School of Jesus Disciples REV 2:7

2010.08.14 08:49

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School of Jesus Disciples     REV 2:7

743 S. Grandview St. L.A. CA. 90057            Tel. (213)928-2932  Pastor P.K.

Every Sunday 3:30 pm            JD-class      Email:

Seeking to make disciples who make disciples.

“그러나 너는 모든 일에 근신하여 고난을 받으며 전도인의 일을 하며 네 직무를 다하라”    But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.                                       II Tim 4:5


Devotional to JDs,

Logos-Jesus-The Word of His Power –IV A

말씀이신 그리스도-하나님의 능력

[요 1:1-요 1:1]

(1)태초에 말씀이 계시니라 이 말씀이 하나님과 함께 계셨으니 이 말씀은 곧 하나님이시니라  

(1)In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.                                         John 1:1

[요 1:12-요 1:17]

(12)영접하는 자 곧 그 이름을 믿는 자들에게는 하나님의 자녀가 되는 권세를 주셨으니 (13)이는 혈통으로나 육정으로나 사람의 뜻으로 나지 아니하고 오직 하나님께로서 난 자들이니라

(12)But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name. (13)Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God


(14)말씀이 육신이 되어 우리 가운데 거하시매 우리가 그 영광을 보니 아버지의 독생자의 영광이요 은혜와 진리가 충만하더라  (14)And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.


(15)요한이 그에 대하여 증거하여 외쳐 가로되 내가 전에 말하기를 내 뒤에 오시는 이가 나보다 앞선 것은 나보다 먼저 계심이니라 한 것이 이 사람을 가리킴이라 하니라  (15)John bare witness of him, and cried, saying, This was he of whom I spake, He that cometh after me is preferred before me: for he was before me.  


(16)우리가 다 그의 충만한데서 받으니 은혜 위에 은혜러라 (17)율법은 모세로 말미암아 주신 것이요 은혜와 진리는 예수 그리스도로 말미암아 온 것이니라 (16)And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace (17)For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.  John 1:12-17


First we will look at five descriptions of ‘what is a Rhema Word’ in the Bible and then look at 5 steps to move that word out of the pages of the Word into your life and reality.

Hebrews 11:3 “Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.” The Greek word for ‘framed’ means ‘set in order’. The Word here is not Logos, but rhema, an utterance made by God. John 1:1 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” In all three instances here “Word” is the Greek logos, log'-os. The Word as thought and truth, the Word made flesh, personalized to you is Rhema, while the words on the pages of your Bible is Logos.

Anyone can read the Bible and gain knowledge and for most, that is all they have. Ephesians 1:17 “That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him:” This speaks of our getting a revelation of the knowledge of Him. He does that by calling the Word of God spoken, the truth spoken on the pages of the Bible as Logos, to become Rhema, the breath of God on what He has said to us.

It is the Word of God released into our lives. God had an idea about creating the World, but then one day, Genesis 1 tells us, And God said, and when He said it, millions of stars were thrown into place, exactly where He told them to go and stand. He created all the stars and solar systems, He placed a sun and moon and a planet called earth and tipped it on its axis just right. And he caused life to come into being. He set it all in motion when the word went out of his mouth.


Isaiah 55:10-11 “For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” His Word is creative and becomes reality.


1) A Rhema Word is a Creative Word. So when God speaks and releases His promise out of you, just as sure as when He spoke and creation came out of his lips, God is about to create something in you, through you and out of you. The Rhema Word is the Word of God, coming off the pages of scripture and releasing in you creative energy, the power of God acting in you and through you. Oh, the power of one revelation of God, one truth of God released into your spirit. It is worth more than much study in the flesh. You go to Bible school and receive head knowledge, but not a Rhema Word from God. That is a word that comes by revelation of the Holy Spirit, a life giving word.

2) A Rhema Word is also a Saving Word. Romans 10:8 “But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach;” It is first put in your mouth before it is in your heart. This is a Rhema word that is in your mouth. Romans 10:13 “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” If you got saved, someone told you that if you would call on the name of the Lord, you would be saved and you believe it and you spoke it with your mouth and were saved.  

You spoke that you believed in Jesus and what He accomplished for you at Calvary, and when it came out of your mouth, spoken in faith, brought about your salvation. You cannot be saved unless the Logos becomes Rhema in your mouth and you speak it and the work is done. Romans 10:9-10 “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” It began with a spoken Word, a Rhema Word that you put into your mouth.

3) A Rhema Word is A Sustaining or Strengthening Word. Matthew 4:4 “But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.”  ‘Word’, Rhema, not Logos. It is when you give forth the Word that you are fed. There are enough churches stuffed with enough Bible knowledge to change the world, if it worked that way. Books, tapes, seminary, people saying, feed me, feed me, ever learning but never coming to the knowledge of the truth, getting more and more knowledge, but it is all Logos and not Rhema to them.

The Word becomes life, it becomes Rhema and you are fed when the Word goes forth out of your mouth. It becomes spiritual bread when you speak it. So if you want to become stronger in your faith, then start speaking forth the Word of God. Remember when Jesus was talking to the woman at the well. He said I have meat to eat you know not of. That lady didn’t just bring him a picnic lunch. He was speaking the Word of God; it was going forth out of His mouth. He fed His spirit by speaking and confessing the Word with His mouth.


4) The Sword of the Spirit is the Word of God and it is a rhema word. Ephesians 6:17 “And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:” That “Word” is Rhema, not Logos. Bible knowledge that you can hit the devil over the head with is not a sword. It must be a living word, a word that is alive within you because of a living relationship with the risen Christ.

How does that Word on the pages of scripture become a spiritual sword? When you do with it what Jesus did with it, when he looked at the devil and said, “It is written”. When you speak out the scripture in faith, believing and knowing that it is God’s Word and promise to you, it becomes a living Word. Many live defeated lives because everything else is coming out of their mouths except the Word of God. Every negative thing they see, every false thing they can quote, every secular thing they have memorized,

but they have not hid the Word of God in their heart. They have not learned that “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof” (Proverbs18:21). You must begin to speak forth the scripture. The Word of God is to be a weapon in your life.

[잠 18:21-잠 18:21]

(21)죽고 사는 것이 혀의 권세에 달렸나니 혀를 쓰기 좋아하는 자는 그 열매를 먹으리라  (21)Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.                           Prov 18:21

(21) La muerte y la vida est~n en poder de la lengua; Y el que la ama comer~ de sus frutos.                   Hy:r_Pi lk'ayO h;yb,h}aow_ @/vl;Ady"B] !yYIj'w_ tw<m;

5) A rhema word is a word of provision. Luke 5:4-5 “Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.” They have been fishing all night, the pros, the guys who know what they are doing. And they caught nothing.

Hey, we are the fisherman and you’re the rabbi, but nevertheless, at your word, Rhema, the Word has gone forth out of His mouth and it is a creative Word, and so Peter said, we will let down out nets. He knew that when the Rhema Word was spoken, let down your nets, it is time to go fishing. The Word of God first rests in you, then when you mix it with faith and speak it out of your mouth, it will never return void. It will do what God says it will do.


So how do you get a Rhema Word and walk with it and allow it to change your life. God set forth the principle of faith. Isaiah 55:11 “So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” God is saying, “I know when I speak it, it will come to pass”. It will happen and become reality. He said He could call into the visible realm something invisible; He can call something into being out of nothing.


How to get the Rhema – Quickening power?

It is a principle of God. Now, there are 3000 promises in the bible. If you can just get one to work for you, it will change your life. There is no magic quick fix, but there is a process that will help you and bring about a change in your life.

1)If you are going to get a Rhema Word you must read the Bible regularly. Joshua 1:8 “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.” Meditate upon the Word daily. Most wait until their live is falling apart to turn to the Bible and then they try to just open it up and hope that they will find a verse that will encourage them and speak to them.

If you are in the scriptures, you won’t have to be taught, it won’t be the same verse every time, but a verse will come off the pages of scripture that will speak to your circumstances or the scriptures that you have hidden in your heart, will speak to you.

Isaiah 30:21 “And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.”


[사 30:20-사 30:21]

(20)주께서 너희에게 환난의 떡과 고생의 물을 주시나 네 스승은 다시 숨기지 아니하시리니 네 눈이 네 스승을 볼 것이며 (21)너희가 우편으로 치우치든지 좌편으로 치우치든지 네 뒤에서 말소리가 네 귀에 들려 이르기를 이것이 정로니 너희는 이리로 행하라 할 것이며

(20)Although the Lord has given you bread of privation and water of oppression, He, your Teacher will no longer hide Himself, but your eyes will behold your Teacher. (21)And your ears will hear a word behind you, "This is the way, walk in it," whenever you turn to the right or to the left.               Isa 30:20-21


2) Learn to Rest in the Revelation. You have to rest in the Word that God gives you. God told Joshua to meditate in the Word. We have a misunderstanding of that word, we think it means to cogitate, or just consider. Our idea of meditation leads to going to sleep. The Hebrew means to mutter the scripture, to move and mutter. Have you ever seen the Jews at the Wailing Wall, rocking back and forth while repeating, quoting the scriptures. You are speaking to yourself and allowing yourself to hear those words so that they will produce faith within you. And while speaking of meditation and resting in the Word of God,

we can’t forget Isaiah 28:11-12. “For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people. To whom he said, This is the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing: yet they would not hear.” True meditation, includes speaking in tongues, resulting in spiritual rest for your soul. Rest in the Word that God releases in you. Speak it, meditate upon it and allow it to work in you.

[사 28:11-사 28:12]

(11)그러므로 생소한 입술과 다른 방언으로 이 백성에게 너희는 곤비한 자에게 안식을 주라 하셨으나 그들이 듣지 아니하였으므로 말씀하시리라  (12)전에 그들에게 이르시기를 이것이 너희 안식이요 이것이 너희 상쾌함이니

(11)Indeed, He will speak to this people Through stammering lips and a foreign tongue, (12)He who said to them, "Here is rest, give rest to the weary," And, " Here is repose, "but they would not listen.                  Isa 28:11-12

Meditating is to speak it over and over and allow faith to be mixed with it.


3) Release The Word by Confession. Again look at Joshua 1:8 It shall not depart from your mouth, not your heart or mind. Yes the scripture says, “thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee” (Psalm 119:11). That is for spiritual defense. But what about spiritual offense? God told Joshua, Moses is dead. I know that God used him to part the red sea, that manna fell from heaven, that quail flew in, I know the water came out of the rock, but God spoke to Joshua, “As I was with Moses, so I will be with you” (Joshua 1:5). Then God told him, don’t go anywhere unless my word is in your mouth.


Speak my word. This word is not to depart from your mouth, you are to speak it. How many times did you see a promise of God you desired, you spoke it once, but you didn’t rest in it, you didn’t mutter it to yourself and you didn’t confess it? You never came to faith in it. Faith is speaking the Word of God that isn’t so in your life, until it becomes so and releasing it by faith.

Mark 11:22-24 says speak to the mountain in your life. “Have faith in God. For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.”

Once when the devil tempted Martin Luther, he was sitting at his writing desk and he said, “Get thee hence Satan” and then hurled his inkwell at the devil. Guess what, the devil left. You can’t just think the devil away, you must speak the word. You won’t get the word to become life and reality in your situation because you think it or meditate upon it as we think of meditation, as a quiet silent thought process. You have to speak the Word of God, the word of faith over your home, over your job, over your children. Speak what you want God to do and not what you have. There is power in the confessed Word of God.

4) Mix Faith and Action with Your Word. Confess it and call it done. Operate as if it has happened. Live as if it is already here. Act as if you believe God will do it. If God still chooses not to do it, He is God. But we need to be like Job when he said, “Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him.” But as Job kept his integrity and his faith in God, eventually he overcame and was rewarded.


5) Receive The Promise. If you will do these five things, the day will come when you will walk in what God has promised you. Joshua 1:8 “then you will prosper and have good success.” God has come that you might have life and have it more abundantly. “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning” (James 1:17).

Jesus is the Word of Life. Jesus is the Word made life.   –from shepherd voice

If you have not received the Word of God into your life, you can, right now today!


Proclaim the Word of God to life! – Triumph always in Christ Jesus the Lord’s name.   Amen.






Why is Logos-Jesus the Son of God?

If He is the Second Person of the Trinity, Co-eternal with the Father and the Spirit, Why then is Jesus Called the 'Son of God'?
The question "Why is Jesus called the Son of God" often arises in the minds of many because of our associations and connotations with the word "son". But Jesus had many names - Teacher, Son of Man, Teacher, Rabbi, Bread of Life, Door, and many more.  

So why is Jesus called the "Son of God"?

1.  Because it is a claim to His fulfillment of the prophecies about a coming Messiah who would be born into the world redeem mankind, save it from the power of sin and death, and eventually rule and reign as King.  The Old Testament talked about a coming Messiah who would be born into the world, and that this Messiah - or "anointed one" - would in fact be "God with us".  Here are a few references ...

Genesis 3:15 records the LORD is speaking to the serpent (Satan), and how the 'seed of a woman' would bruise the serpent's (Satan's) head:  "And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel."

Now, women obviously do not produce "seed" - men do - so this is interpreted by most scholars to be a prophecy concerning the supernatural incarnation of the Savior, the Messiah", who would redeem mankind from the Fall and bring God's creatures back into fellowship with Him.

Isaiah 9:6 talks about a child who will be born, whose very name will be 'Might God":  "For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; and the government will rest on His shoulders; and His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace." (Isaiah 9:6)

Psalm 2 is the Father speaking to the Son, telling Him that He is born into the world, and will eventually have the ends of the earth for His possession:  "I will surely tell of the decree of the LORD: He said to Me, 'You are My Son, today I have begotten You. 'Ask of Me, and I will surely give the nations [Gentiles] as Your inheritance, and the very ends of the earth as Your possession."

Psalm 2 also speaks about the kingship of the coming Son:  "Do homage to the Son, that He not become angry, and you perish in the way, for His wrath may soon be kindled. How blessed are all who take refuge in Him!"


2.  Because the Son of God is one of his "five key titles", signifying one of the primary characteristics of His being.  These titles were all used to refer to Jesus, and each says something about His character:

"Messiah" (or Christos, Christ in Greek) - a title applied to Jesus in the New Testament, Christos is the Greek translation for the Hebrew term Meshiah, or Messiah.  It means "the Anointed One" - signifying the Jesus was anointed to His mission by God the Father.

"Yeshuah" (Joshua, or Jesus, in Greek) - means "God is Savior", signifying the role that He plays in saving God's people from sin, their fallen state, and redeeming them back into a right relationship with the Creator.


"Son of Man" - was a term often used by Jesus Himself, to convey that He was not only truly God but also truly man.  The gospel according to John recounts that the eternal Word (Logos) was "made flesh, and dwelt among us", and "we beheld His glory, the glory of the only begotten of the Father".  He was born into mankind as a baby, grew up into manhood, was tempted like us "in every way", and yet "knew no sin".  He did many miracles to attest to His divine nature, but also felt hunger and pain just like the rest of us.  Yes, He was the eternal Son of God, but He was also fully the Son of Man.  

This title is also a claim that He was the fulfillment of a prophecy in Daniel about a "Son of Man" who would come "in the clouds with great power".  It was when Jesus told the High Priest that 'he would see the Son on Man coming in the clouds with great power' that the priest tore his vestments.  Why?  He knew that Jesus was claiming to be this divine 'Son of Man' written of by Daniel.

"Son of God" - the name Son of God was also applied to Jesus in an official or messianic sense (cf. Matt. 4:3, 6; 16:16; Luke 22:70; John 1:49). It speaks of His deity - that He was a Person of the triune Godhead, supernaturally born as a human being into this world to accomplish the divine mission of enabling man to return to a right relationship with God.

"Lord" (Adonai) - Jesus is also referred to as "Lord", or "Lord Jesus Christ".  This title speaks of his position as master or "lord", with His followers of course being His servants.  The point is that everyone serves something or someone - if its not money, power, position, its often him/her self.  Jesus said 'man cannot serve two masters - you cannot serve both God and money'.  Choose to serve the Lord Jesus, the eternal Word of God made flesh.

Of course, in addition to these five "key titles" Jesus is referred to by many other names in the Bible.  Each of these names speak about some aspect of His splendid character:  Word of God, Counselor, Mighty God, Prince of Peace, Great Shepherd, Light of the World, Light of Life, Bread of Life, Door of the Sheep hold, Teacher, Bright and Morning Star, Alpha and Omega, and Lord Jesus Christ, to name a few.

** See a full list of the many names ascribed to Jesus.

3.  Because the LORD spoke through an angel, announcing that the Child would be called 'the Son of God'.  Luke's gospel records how that an angel (messenger) appeared to Mary (Miriam), letting her know that she would conceive supernaturally, without the involvement of a man, by rather by the Spirit ....

Luke 1:35 records "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; and for that reason the holy Child shall be called the Son of God." (Luke 1:35)


4.  Because the Son of God expresses the type of intimate relationship that the Second Person of the Trinity has with the Father.  Many Muslims misunderstand this, as a result of the teaching of Islam - and assume that Christians believe that God Almighty had sexual intercourse with Mary!  And that Jesus was produced as a result.  Christianity teaches nothing of the sort.  What Christianity teaches is that the title "Son of God" expresses the close, intimate relationship that the Son had with the Father "before the world began".  

According to the web site "Answering Islam",

The expression "Son of God", is an analogical term.  It indicates origin, a close association, or identification.  In Christian theology it describes the relationship of two persons of the triune God.  It expresses an intimate relationship between two persons:  God the Father, and God the Son - Jesus the Messiah.  

The following passages from Scripture illustrate the closeness of this intimate relationship between the Father and the Son:

John 17:1-5 "Father, the hour has come.  Glorify Your Son, that Your Son also may glorify you... and now, O Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the Glory which I had with You before the World was." – Glory in Oneness!


Here we see that Jesus - the living Word of God - already existed before the creation of the world.  And in John 1, we read how that "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."  These verses show that

       Jesus - the "Logos" or Word of God, was already in existence "at the beginning" of the universe.  

       He shared glory with the Father before creation

       Jesus was in eternal relationship with the Father.

In another place Jesus speaks about how He and the Father are so close, so intimate, that they are as One:  "I and the Father are one".  This is consistent with the Christian belief in one God that is manifest in three persons - Father, Son and Spirit.

In another passage of Scripture, Jesus recounts how - just like most sons - he follows the directions of His Father:  "I always do the will of the Father".

Just as an earthly son is the offspring of his earthly father, and thus the essence of the father is in the son - so too Jesus, the divine Son of God - is the divine, visible expression of the almighty, invisible God:  John 14:9 records Jesus plainly telling His followers that: "He who has seen Me has seen the Father".

It also speaks in Col 1:15 about how Jesus is God's expression of Himself to humanity.  Jesus is God's Link, His Way, and His Salvation for all of mankind: "He [Jesus] is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.  For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rules or powers.  All things were created through Him and for Him.  And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist."  

Hebrews 1:1-3 speaks about how the Son is what God has to say to mankind:  "God, who at various times and in different ways spoke in times past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He as appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds; who being the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He has by Himself purged our sins, sat down at the right had of the Majesty on high."

In the foregoing verses we see that:

       Jesus is the visible image of the invisible God

       It was by Jesus - the eternal Word - that all things in  heaven and the earth were created

       It was for Jesus - God's eternal expression to us - that all things were created

       Jesus is pre-eminent - He is "before" all things

       In Jesus "all things consist", or are "held together"

Underscoring the oneness of Jesus and the Father is the passage in John 15:23: "He who hates Me [Jesus] hates my Father also."

As the Son of God, Christ, the second person of the Trinity, possesses the same essence as the Father, yet willfully subjected Himself to the Father just as an earthly son would subject himself to his father.  As the Scripture states, He "emptied Himself", and took on the form of human flesh when He entered this time and space, willingly becoming a servant to the Father.  

Jesus became God's Son in the flesh, so that the penalty of sin might be paid for all of creation, once and for all.  Only God could do this, and only God taking on our flesh and paying the penalty for the sin of all mankind, past, present and future.  Why did He do this?  Because He loved us so much.  Why?  So that we might be reconciled unto Himself, and become sons (and daughters), being born again by His Spirit into a new creation.

Jesus - as God manifested in human form - has shown us the way, and continues to be the Way into a right relationship with the Creator for anyone who trusts in Him.  In fact He stated very plainly "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life - no man comes to the Father except by me".  Do you want to know God?  Then get to know Jesus, for He is what God has to say to us, and His provision for us!


Jesus is not the Son of God because of His mighty works and miracles; He did those works because He is the Son of God.  The works testified to His deity, His oneness with the Father.


Do You Know Jesus , the Son of God?

Jesus said that 'many will come to Me in that day saying 'have I not done many wonderful works in your name'?  But I will say to them, I never knew you.  Do you have a relationship with Jesus, the Son of God?  Does He reign in your heart?

Please ask Jesus -  the Son of God, Son of Man, Messiah, and Lord - into your life as your Lord and Savior. If you do, then you have everything to look forward to - in this life, and in the life to come.  Peace with God, joy in your daily life, fulfillment of God's purpose while here on earth, and life eternal.  You were made for a purpose, and your daily walk with Jesus will help you come to realize His purpose in your life and fulfill it.

If you don't have a relationship with your Creator, you can!  Give Jesus a chance!  He really is 'the express image of the Father, 'the Way, the Truth, and the Life'.  Don't put it off.  Allow Him to come into your life and make you "a new creation"!  You have nothing to loose everything to gain.  Now you can invite Jesus into your life and be the creation He has always intended you to be .     - from evidence to believe.

References -

Christian Challenge:
John Ankerberg:
Answering Islam:



The Spirit-inspired writers of the New Testament applied Old Testament passages which specifically refer God-Jehovah to Jesus Christ; therefore, Jesus must be God-Jehovah.

Old Testament
New Testament

"The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God" (Isa. 40:3).
"For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Esaias, saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight" (Mt. 3:3).

"Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children..." (Mal. 4:5-6).
"He [John the Baptist] will also go before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah, ‘to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, to make ready a people prepared for the Lord [Jesus Christ]’" (Lk. 1:17, NKJV).

"...I am God, and there is none else. I have sworn by myself, the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, That unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear" (Isa. 45:22-23).
"We shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God" (Rom. 14:10-11; cf. Phil. 2:10).

"The Lord is among them, as in Sinai, in the holy place. Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led captivity captive: thou hast received gifts for men; yea, for the rebellious also, that the LORD God might dwell among them" (Ps. 68:17-18).
"But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ. Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men" (Eph. 4:7-8).

"Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: the sceptre of thy kingdom is a right sceptre. Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest wickedness: therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows" (Ps. 45:6-7).
"But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom. Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows" (Heb. 1:8-9).

"Hear my prayer, O LORD [Jehovah].... The heavens are the work of thy hands. They shall perish, but thou shalt endure: yea, all of them shall wax old like a garment; as a vesture shalt thou change them, and they shall be changed: But thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end" (Ps. 102:1, 25-27).
"To the Son he saith,... Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thine hands: They shall perish; but thou remainest; and they all shall wax old as doth a garment; And as a vesture shalt thou fold them up, and they shall be changed: but thou art the same, and thy years shall not fail" (Heb. 1:8-12).

"Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee" (Dt. 31:6).
"Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee" (Heb. 13:5).





The Word was in the beginning (John 1:1)
Wisdom was in the beginning (Prov. 8:22-23, Sir. 1:4, Wis. 9:9)
The Word was with God (John 1:1)
Wisdom was with God (Prov. 8:30, Sir. 1:1, Wis. 9:4)
The Word was cocreator (John 1:1-3)
Wisdom was cocreator (Prov. 3:19, 8:25; Is. 7:21, 9:1-2)
The Word provides light (John 1:4, 9)
Wisdom provides light (Prov. 8:22, Wis. 7:26, 8:13; Sir. 4:12)

Word as light in contrast to darkness (John 1:5)
Wisdom as light in contrast to darkness (Wis. 7:29-30)
The Word was in the world (John 1:10)
Wisdom was in the world (Wis. 8:1, Sir. 24:6)
The Word was rejected by its own (John 1:11)
Wisdom was rejected by its own (Sir. 15:7)

The Word was received by the faithful (John 1:12)
Wisdom was received by the faithful (Wis. 7:27)
Christ is the bread of life (John 6:35)
Wisdom is the bread or substance of life (Prov. 9:5, Sir. 15:3, 24:21, 29:21; Wis. 11:4)
Christ is the light of the world (John 8:12)
Wisdom is light (Wis. 7:26-30, 18:3-4)

Christ is the door of the sheep and the good shepherd (John 10:7, 11, 14)
Wisdom is the door and the good shepherd (Prov. 8:34-5, Wis. 7:25-7, 8:2-16; Sir. 24:19-22)
Christ is life (John 11:25)
Wisdom brings life (Prov. 3:16, 8:35, 9:11; Wis. 8:13)
Christ is the way to truth (John 14:6)
Wisdom is the way (Prov. 3:17, 8:32-34; Sir. 6:26)

The letters of Paul continue the identification of Jesus with God's Wisdom. 1 Corinthians 1:24, 30 is the most clear: Christ is explicitly identified as "the power of God and the wisdom of God." Elsewhere in 1 Cor. of relevance:

Wisdom 1:4: Wisdom existed before all things...

1 Corinthians 2:7: ...wisdom that God predestined before the ages....

Wisdom 1:6: To whom has the root of wisdom been revealed?

1 Corinthians 2:10: God revealed these things to us.


Wisdom 1:10: ...he has given wisdom]to those who love him.

1 Corinthians 2:9: ...which God has prepared for those who love him.

Wisdom 1:15: [Wisdom] has built an eternal foundation among men....

1 Corinthians 3:10: a wise architect I laid down a foundation....


Wisdom 2:5: Gold is tested in the fire....

1 Corinthians 3:12-13: And if any man builds upon the foundation with gold or silver or precious stones..., it is to be revealed in fire.



Colossians 1:15-18 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist. And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.

This passage is full of allusions to the Wisdom literature. Note the following parallels:

Colossians 1:15a He is the image of the invisible God...

Wisdom of Solomon 7:26 (Wisdom is) a spotless mirror of the working of God, and an image of his goodness.

Colossians 1:15b ...the firstborn over all creation.

Colossians 1:16a him all things were created..

Wisdom of Solomon 1:14 "for he created all things that they might exist"

Sirach 1:4 and Philo refer to Wisdom as the "master workman" of creation.

Colossians 1:17b He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

Wisdom of Solomon 1:7 ...that which holds all things together knows what is said...




The book of Hebrews, while never identifying Jesus directly as Wisdom, does indicate an equivalence. In verse 3 the rare Greek term apaygasma is used to describe Jesus as the "brightness of God's glory," just as the word is used in Wisdom of Solomon (7:25-26) to describe Wisdom's radiance.

Hebrews ascribes to Jesus the same functions that the Philonic/Alexandrian Wisdom literature assigned to Wisdom: mediator of divine revelation, agent and sustainer of creation, and reconciler of God and man (Wisdom of Solomon 7:21-8:1).

Hebrews also says of Jesus what Philo says of the Logos. Philo referred to Wisdom as the "charakter of the eternal Word" just as Hebrews uses this term of Jesus. Hebrews also "asserts the superiority of Jesus over a group of individuals and classes that served mediatorial functions in Alexandrian thought," including angels, Moses, Melchizidek, and the high priest.

Finally, in Ecclesiasticus, Wisdom, though universal in scope, by God's decree rests in Jerusalem, and is regarded as having the role of the priesthood: "In the holy tabernacle I ministered before him, and so I was established in Zion." (24:10) Compare this proclamation with what is found in the Book of Hebrews chapters 3-10 describing Christ as our "high priest" ministering at a heavenly tabernacle.


N.B.>** Book of Wisdom or Wisdom of Solomon or simply Wisdom is one of the deuterocanonical books of the Bible. It is one of the seven Sapiential or wisdom books of the Septuagint Old Testament, which includes Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon (Song of Songs), and Ecclesiasticus (Sirach).
According to St. Melito in the second century AD, it was considered canonical by Jews and Christians,[1] and a Hebrew translation of the Wisdom of Solomon is mentioned by Naḥmanides in the preface to his commentary on the Pentateuch.

The Book of Wisdom should not be confused with Sirach, by Ben Sira, also known as Wisdom of Jesus son of Sirach, Wisdom of Ben Sira, (or Sirach) or Ecclesiasticus, a work from the second century BC, originally written in Hebrew.


Messianic interpretation by Christians
Personification of Wisdom
There are found in the Book of Wisdom and other books of the wisdom literature to Wisdom as a personification with divine attributes. These have long been taken by Christian exegetes as references to Christ, who is called the wisdom of God by Paul the Apostle. In chapter seven, Wisdom is said to be “the fashioner of all things” (v. 22). Because she fashions all things, is “an associate in his [God’s] works” (8:4), and is a “pure emanation of the glory of the Almighty” (7:25), Wisdom is eternal and one in being with the Father.

Because Wisdom is God’s “creative agent”, she must be intimately identified with God himself.[5] For Christians, the most definite indication that personified Wisdom refers to the Messiah is the paraphrasing of Wis 7:26 in Heb 1:3a.[6] Wis 7:26 says that “she is a reflection of eternal light, a spotless mirror of the working of God, and an image of his goodness.” The author of Hebrews says of Christ: “He reflects the glory of God and bears the very stamp of his nature, upholding the universe by his word of power.

Furthermore, Wisdom speaks of personified Wisdom in a Trinitarian way at 9:17: “Who has learned your counsel, unless you have given wisdom and sent your holy spirit from on high?”. The next verse says that salvation is an act of Wisdom. In Christianity salvation is an activity reserved for God, but it is here given to Wisdom, thus identifying them with one another.[7]

Wisdom 2
The second chapter of the Book of Wisdom (Wisdom 2) builds up to a prophecy of Christ’s passion. First the ungodly men are described (Wis 1:16-2:9), followed by their plotting against the righteous man (2:10-20). The passage describes in detail the treatment of Jesus by the Jewish authorities. The first indication for Christians that it is a prophecy of the Messiah is in verse 11. Where the RSV reads weak, the Greek has achrestos, a play on the title Christos.

Verse 12 is a quote of the LXX version of Is 3:10; Is 3:10 has been taken to refer to Jesus since the first-century Epistle of Barnabas.[8] On the whole, this treatment of the suffering of the righteous man is heavily indebted to Isaiah; particularly the fourth Suffering Servant song (Is 52:13-53:12).[9] Verse 13 uses pais (child, or servant), from Is 52:13. Verse 15 says his very sight is a burden, referencing Is 53:2. In verse 16 he calls God his father, which is thought to be based on a poor understanding of pais as in Is 52:13. Verse 18 is comparable to Is 42:1. Verse 19 makes reference to Is 53:7. A final reference to the Messiah is the righteous man’s “shameful death” in verse 20. This death has been identified with Jesus’ death on a cross, a cursed death hanging on a tree.

The Gospel of Matthew contains allusions to the Wisdom of Solomon. Parallels between Wisdom and Matthew include the theme of testing, and the mocking of a servant of God's claim to be protected by God. Matthew's gospel teaches that Jesus is the suffering servant of God. Wis 2:17-18 (Let us see if his words are true, and let us test what will happen at the end of his life; for if the righteous man is God’s son, he will help him, and will deliver him from the hand of his adversaries.) lent itself to Mt 27:43 (He trusts in God; let God deliver him now, if he desires him; for he said, ‘I am the Son of God.’”).[10]
^ "CHURCH FATHERS: Church History, Book IV (Eusebius)". Retrieved 2010-07-10.
^ "NAB - Wisdom - Introduction". USCCB. 2002-12-09. Retrieved 2010-07-10.
^ "CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Book of Wisdom". 1912-10-01. Retrieved 2010-07-10.
^ Zeller (2009) The Stoics, Epicureans and Sceptics, p. 216 note ISBN 1151445770
^ David Winston, The Wisdom of Solomon: a new translation with introduction and commentary, (New York, Doubleday, 1979), p. 194 ISBN 0385016441
^ Robert Wilken, The Spirit of Early Christian Thought, (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2003), p. 95 ISBN 0300105983
^ David Winston, op. cit., 208.
^ David Winston, op. cit., 119.
^ M. Suggs, “Wisdom of Solomon 2:10-5”, Journal ofBiblical Literature 76:1 (March 1957): 30.
^ David Winston, op. cit., 120. W.F. Albright, Matthew: The Anchor Bible (New York: Doubleday, 1979), 348.
This article incorporates text from the 1901–1906 Jewish Encyclopedia article "WISDOM OF SOLOMON, BOOK OF THE" by Kaufmann Kohler, a publication
now in the public domain

·         [마 27:51-마 27:54]

·         (51)이에 성소 휘장이 위로부터 아래까지 찢어져 둘이 되고 땅이 진동하며 바위가 터지고  (52)무덤들이 열리며 자던 성도의 몸이 많이 일어나되 (53) 예수의 부활 후에 저희가 무덤에서 나와서 거룩한 성에 들어가 많은 사람에게 보이니라

·         (51)And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; (52)And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,  

·         (53)And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.


·         (54)백부장과 및 함께 예수를 지키던 자들이 지진과 그 되는 일들을 보고 심히 두려워하여 가로되 이는 진실로 하나님의 아들이었도다 하더라  (54)Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God.                Mt 27:51-54



행 3:16 - 행 3:16

(16)그 이름을 믿으므로 그 이름이 너희 보고 아는 이 사람을 성하게 하였나니 예수로 말미암아 난 믿음이 너희 모든 사람 앞에서 이같이 완전히 낫게 하였느니라

(16)And his name through faith in his name hath made this man strong, whom ye see and know: yea, the faith which is by him hath given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all.                                    Acts 3:16



El Shaddai, El Shaddai

God the Almighty

El Shaddai, El Shaddai,
El-Elyon na Adonai,
Age to age You're still the same,
By the power of the name.
El Shaddai, El Shaddai,
Erkamka na Adonai,
We will praise and lift You high,
El Shaddai.

2. Through the years You've made it clear,
That the time of Christ was near,
Though the people couldn't see
What Messiah ought to be.
Though Your Word contained the plan,
They just could not understand
Your most awesome work was done
Through the frailty of Your Son.

3. El Shaddai, El Shaddai,
El-Elyon na Adonai,
Age to age You're still the same,
By the power of the name.
El Shaddai, El Shaddai,
Erkamka na Adonai,
I will praise and lift You high,
El Shaddai.

N.B.> **

El Shaddai – God the Almighty,  El Elyon –God the Most High

Erkamka na Adonai –I’ll love you,    Na Adonai! –O Lord!  

               El Shaddai 엘샤다이 기도 – L.A.

                                                              2010년  8월






California 지역의 영권에 – 성령님의 능력으로 - 미가엘 군대의 엘샤다이 승리를 위해

          - 영적 Warrior,  Watchman,  (A)Waker,  Winner 예수 이름으로



신랑 예수 맞이하는 – 신부의 단장(Adornment)과 신부의 무장(Full Armor)

Glorious, Pure, Holy, & Blameless bride 와

성령의 검(말씀) 과 성령의 도고와 간구 기도



그리스도의 장성한 분량 ( Full maturity of Christ-likeness) 형상 –

인격 -  거룩,   진리,   사랑,   겸손 충만;

훈련  -  절대 순종,  절대 믿음,  절대 인내,  절대 겸손



섬기는 교회와 가정에 – 회개의 열매,  성령의 –사랑, 기쁨, 평강-의 열매,

                       전도와 제자 삼음의 열매 – 첫째는 사랑 - First Love in Christ


V **

California 연방 고등 법원에서 Proposition 8이 다시 승리하여 –결혼의 신성회복

-       결혼은 오직 한 남성과 한 여성으로 정의 된다  (No Gay-lesbians)


VI **

오는 Nov 2, 2010 중간 선거에서 7명의 성서 중심의(R) 연방하원과 11명 이상의  연방상원(R)이 선출 되어 - 향후 Verichip 및 Death Panels등에 수정 법으로 chip으로 부터 성도와 자녀들를 보호 하도록  (**HR경우 – 219-212하원; 60-39상원 통과)



Jesus Cross 2010 Marching -

9월 14일(화) –Elijah & 7000, NYC      9월 18일(토) – Elijah & 7000, DC-MD

9월 22일(수) –Elijah & 7000, L.A. Hollywood - 엘리야와 7000 십자가 대행진


Gloria 성악단과 김대웅 목사님 – 성령 충만과 건강 위하여


-       김수정 캄보디아   선교사

-       박철현  말레시아  선교사

-       인관일  미얀마    선교사

-       최재관  코스타리카 선교사 외


출타 중이신  - 윤권사님 – 암수술후 회복과 더욱 강건하시도록


성령 충만과 건강 - 7순-8순의 권사님들 – 백권사님, 이권사님, 고권사님, 장권사님,

                  임권사님 외

헐리웃 사역 & Homeless사역과 소피아 박 목사님 –

횃불 기도원과 영적 부흥 과 전인 치유 등

(딤전 1:5) 경계의 목적은 청결한 마음과 선한 양심과 거짓이 없는 믿음으로 나는 사랑이거늘

     (딤전 1:19) 믿음과 착한 양심을 가지라 어떤 이들이 이 양심을 버렸고 그 믿음에 관하여는 파선하였느니라…(딤전 3:9)깨끗한 양심에 믿음의 비밀을 가진 자라야 할지니라





^*^★ 진짜옥은 티를 티라고 말하지 않는다 ★^*^
                           사진 글/ 청호 윤봉석

나는 다 잘하고 있는데
남은 다 잘못하는 것만 눈에 보인다
그러나 상대방이 볼 때에는
똑같은 입장으로 느끼게 마련입니다
진짜 옥은 티를 티라고 말하지 않는다

남의 흉은 되 박에 담아도 되지만
자기 흉은 가마니에 담아도 모자라는 사람이
남의 흉을 흉이라고
이 사람 저 사람에게 말을 옮기며
흥미로워하는 사람이 바로 팔불출이다

자기의 처지와 입장은 모르고
남의 깨끗한 마음을
긁어 부스럼을 만들어 상처를 주는 것을
재미로 삼는 사람이 바로 이 세상에 티다

꼭 있어야 되는 사람이 있는가 하면
이 세상이 있으나 마나 한 사람과
이 세상에 있어서는 되는 않는 사람이 있다
있어서는 되지 않는 사람이 옥에 티다

자기가 이 세상에 최고인 줄 알지만
그런 사람은
누가 쳐다보는 사람이 없다는 것을 모른다
남이 무관심을 보인다는 것은
이 세상에서 죽은 삶을 사는 사람과 같다

언제나 남에게 용기와 희망을 주고
미래를 꿈꾸며 현실을 설계하며
추억을 아름답게 생각하는 자가
이 세상에 진정한 스승이요 어버이다

싫어도 너무 싫다 찡그리지 말고
좋아도 너무 좋다 웃지 말고
세상 이치에 순응하며
긍정적인 사고로 살아가는 사람이
세상에 바로 진정한 옥입니다

똥 묻은 개가 겨 묻은 개를 남으러는 습성은
옳지 못하며 남의 말을 하기 전에
스스로 나 자신 돌아보는
남의 눈에 티로 보이지 말고
아름다운 옥으로 보이는
인생을 살아가는 것을 배워야 한다

비수래가 요란하고
빈 깡통이 소리가 큰 법입니다
소문난 잔치에 먹을 것이 없습니다
세상을 살면서 옥으로 보이려면
잘 익은 벼 이삭이 고개를 숙이듯이
남에게 고개숙이는 것을 생활화하고
내가 손해 보고 양보하는 삶으로 살아야 한다