to all the light that God has given him. He should exercise faith in the atoning blood to be again cleansed from all sin. He should make no delay, nor wait for some great crisis to occur—but should at once come to God to be saved to the uttermost.

Mr. Fletcher lost the blessing of holiness three times in immediate succession, by a simple failure to confess it. But he did not rest until he sought and found the grace, and was established in it.


잃어버린  거룩을 즉각 회복하도록 고백하고 돌이키라.

If you lose any degree of grace, seek to gain it at once and do not wait till you have lost more till you make a vigorous effort to regain it.


“Return unto me and I will return unto you, saith the Lord of hosts.”—Mal. 3:7.


“Can one lose the blessing of holiness without losing his justification?”

We answer this question again.

Without any degree of holiness one cannot be in a state of salvation. He who is destitute of holiness is not justified. Many appear to think that they can possess saving grace without any measure of holiness. This is a fundamental error. When God forgives, he says, with power, “Go, sin no more.” Such a change is wrought, instantaneously, in the moral nature of one whom God forgives, that from that moment he has power over his sinful appetites and passions. We must never lose sight of the great truth that


“He that committeth sin is of the devil.”—I John 3:8.  

In the popular religion of the day, this plain statement of the beloved disciple is completely disregarded. It is treated as though it were an interpolation, wholly inconsistent with the general teaching of the Word of God. But the whole tenor of the Scripture is in harmony with the teaching of St. John. There is not, when rightly understood, a contradictory passage in the Bible. St. Paul says,


“And such were some of you; but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.”—I Cor. 6:11.

Notice the order, washed, sanctified, justified. This is God’s order in saving a soul. An unwashed sinner, wallowing in his sins, is not justified. When forgiven he is sanctified, not only in the sense of consecrated—that is set apart to do God’s will—but in the sense of made holy. Not only has he sanctified himself, but he is sanctified—that is, God has sanctified him, actually made him holy. From being a sinner he has become, in an important sense, a holy man. Being thus washed, and sanctified, he is at the same time, justified,—that is forgiven—and placed in a state of acceptance with God.


하나님이 거룩으로 받으시도록 죄의용서함을 고백(회개)으로 받아야한다

But mark! It does not say sanctified wholly—entirely. He is so far sanctified that he has power over sin. He is not under the dominion of any of his former sinful appetites or habits. Sin does not have dominion over him as it once did. But he feels sinful tendencies remaining in his heart. He has, at times, to repress pride, to keep it down. He does not yield to anger, but sometimes he feels it, and suppresses it. He comes to God, confesses and bewails these inbred sins and is cleansed from them. He reads, “And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly.” He believes for it to be done in himself—and it is done. He is sanctified wholly.


Can he be kept in this state? He can.

“I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”—I Thess. 5:23.

But our being kept in this state depends upon our meeting certain conditions.

1. We must steadily believe.

“Kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation.”—I Pet. 1:5.  

2. Suitable confession.

“With the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”—Romans 10:10.

3. Obedience.

“He became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him.”—Heb. 5:9.


We see then that the blessing of holiness may be lost by doubting, by failing to confess what God has done for us, and also by actual willful disobedience. When one loses the blessing of holiness by transgression, as David did, he loses all. He is no longer justified. If he ever gets back to God it must be by repentance and confession. His prayer, in substance, must be,


“Have mercy upon me. O God, according to thy loving kindness, according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.”—Ps. 51:1, 2.  

In a case like this, when one loses holiness he loses justification. There is no controversy about this, all admit it. But when one loses the blessing of holiness by giving way to doubts and fears, under manifold temptations, the case is different. He has not willingly given up anything. The blessing is gone. He feels it—he laments it. He cries out, “O that I knew where I might find him!” When I was pastor of a church which held to the doctrine of holiness in theory, and persecuted those who enjoyed it, one of our members, a quiet, conscientious man, obtained the blessing of entire sanctification. He was as happy as he could be and continue in the body.

He testified to the blessing, with great power. But when he attended his class meeting, and his turn came to speak, the enemy, transformed as an angel of light, suggested, “If you profess the blessing of holiness, your leader will not receive it, for he does not believe the doctrine, but if you say you are very happy you will confess the truth and no opposition will be aroused.” He followed the suggestion. But he had no sooner sat down than great darkness came upon him, which lasted several months.

But all this time he was one of the most careful, conscientious Christians. He had lost the blessing of holiness, but he had not lost his justification. Then our answer to the question is, “It depends on how one loses the blessing of holiness whether he loses justification at the same time.” Sweeping declarations are seldom true. They need generally to be qualified. It is not best, unnecessarily, to discourage those who have lost some of the grace they once enjoyed.

When they are on their backs the way to recover them is not to cut off their heads. Encourage them to hold fast that which they have, and to seek for more. Do not fall into the mistake that to be faithful, you must discredit the professions of those whose lives are in harmony with their professions, because they were not saved under your labors. God has many saints that you never saw nor helped. Satan is the accuser of the brethren. Suspicion is no proof of piety. Be more ready to build up than to tear down, to lead on than to drive back.


“Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God.”—Isa. 40:1.


[벧후 3:11-벧후 3:12]

(11)이 모든 것이 이렇게 풀어지리니 너희가 어떠한 사람이 되어야 마땅하뇨 거룩한 행실과 경건함으로  (11)[Seeing] then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner [of persons] ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,  

(11) Pues como todas estas cosas han de ser deshechas, ¿qu/ tales conviene que vosotros se~is en santas y p@as conversaciones,

touvtwn ou;n pavntwn luomevnwn potapou;" dei' uJpavrcein uJma'" ejn aJgivai"

ajnastrofai'" kai; eujsebeivai"


(12)하나님의 날이 임하기를 바라보고 간절히 사모하라 그 날에 하늘이 불에 타서 풀어지고 체질이 뜨거운 불에 녹아지려니와  (12)Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?

(12)Esperando y apresur~ndoos para la venida del d@a de Dios, en el cual los cielos siendo encendidos ser~n deshechos, y los elementos siendo abrasados, se fundir~n?

prosdokw'nta" kai; speuvdonta" th;n parousivan th'" tou' qeou' hJmevra" di h~n

oujranoi; purouvmenoi luqhvsontai kai; stoicei'a kausouvmena thvketai



[벧후 3:13-벧후 3:14]

(13)우리는 그의 약속대로 의의 거하는바 새 하늘과 새 땅을 바라보도다  

(13)Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wheein dwelleth righteousness.

(13)Bien que esperamos cielos nuevos y tierra nueva, seg$n sus promesas, en los cuales mora la justicia.

kainou;" de; oujranou;" kai; gh'n kainh;n kata; to; ejpavggelma aujtou'

prosdokw'men ejn oi|" dikaiosuvnh katoikei'


(14)그러므로 사랑하는 자들아 너희가 이것을 바라보나니 주 앞에서 점도 없고 흠도 없이 평강 가운데서 나타나기를 힘쓰라  (14)Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless  II Pet 3:11-14

(14) Por lo cual, oh amados, estando en esperanza de estas cosas, procurad con diligencia que se~is hallados de /l sin m~cula, y sin reprensi#n, en paz.

Diov ajgaphtoiv tau'ta prosdokw'nte" spoudavsate a[spiloi kai; ajmwvmhtoi aujtw'/ euJreqh'nai ejn eijrhvnh/



[사 35:7]

(8)거기 대로가 있어 그 길을 거룩한 길이라 일컫는바 되리니 깨끗지 못한 자는 지나지 못하겠고 오직 구속함을 입은 자들을 위하여 있게 된 것이라 우매한 행인은 그 길을 범치 못할 것이며  

(8)And an highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called The way of holiness; the unclean shall not pass over it; but it [shall be] for those: the wayfaring men, though fools, shall not err therein. Isa 35:8

(8) Y habr~ all@ calzada y camino, y ser~ llamado Camino de Santidad; no pasar~ por /l inmundo; y habr~ para ellos en /l quien los acompa=e, de tal manera que los insensatos no yerren.


W[t]yI al| !yliywIa>w< &r,D, &leho /ml;AaWhw_ amef; WNr,b]['y"Aal| Hl; areQ;yI vd,Qoh' &r,d,w_ &r,d,w: lWls]m' !v;Ahy:h;w_




JD-Class/Pastor P.K.                    Teaching on Holiness – Part-VI


ARE YE ABLE?                            

Words: Earl B. Marlatt, 1926. Music: Beacon Hill, Harry S. Mason, 1924 1. “Are ye able,” said the Master,

“To be crucified with Me?”

“Yea,” the sturdy dreamers answered,

“To the death we follow Thee.”


Lord, we are able. Our spirits are Thine.

Remold them, make us, like Thee, divine.

Thy guiding radiance above us shall be

A beacon to God, to love and loyalty.

2. Are ye able, when the anguish

Racks your mind and heart with pain,

To forgive the souls who wrong you,

Who would make your striving vain?                       (Refrain)
3. Are ye able to remember,

When a thief lifts up his eyes,

That his pardoned soul is worthy, Of a place in paradise?


4. Are ye able when the shadows Close around you with the sod,

To believe that spirit triumphs,

To commend your soul to God?


5. Are ye able? Still the Master

Whispers down eternity,

And heroic spirits answer,

Now as then in Galilee.



El Shaddai, El Shaddai


God the Almighty

El Shaddai, El Shaddai,
El-Elyon na Adonai,
Age to age You're still the same,
By the power of the name.
El Shaddai, El Shaddai,
Erkamka na Adonai,
We will praise and lift You high,
El Shaddai.


Through the years You've made it clear,
That the time of Christ was near,
Though the people couldn't see
What Messiah ought to be.
Though Your Word contained the plan,
They just could not understand
Your most awesome work was done
Through the frailty of Your Son.


El Shaddai, El Shaddai,
El-Elyon na Adonai,
Age to age You're still the same,
By the power of the name.
El Shaddai, El Shaddai,
Erkamka na Adonai,
I will praise and lift You high,
El Shaddai.

N.B.> **

El Shaddai – God the Almighty,  El Elyon –God the Most High

Erkamka na Adonai –I’ll love you,    Na Adonai! –O Lord!  




FORWARDS - PIC -from Pastor Kang, Thanks




^*^♬실천하면 성인된다♬^*^

[1] 소외당하기 쉬운 10가지 충고

1. 그가 없을 때 그를 비웃는다면
2. 모든 대화에서 당신만 계속 말한다면
3. 그가 말하고 있을 때 끼어들어 당신의 자랑을 시작한다면
4. 당신의 생각과 다른 말을 할 때 그 사람의 말을 무시한다면
5. 그의 관심보다는 당신의 관심에만 촛점을 맞추어 말한다면

6. 항상 상대보다는 당신이 더 중요하다고 느낀다면
7. 그를 있으나마나한 존재로 여긴다면
8. 만나면 말로 싸워서 꼭 이긴다면
9. 그의 단점을 지적하고 꼭 수정하게 한다면
10. 다른 사람에게 당신의 잘못을 절대 사과하지 않는다면
당신은 언제나 남들로부터 소외당하게 될 것이다.

[2] 기분 전환을 위한 10가지 충고

1. 어린아이와 함께 논다.
2. 햇볕을 받으며 걷는다.
3. 공상을 즐긴다.
4. 꽃이나 나무를 심거나 가꾸어본다.
5. 옛날 즐기던 음악을 듣는다.

6. 자신을 위해 작은 선물을 산다.
7. 땀이 날 정도로 운동을 한다.
8. 못 만났던 친구들에게 전화를 건다.
9. 기쁜 소식을 기억하며 편지를 쓴다.
10. 목욕을 하거나 무엇이든 손수 세탁해 본다.

[3] 대화를 위한 10가지 충고
1. 자세를 상대방을 향하여 듣고 있음을 나타내라.
(예 : 고개를 끄떡이라...)
2. 간혹 자세한 설명을 요구하라.
(예 : 더 자세히 말씀해주세요. 무슨 뜻이지요..등)
3. 상대방의 말에 자신의 생각을 덧붙이라.
4. 같은 느낌으로 그의 말을 되풀이하라.
5. 상대방의 입장에 서서 들어보라.

6. 이야기의 맥을 끊지말고 조용히 들으라.
7. 논쟁하지 말라. 이겨도 손해다.
8. 말을 들을 땐 변명거리를 생각하지 말라.
9. 중요한 말을 메모하는 습관을 가져라.
(충실히 듣고 있다는 이상의 표현이다.)
10. 이야기를 들려준 것에 대해 감사하라.

[4] 얽힘을 해결하기 위한 10가지 충고

1. 명령하는 듯한 말을 쓰지 말라.
2. 비판보다 칭찬거리를 먼저 찾으라.
(칭찬해서 싫어할 사람은 없다.)
3. 상대에게 호의를 베푸는 연습을 시작하라.
(좋아하려고 노력하고 좋아지도록 연습해야 한다.)
4. 그의 반항을 존중하라.
(반항은 단지 존재가치를 느끼고 싶기 때문임을 알라)
5. 싸우지 말라.
(말이나 행동에 의한 적대감정을 피하라.
윽박질러 놓으면 결과는 손해다.)

6. 상대방이 틀렸다고 마구 꾸짖지 말라.
(틀리고, 나쁜 점을 증명해 보라. 잇점은 없다)
7. 큰소리가 "NO"라는 뜻이 아님을 알라.
(80%는 반항함으로 잊고 만다)
8. "나는 당신이 지금 어떤 기분인지를
압니다"라는 말을 애용하라. (놀라운 효과가 있다.)
9. 무언가 질문하고 그 얘기에 귀를 기울이라.
(진지하게 자기의 말을 들어주는 사람을 싫어할 사람은 없다).
10. 그 상대를 위해 기도하고 용서하라.

(사랑으로 감싸는 모습을 마음속으로

[5] 자녀가 바라는 부모가 되기위한 10가지 충고>

11. 자녀를 특별한 사람으로 대해 주세요.
12. 따뜻하고 친절한 부모가 되세요.
13. 자녀에게 칭찬의 말을 먼저 해 주세요.
14. 다른 사람은 자녀를 이해 못해도 부모님만은 자녀를 이해해 주세요.
15. 자녀의 생각을 표현하게 하고 인정해 주세요.

16. 자녀가 좋아하는 친구와 사귀는 것을 무조건 막지 마세요.
17. 자녀에게 한 번 더 관심을 갖되 한가지 정도는 욕심을 버리세요.
18. 먼저 부모님이 행복해지세요.
19. 자녀의 감정을 그대로 인정해 주고 좀더 잘 알려고 하십시오.
20. 부모님께서 먼저 평화로운 분위기를 만드십시오

[6] 매력적인 사람이 되기 위한 10가지 충고

21. 항상 명랑하고 유머를 잃지 말라.
22. 남의 말을 잘 들어라.
23. 사람을 가려 사귀지말라.
24. 약속을 생명처럼 지키라.
25. 남에게 늘 감사하는 마음을 전하라.

26. 필요할 때 망설이지 말고 필요한 행동을 취하라.
27. 꿈을 향해 노력하고 최선을 다하는 사람이 되라.
28. 외모를 단정하게 하라.
29. 말을 골라할 줄 알라.
30. 남에게 인색하게 굴지 말라.
그럼 당신은 분명히 매력적인 사람이 되어 있을 것이다.

[7] 스트레스에서 벗어나기위한 10가지 충고

31. 아침에 15분만 일찍 일어나라. (여유있는 하루가 시작된다.)
32. 시간 계획을 짜서 행동하라.
33. 책을 가지고 다니면서 틈틈히 읽어라. (지루하지 않다.)
34. 어려움이 생기면 누구에게든 의논하라.
35. 용모에 신경을 쓰라.
36. 나만의 공간을 가지라.
37. 걱정거리를 머리로만 생각하지 말고 종이에
구체적으로 써 보라.
38. 하기 싫은 일을 미루지 말라.
39. 목욕을 하고 충분한 수면을 취하라.
40. 정신 운동을 하라. (國弓 활 시위 을 당기라)
이것을 생활화 하라.

[8] 자신의 일을 이루기위한 10가지 충고
41. 하고싶은 일보다 꼭 해야 하는 일을 먼저 하라.
42. 그 일이 끝날 때까지 시간과 관심을 최대한 집중하라.
43. 당장 변화가 없다고 포기하지 말라.
44. 실패했으면 다시 시도하라. 또 실패하면 원인을 찾아라.
45. 같은 목표를 가진 사람들과 만나라.
46. 날마다 그 일의 진행상황을 기록하고 목표를 확인하라.
47. 나쁜 상황에서도 기대하는 마음을 버리지 말라.
48. 자신이 얻은 정보와 지식을 활용하라.
49. 옳다고 생각한 일을 끝까지 고수하라. 50. 요청한 것보다 더 많이 일하라

[9] 신체 부자유자를 대할 때 알아두면 도움되는 10가지 충고
51. 장애를 가진 사람도 똑같은 인간이라는 것을 기억하라.
52. 장애를 가졌다는 특수한 제한점을 제외하고는 다른 사람들과 똑같다.
53. 장애인을 모두 동일시하지 말고 각자가 다른 인격을 가진 인격체라는 것을 인식하라.
54. 장애인과 함께 생활하는 것은 풍부한 인간성의 표현임을 알라.
55. 장애가 있거나 없거나 서로 도와 생활하는 것은 당연한 일이다.
56. 장애인을 만날 때는 자연스럽게 대하고 오직 그의 요구가 있을 때만 도와 주라.
57. 지체장애인들도 넘어졌을 때 스스로 일어나고 싶어한다.
58. 독자적으로 행동하는 것은 친절이 아니고 쓸데없는 참견이다.
59. 과잉보호나 과잉염려 그리고 과잉친절은 금물이다.
60. 당신은 그의 능력과 관심에 대해 얼마나 잘못 판단하고 있는지 놀라게 될 것이다

[10] 설득을 위한 10가지 충고

61. 누구에게나 설득은 가능하다고 생각하라.
62. 질문의 힘을 사용하라.
63. 상대방의 존재가 중요하게 느끼게 하라.
64. 나의 입장이 아니라 상대방의 압장에서만 말하라.
65. 상대방의 행동에 개입시키도록 하라.
66. 큰 것을 위해서는 작은 것을 양보하라.
67. 판단은 상대방이 결정할 수 있게 맡기라.
68. 명확하고 힘있게 유머와 위트를 가지고 부탁하라.
69. 어떤 경우도 언쟁은 금물이다.
70. 상대가 계속 내게 호의를 갖도록 하라.

[11] 자존심이 상처받지 않기 위한 10가지 충고

71. 행동할 때 허락받지 말고 선언하라.
(질문해 보실까요 - ~을 알고 싶습니다.)
72. 상대방의 눈을 바라보라.
73. 자신의 생각에 확신을 가지고 바른 자세로 말하라.
74. 무의한 말은 하지 말라. (아~ 에~저~)
75. 거절할 것은 단호하게 거절하라.
76. 희생자가 되지만 말고 싫으면 말아라.
(담배를 삼가해 주셨으면 좋겠어요)
77. 내 의견을 듣지 않으려는 사람과는
더이상 대화치 말고 일단 피하라.
78. 상대방의 상사를 만나겠다는 단호한 태도를 취하라.
79. 당신을 이용하려는 사람에게는 냉정한 태도를 취하라.
80. 자신을 강한 사람으로 여기고 말하라.

12. 독창성을 기르기 위한 10가지 충고

81. 이제까지 가진 고정관념을 버리라 (백지상태로 받아들이라)
82. 반문하라 (왜, 어떻게)
83. 자신을 객관적으로 보라
84. 늘 목표를 확인하고 끈기를 갖고 나가라.
85. 눈치를 보거나 위축되지 말고 자유로운 마음을 가지라.
86. 시대의 흐름과 미래의 흐름을 보려고 하라.
87. 다양한 정보를 얻으라.
88. 소설이나 예술 분야에서 영감이나 힌트를 얻으라
89. 만남의 폭을 넓혀가라
90. 날마다 정기적으로 생각하는 시간을 가지라

13. 압박감으로부터 자유하기 위한 10가지 충고
91. 긍정적인 정신자세를 보이라
92. 이기적인 생활에서 남을 위한 의미있는 일을 찾으라
93. 삶의 기준을 정하고 타협하지 말라
94. 목표 (장기, 단기)를 구체적으로 세우라
95. 그 방면에 노련한 일인자를 찾으라
96. 능력에 맞는 계획을 세워라
97. 할 일과 생각나는 것을 시각화하라.
98. 내일 일에 대해 자기 전에 우선 순위를 정해 메모해 두라
99. 사람들에게 개인적인 사랑을 전하라
100. 어떤 절망 앞에도 희망을 버리지 말라 (압박감은 더욱 커지게 되기 때문이다)

14. 젊어지기 위한 10가지 충고

101. 성장을 계속하라.
102. 꿈에 매달리라.
103. 마음을 쾌할하게 하라.
104. 새로운 만남, 새로운 취미, 새로운 책을 가까이 하라.
105. 넓은 마음을 가지라.
106. 젊은 사람들의 자극을 받아들이라.
107. 바쁘라.
108. 새로운 계획과 늘 맞서라.
109. 좋은 일을 하라.
110. 위대한 일에 봉사하라.

15. 의사소통을 위한 10가지 충고

111. 상대방의 말을 잘 듣고 반응하려고 노력하라.
112. 말은 상대방의 방식대로 들어야 한다.
113. 상대방의 말을 이해하려 노력하고 관심을 갖고 들어라.
114. 그의 가치를 인정해 주라.
115. 상대방을 격려하고 긍정적으로 말하라.
116. 그의 비밀을 가볍게 전하지 말라.
117. 어려운 이야기는 말할 시기를 잘 맞추라.
118. 자기의 감정, 느낌, 마음의 상처를 말로 표현하라.
119. 상대방을 내 마음대로 넘겨 짚어 생각하지 말라.
120. 잘 듣고 있음을 표현하라. (메모, 질문, 반복, 감사)

16. 만족스러운 하루를 위한 10가지 충고
121. 단순하게 생각하라.
122. 어떤 결과에 대해 지나치게 겁먹지 말라.
123. 일을 즐기라.
124. 건전한 취미를 가지라.
125. 현재 생활에 만족할 줄 알라.
126. 사람들과 만나 유쾌하고 긍정적으로 말하라.
127. 문제와 맞서라. 피하지 말라.
128. 오늘 이 순간을 성공으로 장식하라.
129. 계획 속에 살라.
130. 좋지 않은 것을 빨리 잊어버려라.