School of Jesus Disciples REV 2:7

2010.07.09 12:09

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School of Jesus Disciples     REV 2:7

743 S. Grandview St. L.A. CA. 90057            Tel. (213)928-2932  Pastor P.K.

Every Sunday 3:30 pm            JD-class      Email:

Seeking to make disciples who make disciples.

“그러나 너는 모든 일에 근신하여 고난을 받으며 전도인의 일을 하며 네 직무를 다하라”    But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.                                       II Tim 4:5


Devotional to JDs,

Watch – Prestrep to 666 – the Beast!

VeriChip–RFID to submit or Resist ?

DANGER! - National Healthcare Requires Implanted RFID Chips –Obama Health Care Bill H.R. 3200- PART– II

[계 14:9-계 14:12]

(9)또 다른 천사 곧 세째가 그 뒤를 따라 큰 음성으로 가로되 만일 누구든지 짐승과 그의 우상에게 경배하고 이마에나 손에 표를 받으면  (10)그도 하나님의 진노의 포도주를 마시리니 그 진노의 잔에 섞인 것이 없이 부은 포도주라 거룩한 천사들 앞과 어린 양 앞에서 불과 유황으로 고난을 받으리니  (11)그 고난의 연기가 세세토록 올라가리로다 짐승과 그의 우상에게 경배하고 그 이름의 표를 받는 자는 누구든지 밤낮 쉼을 얻지 못하리라 하더라


(9)And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,  (10)The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:  (11)And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.  Rev 14:9-11


(12)성도들의 인내가 여기 있나니 저희는 하나님의 계명과 예수 믿음을 지키는 자니라  (12)Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.         REV 14:12

H.R. 3200 Full Text -


Now that the healthcare bill has passed and been signed into law, one must inquire: How will the federal government keep track of the millions of persons in America now (supposedly) required to operate according to the federal government’s healthcare program?

Now that the federal government is responsible to ensure that millions of people’s health concerns are treated or eliminated, how will the federal government distribute, execute, and ration its resources paid for by tax dollars?


Now that the federal government has a vested interest in the health of hundreds of millions of Americans, how will they ensure that the system itself can be maintained by the government? Identifying the means and methods by which the government will accomplish their task is less than speculative.



연방의료 및 정보 체제의 관심은 RFID에 의한 Medi & ID 정보의 통일화

Though the legislation itself does not mandate this technology to be used, as we reported five years ago, the implantation of Radio Frequency Identification chips (RFID) into all persons within the government’s healthcare system for purposes of “prevention, detection and treatment of diseases” is a primary objective of a number of government officials and industry proponents. Whether or not they will be successful in doing so remains to be seen.



RFID Chip -VeriChip

What is the RFID chip? It is a small electronic computer device placed into the skin of a person that can be used for identification, tracking, information storage and interfacing with external sources, such as for financial, business, commercial, governmental, educational, and medical institutions. In other words, an RFID can be utilized for every area of life.


Many legitimate and natural questions have been raised about RFID chips, like: What are the societal risks of the RFID chip? What are the foreseeable or likely governmental abuses? How does its implementation relate to the principles of freedom in a Constitutional Republic?


Will I be able to maintain my rights of privacy and other liberties if I have an RFID implanted in my skin for societal and governmental purposes? As we will show, the answers are very relevant, because it is known that the federal government will likely mandate that these RFID chips be implanted into all persons in America.                           -from Christopher S. Bentley



The German IT industry group BITKOM recently conducted a survey that found that one out of four Germans would willingly, without force of law, have a RFID chip placed inside their skin for societal and governmental purposes. Perhaps those in the United States are not much different. The idea of a microchip being implanted into your body for these purposes has been around for several years and is only becoming more popular and accepted.


Advocates for RFID for Societal and Government Purposes -

Some of the most well-known and widely listened to news commentators and political leaders have advocated the use of RFID chips for societal and government purposes. Andy Rooney, news commentator on CBS’s 60 Minutes, said on February 10, 2002: "Something has to change. They have to find a better way to identify the bad guys or the rest of us are gonna’ stay home and watch the world go by on television…. We need some system for permanently identifying safe people…. I wouldn't mind having something planted permanently in my arm that would identify me.''


While interviewing Scott Silverman (Applied Digital CEO), Sean Hannity said on October 24, 2008: “[Parents are saying:] we can’t even allow our kids to play in the front yard. Is there anything — technologically speaking — that [parents] can do that can help the situation, like a kidnapping. Is there, for example, a microchip…we can use for our kids?” In the interview, Silverman describes a PLD, which is an acronym for “Personal Locating Device,” which is an RFID chip. This PLD is to be implanted into the body of the “child or someone you are interested in tracking.”


While Hannity initially presents the RFID’s use into the context of “protecting children from being kidnapped,” Silverman quickly admits the multi-function purpose of the RFID: “It is the first implantable microchip for humans that has multiple security, financial and healthcare applications.” Sean Hannity’s response: “I love this idea, Scott.” Security, financial, and healthcare: These are the vast categories of use which would encompass all of human life and activity in America.


Three years earlier, Silverman already outlined his ambitions for revolutionizing healthcare in the United States. A July 25, 2005 WebMD article opened with this bold query: "They're here. They have FDA approval. But are Americans ready to get chipped?"


According to WebMD, Silverman offered the following statistics as support for his company's technology in relation to medical care:

"When we first announced VeriChip, a network poll asked people if they would put one in their bodies," Silverman tells WebMD. "Only 9% said yes. After FDA approval, 19% said yes. When former HHS Secretary Tommy Thompson joined our board, the rate went up to 33%. But our own study shows that if you ask people whether they would have a VeriChip implant to identify their medical records in case of an emergency, the positive response goes to 80%."


WebMD concluded its report with this unsettling thought: "... Silverman says, some 2,000 people worldwide are using them for medical or security purposes. But soon he expects that millions of people will get VeriChip implants every year."


On July 31, 2005, in an articled titled "'Health Chips' Could Help Patients in US," The Business reported: "President Bush's former health secretary Tommy Thompson is putting the final touches to a plan that could result in US citizens having a radio frequency identification (RFID) chip inserted under their skin."


Thompson's purpose in doing so? According to The Business: "The RFID capsules would be linked to a computerised database being created by the US Department of Health to store and manage the nation's health records."

Two months before these scattered news reports made less-than-noticed headlines, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) and Senator Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) introduced S. 1262, the “Health Technology to Enhance Quality Act of 2005.”


During a press conference at George Washington University Hospital, Senator Clinton stated: “This legislation marries technology and quality to create a seamless, efficient health care system for the 21st century.” Senator Frist characterized it as “an interoperable national health information technology system."


The only way to have an interoperable information system is to have a unique identifier for each person in the system, which can't be altered, lost, stolen, or tampered with. In 2005, Clinton and her allies sought to lay the technological infrastructure for just such a system. Now that health care has been nationalized, why would they approach things any differently?


So, will the “common person” in America accept the implantation of an RFID for societal and government purposes? Some already are. Daniel Hickey, a retired Navy Commander, expresses his of-course-attitude when interviewed by Channel 5, WPTZ news: “They’ve been putting them into dogs and cats for years. It’s about time they put them into human beings.” Perhaps like Germany, the numbers of those who accept this idea in America will only continue to grow.



Plans for RFID Chips for Healthcare

The facts already establish that certain infrastructure in America is being implemented to incorporate the use and application of the RFID chip. Today, hospitals throughout America are already implementing RFID technology and have begun implanting RFID chips into their patients for medical purposes, such as those who suffer from Alzheimer.


Openly, “a number of U.S. hospitals have begun implanting patients with RFID tags and using RFID systems, usually for workflow and inventory management.” There are various groups that openly advocate for the use of RFID chips for all medical patients. As a result of this movement, many predict that the investment value of RFID technology will increase exponentially and dramatically, making many people very rich.


Even “the Department of Homeland Security has indicated it likes the concept of RFID chips,” CNN reported several years ago in an article about the Real ID Act. For what purpose does Homeland Security like RFID chips to be implanted into people’s skin? You name it. The same CNN report also noted that the Real ID Act required that "the IDs must include a 'common machine-readable technology' that must meet requirements set out by the Department of Homeland Security."


— which could very well have meant RFID chips, though as the article pointed out, other possibilities could have included magnetic strips or enhanced bar codes. The Real ID Act requirements were derailed by a firestorm of resistance from the states. But there is, without question, a push by the private industry, investors, and the federal government to accept and (as time will tell) force this type of technology for “security, financial and healthcare” purposes.


Pre-Obama Nationalization of Healthcare and Use of RFID

What few people know is that the federal government has been making attempts to national the healthcare system for years, relating back to the Clinton administration’s push to create a National Identification for medical purposes, and which continued during the Bush administration.


To effectuate a national healthcare system, the federal government advances the use of RFID technology to be used in each medical patient for healthcare purposes. More than just for the treatment of the patient, the federal government proposes a “nationwide electronic health care information network for research and disease prevention.”


Without equivocation, on October 19, 1992, Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Louis W. Sullivan, said: "It is our intention to act on our own and with the private sector in every area where we have authority to bring the new electronic network into being.” It was this same “electronic network” of healthcare that was advanced by G.W. Bush during his administration: “Strengthening the health care safety net is a necessary part of improving American's access to care.”


To the federal government, the purpose of creating a nationalized electronic safety network was to “research to improve the prevention, detection and treatment of diseases.” As became law under the Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003, the federal government recognized their role in “disease management programs” through their healthcare safety network.


Then, one year after the FDA approved the full use of the RFID chips in humans, by executive order in 2005, G.W. Bush ordered HHS “to create a nationwide interoperable health information technology infrastructure.” In conjunction with and to the end of creating a nationwide health information infrastructure, HHS is to advance “the development, adoption, and implementation of health information technology standards nationally


through collaboration among public and private interests that are consistent with current efforts of the Federal Government [for the prevention, detection and treatment of diseases].” This collaboration with public and private interests easily identifies the method by which this national safety network system will be effectuated: RFID technology.


Some of the most highly influential medical groups and organizations propose not only that the private industry utilize RFID technology, but also that the federal government use its “policy-making” power to advance its use of an electronic healthcare safety network and to abandon the old methods. In short, each patient would and should be required to possess an RFID chip before getting medical treatment.



The New Healthcare Application

Today, the federal government has more motivation and incentive than ever to create and mandate a national safety network system. They have been working on it for 20 years or more, but its reality is with us today. The federal government now has the responsibility and power to control much (if not all) of the regulations and systems used in the medical industry, including how patients will be identified, processed, and treated through the system.


Its vested interest in the entire medical industry and in the cost of healthcare for each person will undoubtedly create a system of control upon the lives of those within its system. To do this, facts reveal that the federal government will utilize RFID chip technology and will require every person within the healthcare system to receive this chip into their bodies.


For some Americans, this may be acceptable, just as it is for one out of four persons in Germany. For others Americans, this is going to be a serious and fundamental line in the sand.


Consequently, these questions must be asked. Who will submit? Who will resist? What will the states do to protect their citizens from these mandates? What will the states do to require their citizens to comply with these mandates? What will the individual do to receive medical treatment who does not take this chip? Where will the individual go to receive quality medical treatment if all medical facilities require that you have this RFID chip?


What penalties will be imposed upon those who do not take this chip? These are all questions which must be answered and realized, because inevitably, the federal government will do all that it can to implement a RFID chip system.


(11)그 고난의 연기가 세세토록 올라가리로다 짐승과 그의 우상에게 경배하고 그 이름의 표를 받는 자는 누구든지 밤낮 쉼을 얻지 못하리라 하더라    계 4:11



Pro and Cons of RFID chip implant in humans

인체내 VeriChip설치시 고려와 위험성

Are you already chipped? Many are lining up at their local doctors office to get the chip. It is available for 200 US $ and will soon be free and 100% covered. Don’t be fooled that it’s necessity is required for digital health care. Once implanted it will be almost impossible to remove.


Do you fear the chip or accept it as a new one stop personal data tool? It will appear to be miraculous. No more cards to carry around, drivers license, social security card, passport, medical ID, banking info. It will be nicely packaged in a chip to serve all purposes, including identity theft.


Many believe it’s good to implant animals and will soon be accepted in humans.

You be the judge of your own destiny. So is the line being crossed by implanting RFID Chips in humans or are we well pass that point?



Pros of uploading data to chip.

Transponders are still used by military and commercial aircraft ,

Banking convenience

Medical ID

Global ID

Paperless currency


Driver’s license

Social Security

Prevent child abductions

Monitor Alzheimer patients

Tracking inmates

Prevent Political Kidnapping



Cons of RFID technology – Dangerous 666 Invasion

The universal bar code system


Population Tracking

Biblical Prophecy -666

Migration of the implanted transponder

Failure of implanted transponder

Electrical hazards

Possible incompatibility with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

Mark of the beast

New World Order


Human Rights





Obama's health care plan: Illegal or unethical

President, Barack Obama has promised a massive change to “modernize health care by making all health records standardized and electronic. This is especially true when you consider the advocates of implementing a program using so-called ‘Veri-chips’ containing all a person's medical information.


No one has said how much information will be contained in those implants. The company's executives have said their present push is the tagging of "high-risk" patients — diabetics and people with heart conditions or Alzheimer's disease. In a medical emergency, hospital staff could wave a reader over a patient's arm, get an ID number, and then, via the Internet, enter a company database and pull up the person's identity and medical history.    -


You are being watched


Within a human lifetime, RFIDs will likely be routinely embedded in everyone alive. Employers will start making implants a condition of employment. Chipped individuals will get discounts and other privileges. Eventually, having a chip will be essential for everything from voting and driving to shopping and medical care.


Cameras are just one of their tools. Others include radio frequency identification (RFID) chips, GPS location trackers, website cookies, facial recognition software and store loyalty cards. Computer programs used by security services can monitor and analyse billions of phone calls and e-mails in real time.


We are inadvertently handing over to centralized authorities an infrastructure of visibility the likes of which no society has ever seen before.


RFID chips could replace universal product codes, meaning every item on Earth would have its own unique identifier. We might find ourselves "covered with tags shouting out information about the clothing you're wearing, or what's in your purse or wallet.



One generation is all they need

By the time my four-year-old son is swathed in the soft flesh of old age, he will likely find it unremarkable that he and almost everyone he knows will be permanently implanted with a microchip. Automatically tracking his location in real time, it will connect him with databases monitoring and recording his smallest behavioural traits.


Most people anticipate such a prospect with a sense of horrified disbelief, dismissing it as a science-fiction fantasy. The technology, however, already exists A select group of people are already “chipped” with devices that automatically open doors, turn on lights, and perform other low-level miracles.


From this point forward, microchips will become progressively smaller, less invasive, and easier to deploy.



Further Con –Dangers –responded -#00001

First, I think you should move "prevent political kidnapping" to the con list.  

Second, have we really gotten to the point where we are so lazy that we can no longer turn on our own lights? Or carry proper identification? Why does the chip have to be implanted -- couldn't you simply carry your chip with you and have the same result?


Third, this will not stop identity theft. When there is money to be made, thieves will stop at nothing. The next rash of crimes will be people that were mutilated in order to retrieve their chip. And yes, I do believe someone will find a way to do this before too long.

Fourth, they would have to kill me to implant me with anything. Period.



reply posted by prevenge

know what is something that hasn't really been discussed.. i just kind of extrapolated on it a bit and came up with this.... since the chip is in the upper arm area.. then that area is going to kind of take on a whole new identity in our culture... if it's where you get "Swiped" as in .. that's where the "reader is placed near... then you're most likely going to have alot of contact near that area... wear and tear on clothing etc... just as anything that gets touched more often then not on a repeated basis... so that's a problem


what's the solution? party-affiliate arm bands. i forsee that being tied into the chip somehow... ala nazi-type arm bands of affiliation.. or at least resembling them. as some sort of protectorate of that area of the body with new-found frequent contact.



reply posted by wonderworld

I'm gad you feel that way. It will be over my dead body too. I should move the Political kidnapping and add bankers. That is a weird thought to cut off a guys hand and run it across an ATM reader. Gross.


I dont want to go Christian on you but it does say Biblically that the chip will be forced on people and on their right hand not their shoulder.



reply posted by exile1981


The day I have to get an RFID chip is the day I disappear. I don't like the idea and I doubt that the security built into it will be enough to prevent thieves from copying/stealing/misusing it. I don't think the Gov'ts intentions are pure.



I'm glad! The motive is more sinister than most know. Many may even doubt their faith when it comes time for mandatory chipping. Creepy!



reply posted by bambam1 – Serious Invasion !!!

Banking Convinience should also be moved to cons list

it is making every piece of your personal life more public bugger that.


I hate the idea of the chip and if or when it comes to Scotland they will have to be holding me at gun point too put that thing in. I am no robot never have been and never will be!!! Freedom for me and all you people

i will fight all the way, that’s how serious i am.


So line up all you sheep people as i walk the other way.


How can any sane person want it, i really don’t understand it, even the pros are taking into prosective but can you image the next enormous deal will be a big red chip to blow us all apart situated in the white house where the president stares at it every day in amazement and as they no longer need the big button, why blow up the world where you can just blow up the people. i ain’t handing my life over, are you? No matter who they send in to paint the perfect picture.


They feed to much sci fi for me to even take this serious.


Are they paying people to take the chip??????? Quick money fix??????

No its a bad idea !




reply posted by Danna

I guess I will be one of those people screaming in line and kicking for not wanting a chip...people will look at me like a lunatic...that's if the chip is ever considered in my country.


Yeah the gov is passing the limits I guess lots of people will manifest against the chip, if the gov. isn't stupid they will make it free of choice, only if you want it you get it of course that is to the older generations because I imagine them applying a law so that people who (for example) are born in 2010 are ordered to have a chip right after they are born.




reply posted by Nickmare

Well if they replace current forms of payment with this...

If you are mugged, instead of just being able to hand over a wallet you will need to be cut.


I'm not sure how plausible this idea is, but have you heard of people putting something in ATMs, which will copy card information? Well, somebody could develop something where when they shake hands with another person, it copies their information..?




That's a great conclusion. I dont want to go Christian on you but it does say Biblically that the chip will be forced on people and on their right hand not their shoulder. I think someone in one of those videos got the implant on his right hand. I wonder if there wll be any allergic reactions?


I'm not christian but i take the book of revelation very seriously.


one thing though.. it doesn't say they will take a "chip" in their right hand .

It says they will bear the mark of the beast on their right hand or forehead.


There is the mark of god on the 144k's foreheads.. and the mark of the beast other people's forehead. this could be construed many ways, but in my opinion, the mark of god is a specific genetic type that resonates with a higher level of human... whereas the mark of the beast.. is people that resonate with their animal instincts.. and obey their animalistic "beast" body.. not their spirit.


Yes, the chip is scary to alot of people..



Reply posted by Mindmelding

The pros and cons here are from the OP, the comments within brackets are mine:


Pros of uploading data to chip.

Transponders are still used by military and commercial aircraft (what has this to do with physical implants?)

Banking convenience (why is an implant more convenient than say biometric scanning? We already have a unique identification in our physical makeup, why not make the machines interface with this, no implants required?)


Medical ID (see comment to pro above)

Global ID (see comment referred above)

Paperless currency (paperless currency seems like an inflationary hellhole to me. It's not money, it's not value, it's authorization. I want my money to be worth something, not just the system telling me what I can and cannot afford)


Passports (see comment to banking convenience)

Driver’s license (see comment to banking convenience)

Social Security (see comment to banking convenience)

Prevent child abductions (are we sure this will work? I mean, they could just erase the chip or through emp or radiation kill it. If someone is ruthless to the point he will seperate a child from his parents he will for sure be able to get around a simple computer chip. If this worked we would not have computer, car or mobile device thefts...)


Monitor Alzheimer patients (why not just have them committed if their condition is bad enough to require them? Besides, the chip won't monitor them, it needs a whole infrastructure to track them, and what for?)


Tracking inmates (ok, if they're violent and dangerous enough this could work... but what guarantee do you have you won't be one of those inmates because of your political opinions? Which nation has ever achieved social peace through incarceration?)

Prevent Political Kidnapping (see comment to preventing child abductions)



Cons of RFID technology

The universal bar code system (this is fine for scarce material goods, I just don't want it on my body)

Privacy (indeed)

Population Tracking (indeed)


Biblical Prophecy (eh? oh right, that mark of the beast thing. Well, I guess the chip could be used by the religious nuts to herd scared people, so I see your point)

Migration of the implanted transponder (?)

Failure of implanted transponder (this is a con?)


Electrical hazards (as well as disrupting the natural flow of energy in our bodies. Remember acupuncture? We have an energy system too, I would not want to throw a spanner in it)

Possible incompatibility with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (this could be overcome with the proper technology, but as we've noted, we don't want the chip in the first place...)


Mark of the beast (biblical prophecy twice? You're really going for the theological angle aren't you?)

New World Order (well, duh)


Human Rights

Slaves (These last 3 things fall under freedom and NWO. Which links to elitism ).


Bottom line is the chip is a psychopathic control freak's wet dream and should never be allowed by any self aware animal population. It's health effects are so bad I wouldn't tag a dog. Yes, that's right, I would not tag a dog with this awfulness. So it's not hard to see where I stand on this issue. My line in the sand is waaaaay before me and mine get chipped.



Reply posted by wonderworld

How the hell do you list paperless currency as a PRO? Are you that absolutely blissfully ignorant? The death of physical money is the absolute death of freedom. To fail to understand that fact is ignorance in its purest form.


I will never get chipped either. We all have our reasons.




U S - RFID implants in health care bill


The Obama Health care bill under Class II (Paragraph 1, Section B) specifically includes in it's lists of things that must be in registered in the NATIONAL MEDICAL DEVICE REGISTRY: ‘‘(ii) a class II device that is implantable."

Then on page 1004 it describes what the term "data" means in paragraph 1, section B:
14 ‘‘(B) In this paragraph, the term ‘data’ refers to in
15formation respecting a device described in paragraph (1),
16 including claims data, patient survey data, standardized
17 analytic files that allow for the pooling and analysis of
18 data from disparate data environments, electronic health
19 records, and any other data deemed appropriate by the
20 Secretary"

What exactly is a class II device that is implantable? Lets see...

Approved by the FDA, a class II implantable device is a "implantable radiofrequency transponder system for patient identification and health information." The purpose of a class II device is to collect data in medical patients such as "claims data, patient survey data, standardized analytic files that allow for the pooling and analysis of data from disparate data environments, electronic health records , and any other data deemed appropriate by the Secretary."

It looks like they are seeking to register anyone that has the devices... not necessarily push them on everyone...


- from archangel689


[살후 2:3-살후 2:4]

(3)누가 아무렇게 하여도 너희가 미혹하지 말라 먼저 배도하는 일이 있고 저 불법의 사람 곧 멸망의 아들이 나타나기 전에는 이르지 아니하리니    (4)저는 대적하는 자라 범사에 일컫는 하나님이나 숭배함을 받는 자 위에 뛰어나 자존하여 하나님 성전에 앉아 자기를 보여 하나님이라 하느니라


(3)Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition. (4)Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.                            II Thess 2:3-4



JD-Class/Pastor P.K.  The Danger of VeriCHip-666-RFID - II

FORWARDS - PIC -from Pastor Kang, Thanks.


♡  왜 산에 가야 하는가  ♡

사람은 산을 걷는 것만으로 만병이 치유 된다.
인간은 태초에 산을 걸으며 진화해 왔다.
걷지 않으면 병이 생긴다.

나이가 들수록 산에 가야만 한다!
이유는 사람도 자연이라 자연과
조화를 이루어야 하기 때문이다



산속에서 품어내는 음이온 등 여러
물질이 사람의 모든 질병에
자연 치유 능력응 주기 때문이다.

문명의 이기는 자연을 파괴하고
자연과 멀어지는 도시 사람들은
산행과도 멀어졌다.



부족한 운동을 산행으로 보충 하라
이것이 자연의 섭리에 따르는 것이다.

사람과 자연과의 인연이 태초부터 그러하다.



산행은 인간의 숙명이다.
태초 인류는 산에서 태어났고 산에서 살았다.

농부도 알고 보면 산에서 나무를 하는
산사람과 같은 생활을 하고있다.


현대인은 산을 떠나 별로 걷지 않고
편한 생활을 하다보니 병이 생겨 났다.

병이란 기가 정체되고 순환이
안되어 생기는 것이다.

기가 쌓이는 간이 약화되면 피로가 쌓인다.
피로를 막아 주는것은 곧 산이다.


현대인은 모두 간을 혹사하고 있다.
간의 균형을 바로잡아 주는 것도 산이다.

정체된 기를 잡는 첫 번째가 바로 산이다.

산행보다 더 좋은 건강법 만드는 것을
조물주도 알지 못했다.


                                                 욕심을 버리고 천천히 산행하라.
참선하듯 걷는 것이 중요하다.

산행을 하다 보면 마음이
맑아지고 무념상태가 된다.



곧 산행은 참선이고 무아의
경지에 진입하는 가장 지름 길이다

산행을 시간으로 묶지 말라.
조물주가 만든 죽을때 까지 해야하는
숙명의 건강법 이니까!