School of Jesus Disciples REV 2:7

2010.06.03 09:21

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School of Jesus Disciples     REV 2:7

743 S. Grandview St. L.A. CA. 90057            Tel. (213)928-2932  Pastor P.K.

Every Sunday 3:30 pm            JD-class      Email:

“그러나 너는 모든 일에 근신하여 고난을 받으며 전도인의 일을 하며 네 직무를 다하라”    But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.                                       II Tim 4:5

Devotional to JDs,

Spiritual FORMULAE of the Bible

성서에나타난 영적수식(Form)의 의미
(The Basic Principles of Symbols & Interpretation.)

By St. Eucherius of Lyons  -  (ca. 380-ca. 449)
Born in the latter half of the fourth century, St. Eucherius died about 449. On the death of his wife he withdrew to the monastery of Lenins, where his sons, Veranius and Salonius, lived, and soon afterward to the neighboring island of Lerona (now Sainte-Marguerite), where he devoted his time to study and mortification. Desirous of joining the anchorites in the deserts of the East, he consulted John Cassian, who, in reply, sent him some of his Collationes, describing the daily lives of the hermits of the Thiebaud.

It was at this time that Eucherius wrote his beautiful letter De laude Eremi to St. Hilary of Arles (c. 428). Though imitating the virtues of the Egyptian solitaries, he kept in touch with men renowned for learning and piety, e.g. Cassian, St. Hilary of Arles, St. Honoratus, later Bishop of Marseilles, and Valerian, to whom he wrote his Epistola parænetica de contemptu mundi.

The fame of Eucherius was soon so widespread in southeastern Gaul, that he was chosen Bishop of Lyons. This was probably in 434; it is certain, at least that he attended the First Council of Orange( 441) as Metropolitan of Lyons, and that he retained this dignity until his death.

In addition to the above-mentioned letters, Eucherius wrote Formularium spiritualis intelligentiæ ad Veranium, and Institutiones ad Salonium, besides many homilies. His works have been published both separately and among the writings of the Fathers.

(The Basic Principles of Symbols & Interpretation.)

I. The Members of the Lord: Their Names and Significance

주님의 이름과 지체의 의미에 관하여

The eyes of the Lord are understood by divine examination; in the psalm: the eyes of the Lord are toward the righteous. [Ps. 33(34):16(15)]

The ears of the Lord are worthy when they hear; in the psalm: and his ears toward their cries. [Ps. 33(34):16(17)]

The mouth of the Lord is conversation with man; in the prophet: the mouth of the Lord has spoken. [Is. 1:20]

The word of the Lord is his son; in the psalm: my heart is inditing a good word. [Ps. 44(45):1(2)]

The arm of the Lord is his son, through whom all was made; in the prophet: the arm of the Lord is shown to him. [Is. 53:1]

The right hand of the Lord is like the arm of the Lord; in the psalm: the right hand of the Lord made strength. [Ps. 117(118):16 Vulgate]

The womb of the Lord, from which he brings forth his son, is hidden; in the psalm: out of the womb before the morning star have I begotten you. [Ps. 109(110):3]

The feet of the Lord are for ever stable; in the psalm: and darkness under his feet. [Ps. 17(18):10(11) Vulgate]

The footprints of the Lord are signs of his secret work; in the psalm: and they do not know your footprints. [Ps. 76(77):20(19) Vulgate]

The footsteps of the Lord are the coming or the path of the Lord; in the psalm: they have seen your footsteps, O Lord. [Ps. 67(68):25(24) Vulgate]

The arms of the Lord are a help to his saints; in the psalm: take up arms and a shield. [Ps. 34(35):2]

The protection of the Lord is a shield; in the psalm: O Lord, you have crowned us with the shield of your goodwill. [Ps. 5:12]

The vengeance of the Lord is a spear; in the psalm: hurl your spear and put an end to the impious. [Ps. 34(35):3]

The tension of divine threat is a bow; in the psalm: he has stretched his bow and prepared it. [Ps. 7:13(12)]

The precepts of the Lord or of the Apostles are arrows; in the psalm: he has sent his arrows and has scattered them. [Ps. 17(18):15(14)]

The discourse of the Lord is a vindicating sword; in the apostle: the discourse of the Lord is living, and it is as efficacious and penetrating as a two-edged sword. [Hebr. 4:12]

The discourse of the Lord is also a javelin.

The trumpet of God is the voice of the Lord made manifest; in the apostle: in te command and voice of the archangel and in the trumpet of God. [I Thess. 4:15]

The chariot of the Lord, the seat of the Lord, is the four-sided gospel; in the psalm: the chariot of the Lord has 20,000 sides. [Ps. 67(68):18(17)]

The rod of the Lord is a sign of his rule or of the correction of discipline; in the psalm: the rod of equity, the rod of your reign. [Ps. 44(45):7(6)]

The staff of the Lord is the sustaining consolation of God; in the psalm: your rod and your staff, they comfort me. [Ps. 22(23):4]

The embers of the fire are examples of charity or of repentance; in the psalm: with the embers of the desolate. [Ps. 119(120):4 Vulgate]

Smoke is the beginning of future contrition or of a threat from God; in the psalm: smoke rises in his anger. The same in another part: like noxious smoke in the eyes, it is vanity. [Ps. 17(18):9(8); unidentified]

Fire is the Holy Spirit; in the acts of the apostles: and fire appeared to them in forked tongues and sat above each of them, and they were filled with the Holy Spirit. [Acts 2:3-4]

II. On Heavenly Objects

                  하늘의 것들에 수식(Form) 관하여

The heavens are the apostles or the saints, the same where the Lord dwells; in the psalm: The heavens tell the glory of the Lord. [Ps. 18(19):2(1)]

The clouds are the prophets and the saints, which rain the word of the Lord; in Isaiah: I shall order the clouds above to rain. [Is. 5:6]

The thunder is the voice of the evangelists, which sound in the sky; in the psalm: The voice of the thunder in the heaven. [Ps. 76(77):19(18) Vulgate]

The lightning is the splendor of the evangelists; in the psalm: Your lightning lights the globe of the earth. [Ps. 76(77):19(18)]

The lightning is the strength of the word of Jesus Christ; in the psalm: the lightning multiplied and disturbed them. [Ps. 17(18):15(14)]

The angelic thrones, like the saints, are themselves the power of Your rule; in the psalm: Your throne, O God, is for ever and ever; the same in another part about the devil: I place my throne in the north wind. [Ps. 44(45):7(6); Is. 14:13]

The angels and the saints are the seat of the One Who is Above, because the Lord sits on them; in the psalm: The Lord sits above the seat of His saints. [Ps. 46(47):9(8) Vulgate]

The sun is Lord Jesus Christ, who shines on the earth; in Solomon: therefore, the sun of justice does not shine on us. [Wis. 5:6]

The moon is the church, which is resplendent in the night of this world; in the psalm: He made the moon for its time. [Ps. 103(104):19]

The stars are the saints and the learned; in Daniel: the learned shall burn like the stars, and the angels will shine as well. [Dan. 12:3]

The clouds are truly the mysteries of God; in the prophet: and the rain the clouds of his feet. [Nah. 1:3]

The mist is the working of the divine mysteries; in the psalm: and the mist is beneath His feet. [Ps. 17(18):10(11)]

The deep is the profundity of the Scriptures; in the psalm: deep calls to deep. [Ps. 41(42):8(7)]

The dew is the word of God, which moistens the land of men; in the psalm: like the dew of Hermon which falls on Mount Sion. [Ps. 132(133):3]

The rain is the precepts and decrees of the Lord, which water the land, that is, men; in the psalm: O Lord, You separated the plentiful rain from Your inheritance. [Ps. 67(68):10(9) Vulgate]

The snow is the great brightness of justice; in the psalm: You will wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. [Ps. 50(51):9(7)]

The hail is the threats of the Lord, which beat the stubborn; in the psalm: hail and the coals of fire. The same in another part: and it fell into their vineyard like hail. [Ps. 17(18):13(12); Ps. 77(78):47]

The hoarfrost is abstinence because through it, the passion of the body freezes; in the psalm: I am made like a bottle in the frost. [Ps. 118(119):83]

The storm is the force of trial and examination; in the psalm: He who saves me made me from a weak soul and a storm. [Ps. 54(55):9(8) Vulgate]

The ice is the hardness of sinners; in Solomon: your sin is dissolved like ice in clear weather. [Eccl. 3:17]

The wind is the breath of the saints; in the psalm: He has flown upon the wings of the wind. The same in a bad part in Matthew: And the winds blew. [Matt. 7:25]

The north wind is the devil, or bad, faithless men; in the prophet: from the north wind, evil broke out above the earth. [Jer. 1:44]

The right wind is the same as the north wind; in Solomon: a hard wind is from the north. Moreover, it is called by the name right because the devil himself assumes that name of good, or because of the right would be the west, that is, sin, from his point of view. [Prov. 25:23]

The south wind is the ardor of faith; in the psalm: like a stream in the south. [Ps. 125(126):4 Vulgate]

The empty air is a messenger; in the apostle: thus, I fight, not beating the air, that is, not pursuing emptiness. [1 Cor. 9:26]

The correct time is the ordering of divine will; in the psalm: he made the moon in due season. [Ps. 103(104):19 Vulgate]

Spring is the renewal of life, as baptism is the renewal of life through the resurrection; in the psalm: You have made summer and spring. [Ps. 73(74):17]

Summer is the prefiguration of the joy to come; in the psalm: the same as above.

Winter is persecution and tribulation; in the gospel: let your flight be neither in winter nor on the Sabbath. [Matt. 24:20]

The years are sometimes taken for eternity, thus: your years do not run short, for the time being and for the brevity of life, and so: you shall meditate upon your years, as if they were like a spider's web.

Day and night are righteousness and iniquity, faith and infidelity, prosperity and adversity; in the psalm: The Lord has shown His mercy by day and has declared it in the night. [Ps. 41(42):8]

Light and darkness are thus taken to be like day and night; in the epistle of John: he who loves his brother remains in the light; however, he who hates his brother is in darkness. [I John 2:10-11]

The shade is divine protection; in the psalm: take me under the shadow of Your wings. [Ps. 16(17):8]

in the letter of John: little children, the last days are here. [I John 2:18]

The east saves greatly; in Luke: the dayspring has come to us from on high; and in Zechariah: behold the man, Orient is his name. [Luke 1:78; Zech. 6:12]

The west is the lessening of a better life; in the prophet: our sun has set at midday. [Am. 8:9]

The morning light is the doing of good, or baptism, or resurrection; in the psalm: I shall stand before You in the morning, and I shall see You. [Ps. 5:3]

Midday is the clarity of great teaching and great deeds; in Solomon: where do you lie at noon? and in the bad part of the psalm: a demon at noon, that is, a demon made manifest. [Cant. 1:6; Ps. 90(91):6 Vulgate]

(The Basic Principles of Symbols & Interpretation.)

VII. On the Useful or the Ordinary

       일상 생활에 나타나는 예수님의 수식(FORM)

The bread is Christ or conversation of the Lord; in the gospel: I am the living bread. [John 6:41]

The wine is the same as above; in Solomon: and drink this wine, which I have blended for you. [Prov. 9:5]

Olive oil is mercy or the Holy Spirit; in the psalm: I have anointed him with my holy oil. The same in another part: Let not the oil of the sinner, that is, admiration, touch my head. [Ps. 88(89):21(20); Ps. 140(141):5]

Pork is sin; in the psalm: they are sated with pork. [Ps. 16(17):14 (unknown variant)]

Yeast that does not ferment is inquity; in the apostle: in the yeast of sincerity and truth. [I Cor. 5:8]

The best flour is purity of mind and strength of love; in Leviticus: if the soul offers a gift of sacrifice to God, let its gift be the finest flour. [Lev. 2:1]

A small baked cake is an oblation of humility; in Genesis: make haste, sprinkle three measures of the best flour, and make little cakes. [Gen. 18:6]

Milk is sincerity of mind; in the letter of Peter: reasonably long for milk, without pain. The same in another part: I gave you milk to drink, not food; yet you will not drink it. Here milk is a small amount of understanding. [I Peter 2:2; I Cor. 3:2]

Rennet is insensitivity to life; in the psalm: their heart is like milk gone sour. [Ps. 118(119):70 Vulgate]

Salt is the seasoning of wisdom; in the gospel: you are the salt of the earth. [Matt. 5:13]

Honey is the sweet teaching of God; in the psalm: how much sweeter your eloquence is to my throat, O Lord, than honey is in my mouth. The same in Solomon: finding honey, eat as much as is enough, lest you vomit in overabundance, that is, lest you seek what is too great for you. [Ps. 118(119):103; Prov. 25:16; Eccl. 3:22]

Bile is the love of injustice; in the psalm: they gave me bile for food. [Ps. 68(69):22(21) Vulgate]

Vinegar is the roughness of a corrupt mind; in the psalm: and in my thrist, they gave me vinegar to drink. [Ps. 68(69):22(21)]

Pitch is inequity and blackness of offenses: in Solomon: he who touches pitch is defiled from it. [Eccl. 13:1]

Strong drink is the completion of a specific inquity; in the gospel: he will not drink wine or strong drink. [Luke 1:15]

The wine cup is the passion of the Lord; in the psalm: I will take up the cup of salvation. [Ps. 115(116):13]

New wine is the sincerity of the just or the truth or the fire of faith; in the psalm: it is mixed fully with wine and new wine. [Ps. 74(75):9(8) Vulgate]

The dregs are the last of the righteous; in the psalm: truly his dregs are not emptied. [Ps. 74(75):9(8) Vulgate]

Food is discourse or the will of God; in the gospel: my food is doing the will of my Father who sent me. [John 4:34]

Drink is the same as above; in the psalm: You give them drink of the fountain of Your will, that is, of the Holy Spirit. The same in another part: the kingdom of God is not food and drink. [Ps. 35(36):9(8) Vulgate; Rom. 14:17]

The granary is the reservoir of the heart; in the canticle of Deuteronomy: in fear in the granary. [Deut. 33:16]

The knapsack is anxiety about the means of living; in the gospel: I will not perish in the way. [Matt. 10:10]

The purse is stored up treasure in God; in the gospel: make your purses which shall not grow old. And in another part: let us have a common purse, that is, desire for the Lord. [Luke 12:33; Prov. 1:14]

Money is the divine word; in the gospel: therefore, you ought to have sent my money out to the exchangers. [Matt. 25:27]

A pelt of sheepskin is the people; in the psalm: and let him descend as rain upon a pelt of sheepskin. [Ps. 71(72):6 Vulgate]

Linen is spiritual strength or candor; in Exodus: next you will prepare tunics of linen for the sons of Aaron. [Ex. 28:40]

The bottle is the form of the human body; in the gospel: one ought to put new wine in new bottles. [Luke 5:38]

Flour is good work or knowledge; in the gospel: the wife hid it in three measures of flour. [Luke 13:21]

The millstone is conversion of life; in the gospel: two are milling in a millstone. The stones of the millstone can mean the two testaments, through which with labor the wheat sown with the old instrument is made into the flour of the gospel. [Matt. 24:41]

The abyss is to be understood, as we have said above, as the profound depth of the scriptures or an infinity of deep water; many springs burst forth from the abyss. The righteousness of God is such an ineffable abyss: Your righteousness is a great abyss. Hades is also an abyss: who, then, has descended into the abyss? That is Christ who called forth the dead. The abyss is also the human heart in the darkness of sins: the abyss has said: it, that is, wisdom, is not with me. [Gen. 7:11; Ps. 35(36):7(5) Vulgate; Rom. 10:7; Job 28:14]

Fire, as we have mentioned above, is taken as the Holy Spirit. And fire as His all-encompassing love, the fire of His flames. Fire is tribulation: we have been tried by fire as silver is tried by fire. Fire is anger: and I will consume them in the fire of my anger, says the Lord. Fire is desire: all are adulterers, their hearts are like an oven for baking bread. [Ps. 65(66):10; Ezek. 22:31; Hosea 7:4]

The shade, as we have indicated, means divine protection; the shade, in other cases, means sins: sitting in darkness and shade like the dead. Shade, in yet another case, means punishments; in Job: where the shadow of death is and no order exists. And such shade is not far from its business, which is the shade, thus, death is not far from punishment, which brings death. In another case, shade is the enjoyment of sins; in Job about the devil: under the shade he sleeps in the secrecy of reeds and in wet places and, once more, the outward appearance is a different matter, where many in that form mean one thing. [Job 40:16]

The two testaments, as we have mentioned, may signify two millstones because two stones are in a mill. Likewise, the two testaments may signify the two Cherubim in Exodus; two animals in Habakkuk; two rocks, in Exodus and in the Song of Songs, which Moses and the bride cover with a veil; two bronze mountains in Zachariah, from which came teams of four, with horses of red, black, white, and other colors, out of the hidden shade of the myrtle thicket. [Ex. 25:18; Hab. 3:8; Ex. 17:6; Cant. 2:14; Zech. 6:1-4]

Baskets are the apostles; in the gospel: and they put the plentiful leftovers in twelve baskets. The same in another part: their hands were enslaved in a basket, that is, in servitude and tribulation, which the Egyptians had wrought. [Matt. 14:20; Ps. 80(81):7(6) Vulgate]

The bishop's seat is instruction; in the psalm: let them in the bishop's seat of the elders praise him. The same in a bad part: he shall not sit in the bishop's seat of plague, that is, in the instruction of heretics. [Ps. 106(107):32 Vulgate; Ps. 1:1 Vulgate]

The stool is the subjection of the humiliated; in the psalm: until I place your enemies beneath your feet as a stool. [Ps. 109(110):1]

The scales are equity, or the power of divine government; in Isaiah: and he weighed the mountains and the hills in his scales. [Is. 40:12]

Ashes are the emptiness of human frailty; in Solomon: what remains but earth and ashes? [Eccl. 10:9]

The jar is lineage; in the psalm: Moab is the jar of my hope, that is, Christ according to the flesh was descended from the lineage of Ruth, a Moabite. The same in another part: the jar of tribulation has dried up; in the prophet: And I have seen an inflamed jar with its face from the face of the north wind. [Ps. 59(60):10(8) Vulgate; Matt. 25:7; Jer. 1:13]

Lamps are souls aflame with righteousness; in the gospel: and they prepared their lamps. [Matt. 25:7]

Light is the church or the soul; in the gospel: let your loins be girded and your light bright. Several times lights are good works; therefore, let your light shine, that they might see your good works. [Luke 12:35; Matt. 5:16]

A bushel basket is the human body, or the letter of the law, or the people of Judah; in the gospel; no man light a light and puts it under a bushel. [Matt. 5:15]

The candlestick is the church, or the body of the Lord, or the sacred scripture; in the prophet: and I saw on the right of the altar two burning candlesticks. [Zech. 4:2]

The table is the altar or the refreshment of the spirit; in the psalm: You prepare a table in my sight. [Ps. 22(23):5]

The keys are the opening of scriptural knowledge; in Luke: woe to you, dying in the law, which you take to be the key of knowledge; you will not enter by it, and you will be kept from those who do enter. The same keys are the virtues of righteousness, mercy, and piety; in the gospel: I give you the keys of the heavenly kingdom. [Luke 11:52; Matt. 16:19]

The bolt is the bar of divine teaching against the impious; in the psalm: since he has made the bolts of your door sound. [Ps. 146(147):13]

The axe is the prosecution of the perverse; in the psalm: and with a two-edged axe, they felled it. [Ps. 73(74):6(5)]

The two-edged sword is double affliction; in the psalm, the same as above.

The ship is the church; in the gospel: the small ship was tossed by waves in the middle of the sea. As is the custom, I have said that man is a small ship, that the thoughts which rule men may be termed sailors. [Matt. 14:24]

Nets are public preaching; in the gospel: and send out your nets for a catch. [Luke 5:4]

Beams are grave sins; in the gospel: first pull the beam from your own eye. [Matt. 7:5]

The rod is a lighter sin; in the gospel: and then you will see to draw the rod from your brother's eye. [Matt. 7:5]

The noose is sorrow; in the psalm: they have prepared a noose for my feet. [Ps. 56(57):7(6)]

The ropes are fortune or heredity; in the psalm: they have beaten me with splendid ropes. ropes are also sins; woe to you who bear sins or long ropes. Also, the ropes of sinners have bound me. [Ps. 15(16):6 Vulgate; Is. 5:18; Ps. 118(119):61]

The {potter's} wheel is an orbit or human life; in the psalm: the voice of the thunder in the wheel. And in the same: my God, place them on a wheel, that is, make them unstable or fickle in their malice. [Ps. 76(77):19(18) Vulgate; Ps. 82(83):14(13) Vulgate]

The sponge is the den of inquity of the Jews; in the gospel: they put a sponge filled with vinegar and surrounded by hyssop to his mouth. [John 19:29]

The ladder is the perfection of the saints; in Genesis: and he saw in his sleep a ldder standing above the earth, and the top of the ladder touched heaven. The angels of God ascended and descended on the ladder. [Gen. 28:12]

The broom is the cure of superstition through one glory; in the gospel: and he, entering, found it unoccupied, since it had been cleaned with a broom and made orderly. [Luke 11:25 (Vulgate)]

The pearl is the gospel teaching or the hope of the kingdom of heaven; in the gospel: having found the precious pearl, he went away and sold everything which he had and bought the pearl. [Matt. 13:46]

The ring is a sign of faith; in the gospel: and put a ring on his hand. The same about this in the psalm: O Lord, the light of Your face is a sign above us. [Luke 15:22, Ps. 4:7 (Vulgate)]

The cloak is the apparel of praise; in Solomon: she made cloaks for her man, that is, vestments, because he would be clothed in the two testaments. [Prov. 31:22]

Gold is the interior knowledge of the scriptures; in the psalm: and his {the dove's} back side has an outline of gold. [Ps. 67(68):14(13)]

Silver is the divine declaration or knowledge of letters and history; in the psalm: the declarations of the Lord, pure declarations, are silver tried by the fire. [Ps. 11(12):7(6)]

Precious stones are the apostles, or the saints, or their works of virtue themselves; in the Apocalypse: all the foundational walls of the city are decorated with precious stones. [Apoc. 21:19]

Copper is vanity or empty faith; in the apostle: I am made as a gong. The same in another part: you have placed my arms that I may bend copper. Here, copper is firm and strong. [1 Cor. 13:1; Ps. 17(18):35(34)]

Iron is tribulation or man himself; in the psalm: his soul has passed through iron. [Ps. 104(105):18 (Vulgate)]

Lead is the weight of sins; in the prophet: and I saw iniquity on lead coins. [Zech. 5:7]

Clay is the fragility of human flesh; in the apostle: here, we have a treasure in earthen pots. [2 Cor. 4:7]

Book VIII. On the Various Meanings of Words and Names

성서 단어의 언어와 이름의 의미들

To build is to do good works or to teach well; in the apostle: if anyone builds precious stones on a foundation of silver and gold. [I Cor. 3:12]

To destroy is to commit bad deeds or to teach badly; in Solomon: one building and one destruction. [Eccl. 34:28]

To clean is to erase vices; in the gospel: Jesus touched him, saying, I will you to be clean, and immediately, the leper was cleansed. [Matt. 8:3]

To stand is to persist in the faith; in the apostle: stand in faith. [I Cor. 16:13]

To walk is to reach out to the Lord; in the psalm: and I will walk in freedom. [Ps. 118(119):45]

To sit is to begin again humbly in God; in the gospel: remain {literally, sit yourselves} in the city. [Luke 24:49]

To be ill is to succomb either to vice or to temptation; in the gospel: and he found her lying ill on her bed. [Mark 7:20]

To run is to hasten into good works; in the apostle: run that you may understand. [I Cor. 9:24]

To be vigilant is to guard your heart or to rise again into God; in the psalm: a vigil all the way from morning until night. [Ps. 129(130):6 (unknown variant)]

To sleep is to rest in the passover of Christ; in the psalm: Does he who sleeps not turn that he may rise again? And otherwise, to sleep is to be trapped in the sleep of sin; in the apostle: Ye who sleep, arise! [Ps. 40(41):9 Vulgate; Ephes. 5:14]

To have ascended is perfection in God; in the psalm: his rising is in my heart. [Ps. 83(84):6 (unknown variant)]

To have fallen is defection from God; in the gospel; a certain man descended from Jerusalem to Jericho. [Luke 10:30]

The way is Christ; in the gospel: I am the way and the truth and the life.

Likewise, the way is the life of man: in the psalm: I have made my ways known, and You have heard me. [John14:6; Ps. 118(119):26 Vulgate]

Broad places are an expanse of seductive vices; in the gospel: the way that leads to destruction has a wide, roomy door. [Matt. 7:13]

Narrow places are the influence or pressure of tribulation; in the gospel: narrow and strait is the door that leads to life. [Matt. 7:14]

Orderly is the arrangement of the teachings of God; in Isaiah: make right his path. [Is. 40:3]

Crooked is deviance from the teachings of God; in Isaiah: and they were crooked in order and rough in the level ways. [Is. 40:4]

Obedience to the teachings of God is smooth; in Isaiah: the same as above.

Disobedience is, in contrast, harsh and bristly; in Isaiah: the same as above.

The part of righteousness is on the right; in the gospel: he placed the sheep on his right, and the goats on his left. [Matt. 25:33]

The part of unrighteousness is on the left; in the gospel: the same as above.

The pit is sorrow or a fall into death; in the psalm: they dug a pit before my face. [Ps. 56(57):7(6)]

The well is the devil or hell; in the psalm: Do not let the well force its mouth on me. And in a good part of Genesis: it was sworn at the well, that is, the water of faith. [Ps. 68(69):16(15); Gen. 46:1]

Health is wholeness of mind; in the psalm: I have cried out to You, and You have cured me. [Ps. 29(30):3(2)]

Fatigue is an illness of vices; in the psalm: who relieves all my fatigue. [Ps. 102(103):3 (unknown variant)]

Leprosy is the contamination of sins; in the gospel: and immediately the leper was cleansed. [Matt. 8:3]

Book IX. On Jerusalem and her Enemies

               예루살렘과 그 적들에 관하여

Jerusalem is the church or the soul; in the psalm: praise the Lord, Jerusalem. And to be noted: because everyone generally comes together in the church, this can also refer to the soul. [Ps. 147:12]

Zion is the same as above; in the psalm: praise your God, Zion. [Ps.147:12]

The sons of Zion are the sons of the church; in the psalm: let the sons of Zion rejoice in the king. [Ps. 149:2]

The sons of Jerusalem are the same as above.

The tabernacle is the body of the Lord or the church; in the psalm: his tent {tabernacle} is pitched in the sun. [Ps. 18(19):6(4) Vulgate]

The ark is the flesh of the Lord or the hearts of the saints; in the psalm: you are the ark of my sanctification. The same is the church in which those who will be saved are hidden; in Genesis: only Noah and those with him in the ark remained. [Ps. 131(132):8 Vulgate; Gen. 7:23]

The stone tablets are two, I think, because of the two testaments or because of the two teachings about loving God and neighbor; in Exodus: and the Lord said to Moses, “Carve two stone tablets.” [Ex. 34:1]

The law is divine teaching; in the psalm: the law of the Lord is pure. [Ps. 18(19):8 Vulgate]

Handwriting is the record of a sinful man and the devil by the hand of inquity; in the apostle: the handwriting of a sinner which was against us. [Col. 2:14]

The agreement is a compact of divine grace with man; in the psalm: I did not see them obeying the pact. [Ps. 77(78):57(56) (unknown variant)]

The testament is a confirmation of divine will; in the prophet: and I will confirm the testament with the house of Judah. [Jer. 31:31 and Heb. 8:8]

The foreskin is the life of the gentile; in the apostle: another in the foreskin was calledd, not to be circumcised, that is, even one from the gentiles who came to faith in Christ will not be circumcised in the body. [I Cor. 7:18]

Circumcision is the finishing off of vices; in the apostle: you were circumcised with a circumcision not done by hands in the finishing off of the flesh of the body. [Col. 2:11]

The horn is strength or the kingdom; in Kings: and he raised high the horm of His Christ. [I Samuel (I Kings) 2:10]

Purple is the type of those martyred through bloodshed; in Exodus: all, who saw with the heart, in the beginning brought to God gold, silver, copper, hyacinth, purple, scarlet, goats' hair, and linen. [Ex. 35:5-6]

Scarlet is the same as above or the ardor of charity or the remembrance of the cross; in Exodus: the same as above.

Linen is the radiance of chastity or continence; in Exodus: the same as above.

Hyacinth is the blue color of the confessors; in Exodus: the same as above.

The ephod is a sign, on the shoulders, of miracles; in Exodus: and they made an ephod of gold and hyacinth and purple and scarlet goats' hair and complicated linen. [Ex. 39:2]

The breastplate is a sinner's avowal of reason or is instruction; in Exodus: and they made a breastplate wrought in fabrics according to the work of the ephod. [Ex. 39:8]

The priest's garment is a deeper and more perfect teaching; in Exodus: and they made a long priestly garment; under the buckle the work was made entirely of hyacinth. [Ex. 39:20]

The girdle is the golden arrangement before the cross; in Exodus: and they made a golden girdle and above it wrote, as he had said, in letters forming the sacred sign of the Lord, that is, the tetragrammaton name of the Lord. [Ex. 39:29]

The temple is the body of Christ or the saints; in the apostle: for you are the temple of the living God. [II Cor. 6:16]

The altar is the height of faith; in the psalm: then they will place calves upon the altar. [Ps. 50(51):21(19) Vulgate]

Sacrifice is an offering of righteousness; in the psalm: make a sacrifice of righteousness. [Ps. 4:6(5)]

The burnt offering is a complete kindling of faith; in the psalm: I will offer to you a fatty burnt offering. [Ps. 65(66):15]

The sacrificed is Christ or the soul blessed by God; in the apostle: an offering and sacrifice to God in the aroma of sweetness. [Ephes. 5:2]

Myrhh is the sign of mortality; in the psalm: myrhh and aloe and cassia from Your vestments. [Ps. 44(45):9(8) Vulgate]

Salve is the spreading mercy of the name of Christ; in Solomon: your name is like salve spread out. [Cant. 1:2]

The holy of holies is the interior where abide the mysteries of God or the kingdom of heaven; in the epistle to the Hebrews: for Jesus came, not as a copy of the truth made by a holy hand, but from the heavens themselves that the face of God might appear now for us. [Heb. 9:24]

The sabbath is spiritual rest; in Genesis: and the Lord rested from his labors. [Gen. 2:2]

Lent is the form of this life and its labor; in the gospel: and when he had fasted forty days and forty nights. [Matt. 4:2]

Pascha is the announcement of the Lord's passover; in the gospel: before the day of the feast of Passover Jesus, knowing that his hour had come and that he would pass from this world to his Father. [John 13:1]

The fifty days {between Pascha and Pentecost} are signs of future blessedness or release; in Leviticus: therefore, you will count seven full weeks from the time of the day at the altar and after that is fifty days. [Lev. 23:15-16]

The jubilee is a the sign of the peace to come; in Leviticus: it is the year of release; it will be a sacred sign to us. [Lev. 25:10]

The city is the church of God or the soul; in the psalm: in the city of our God. [Ps. 47(48):2 Vulgate]

The citizens are the faithful; in the apostle: but you are citizens of saints and of the household of God. [Eph. 2:19]

The walls are the protection of the divine scriptures or of the prophets or of the saints; in the psalm: the walls of Jerusalem will be built. The same in another part: in my God I shall step across the wall. [Ps. 50(51):20(18); Ps. 17(18):30 Vulgate]

The towers are the apostles or every perfect one; in the psalm: and fulness is in Your towers. [Ps. 121(122):7 Vulgate]

The gates are the sacred scriptures or righteousness or the apostles or the angels; in the psalm: and be raised up, ancient gates. The same in another part: how wide the gate and spacious the way that leads to night. [Ps. 23(24):7; Matt. 7:13]

The streets are the broad holiness of the saints; in the apocalypse: and the streets of the city were gold so pure that they shone like glass. [Apoc. 21:21]

The foundation is Christ or faith; in the apostle: for no one can put another foundation besides the one that Christ Jesus has already put in place. [I Cor. 3:11]

The walls are the law or the care of angels; in the song of Isaiah: and after I had enclosed the walls and I had annexed the reeds, I planted a vineyard. [Is. 5:2 (unknown variant)]

The house is the soul in which Christ lives or the church; in the psalm: let us go to the house of the Lord. [Ps. 121(122):1]

The upper room is the height of the worthy or of knowledge; in the gospel: and he himself will show you a large upper room. [Luke 22:12]

The door is the opening of faith; in the apostle: the large door was open to me that I might see. [I Cor. 16:9]

The column is the mainstay or support of the spirit; in the apostle: James, John, and Cephas (Peter), who are seen to be the columns. [Gal. 2:9]

The wall [of a house] is the construction of good works; in the song of songs: behold, here past our wall, seeing through the windows. [Cant. 2:9]

The windows are the vision or perception of others; as above: seeing through the windows; the same in a bad part: death enters through your windows. [Cant. 2:9; Jer. 9:21]

The step is the ascent of the spirit; in the title of the psalms: the songs of degrees. [Ps. 119(120):1 Vulgate]

The floor is humility or the affliction of the spirit as if in a dip in the ground; in the psalm: my soul clings to the floor. [Ps. 118(119):25 Vulgate]

The lute is good works; in the psalm: a glad lute with a zither. [Ps. 80(81):3(2) Vulgate]

The zither is the breast of the devout, in which the nerves are virtues, in which is spiritual good; in the psalm: arise, lute and zither, that is, the works of faith; or it is about the resurrection of the Lord's body with divine strength. [Ps. 107(108):3(2)]

The ten strings of a ten-stringed lute are the ten precepts or the five senses of the exterior man combined with the five of the interior; in the psalm: on a ten-stringed lute and a zither with a song. [Ps. 91(92):4(3) Vulgate]

A pipe is a man or the one who has gone up to God; in the psalm: praise Him with strings and pipe. [Ps. 150:4]

A drum is the body weakened in fasting; in the psalm: praise Him with drum and strings. [Ps. 150:4]

The strings are harmony; in the psalm: as above.

The trumpet is the joy of the voice in divine proclamation; in the prophet: your voice like a glad trumpet. [Is. 58:1]

Cymbals are the lips that trust in the Lord or the love of God and the love of neighbor; in the psalm: praise Him with loud clanging cymbals. [Ps. 150:5]

Celebration is noise expressed with spiritual fervor; in the psalm: praise Him with joyful cymbals. [Ps. 150:5]

Egypt is this world or the gentiles; in the psalm: ambassadors will come from Egypt. [Ps. 67(68):32 Vulgate]

Ethiopia is the church of the gentiles; in the psalm: let Ethiopia come before His hand; and the same in another part of the psalm: You gave food to the people of Ethiopia. [Ps. 67(68):32 Vulgate; Ps. 73(74):14 Vulgate]

Babylon is the world or Rome; in the apocalypse: and Babylon, great in memory, came before God, who gave her a cup of wine, the enormity of His anger. [Apoc. 16:19]

Enemies are the devil or faults; in the psalm: let him not be confused, when he talks to his enemies at the gate. [Ps. 126(127):5]

Thieves are heretics or pseudoprophets; in the gospel: all who come before me will have been thieves or robbers. [John 10:8]

The gentiles are faults; in the Pentatuch: when the Lord, your God, led you into the land which you were going to possess by degrees and he destroyed many people in front of you. The same in another part: clap your hands, all you people. [Deut. 7:1; Ps. 46(47):2(1)]

A battle is a contest between spiritual iniquity or a fight against faults; in the apostle: thus I fight but not like one that beats the air. [I Cor. 9:26]

Peace is harmony between flesh and spirit; in the psalm: ask who in Jerusalem are of peace. [Ps. 121(122):6 (unknown variant)]

Victory is triumph over the devil or over adeversity; in the apostle: give thanks to God who gives us victory through our lord Jesus Christ. [Ephes. 2:14]

Wages are the reward of perfect work; in the apostle: I follow to the end, to the wages of the heavenly calling of God. [I Cor. 15:57]

The crown is the wage of eternal glory for righteousness; in the apostle: as for the rest the crown of righteousness is laid on me. [Phil. 3:14]

Because the fullness of spiritual perfection leads to the crown, rightly he perfects those to whom the crown is the spiritual names. We have led then to the difficulty of containing the spiritual names, such as these, that they may be drawn out whole, while they themselves sow the seeds of meaning in another part.

Book X. On Numbers

                 성서에 있어 수의 상징적 의미

I. This number refers to the unity of the divinity; in the Pentatuch: hear, O Israel, the Lord your God is one. [Deut. 6:4]

II. [This number refers] to the two testaments; in Kings: and He made in Dabir two cherubim in the measure of 10 cubits. [III(I) Kings 6:23]

III. [This number refers] to the Trinity; in the epistle of John: three are those who bear witness: water, blood, and spirit. [I John 5:8]

IV. [This number refers] to the four evangelists; in Ezekiel: and from the middle of them the likeness of four animals. [Ez. 1:5]

V. [This number refers] to the five books of Moses; in the apostle: I wish to speak five words in the church with my mind. [I Cor. 14:19]

VI. [This number refers] to the sixth day on which the Lord made man along with all the animals of the land; in Genesis: let us make man in our image and likeness; the same a little later: and it was done, evening and morning, the sixth day. [Gen. 1:26; Gen. 1:31]

VII. [This number refers] to the seventh day on which God rested after all that He had done; in Genesis: and he rested on the seventh day from the whole work that he had accomplished. [Gen. 2:2]

VIII. [This number refers] to the day of the Lord's resurrection, that is, the eighth day; in the title of a psalm: into the end for the eighth [Shemi-nith, the eighth part in Hebrew]. [Ps. 11(12):1 Vulgate]

IX. [This number refers] to the sacrament because at the ninth hour the Lord let loose his Spirit; in the Gospel: about the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice. [Matt. 27:46]

X. [This number refers] to the decalogue; in the psalm: I will sing to you with a ten-stringed lute. [Ps. 143(144):9]

XII. [This number refers] to the apostles; in the gospel: these are the names of the twelve apostles. [Matt. 10:2]

XIV. [This number refers] to the Lord's vow to the generations; in the gospel: from Abraham to David were in all fourteen generations. [Matt. 1:17]

XV. [This number refers] to the 15 steps of the temple.

XVI. [This number refers] to the number of the prophets.

XXII. [This number refers] to the promise of [the number of] divine books, according to the Hebrew alphabet.

XXIV. [This number refers] to the mystery of the number of elders; in the Apocalypse: and on thrones twenty-four elders were sitting. [Apoc. 4:4]

XXX. [This number refers] to the fruit of faithful unions; in the gospel: and they gave fruit, some a hundredfold and others sixty- and thirtyfold. [Matt. 13:8]

XXXIII. [This number refers] to the mystery of the age to which the Lord lived in the flesh; in the apostle, as can be seen from this: until we have become, in the unity of faith and in the suffering of the Son of God, perfect men in the measure of the age of the fullness of Christ. [Ephes. 4:13]

XL. [This number refers] to the promise of Lent; in the gospel: and he was led by the spirit in the desert for forty days. [Luke 4:1-2]

XLII. [This number refers] to the number of stopovers in the desert or to the number of generations from Abraham through the [birth of the] Lord Jesus Christ. [cf. Matt. 1]

L. [This number refers] to the Pentecost; in the acts of the apostles: and when the days of Pentecost were completed. [Acts 2:1]

LX. [This number refers] to the fruit to widows or to the debt to those who restrain passion; in the gospel: and another gave fruit sixtyfold. [Matt. 13:8]

LXXII. [This number refers] to the number of elders of Moses or the number of disciples whom the Lord chose; in the gospel: after that the Lord named 72 others and sent them, before His own face, two by two into the whole world. [Luke 10:1]

C. [This number refers] to the fruit of the martyrs or of the virgins; in the gospel: and others gave fruit a hundredfold. [Matt. 13:8]

We have put forth, therefore, as examples those certain and holy numbers. Assuredly, more beyond these exist, and you will find that almost all, which are made by the very means of divine reading, are sacred.

JD-Class/Pastor P.K.                    Spiritual Formulae of the Bible-I


<시편 118:14-17>
여호와는 나의 능력과 찬송이시요 또 나의 구원이 되셨도다 The LORD is my strength and song, and is become my salvation의인의 장막에 기쁜 소리, 구원의 소리가 있음이여 여호와의 오른손이 권능을 베푸시며 The voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tabernacles of the righteous: 여호와의 오른손이 높이 들렸으며 여호와의 오른손이 권능을 베푸시는도다 The right hand of the LORD is exalted: the right hand of the LORD doeth valiantly.

내가 죽지 않고 살아서 여호와의 행사를 선포하리로다 I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the LORD.                                                        
                                                  Psalm 118:14-17
ATTACHED-1     노인이 지켜야할 12 도  & 유머(Humor).

   (특히 老人이)    지켜야 할 12 道

1.  言 道   말의 수는 줄이고, 소리는 낮추어야 한다.

2.  行 道   행동을 느리게 하되, 행실은 신중해야 한다.

3.  禁 道   탐욕을 금하라. 욕심이 크면 사람이 작아 보인다.

4.  食 道   먹음으로 산다. 가려서 잘 먹어야 한다.

5.  法 道   삶에 규모를 갖추는 것이 풍요로운 삶보다 진실하다.

6.  禮 道    갖추어야 할 예절이 있다. 대접만 받으려 하지 말라.

7.  樂 道   삶의 즐김은 욕망을 채움이 아니다. 간결함에 삶의 낙이 있다.

8.  節 道   늙음에도 아름다움을 잃지 말라. 절제함에 삶의 멋이 유지된다.

9.  心 道   인생의 결실은 마음가짐이다. 마음을 비우면 세상이 넓어 진다.

10.  忍 道   누구에게나 인내는 필요하다. 참지 못하면 망령이 된다

11.  學 道    경험이 풍부하고 터득한 것이 많을 지언정, 배울것은 아직 더 많다.

12.  棄 道     손에 쥐고 있던 것을 언제 놓아야 하는지, 그 때를 잃지 말라.
                      이것이 노인의 마지막 도이다.

                                                   - 아름다운 노년 생활에서 건강

미역 약처 먹는 법  

푸른 바다에서 갓 잡아 올린 싱싱한 미역은

그야말로 공해시대를 이기는 천연의 약이다.


각종 오염물질의 섭취로 혼탁해진 우리 몸을

깨끗이 청소해주는 역할을 하기 때문이다.


만병을 이기는 천연의 약, 미역으로

건강을 지키는 노하우를 소개합니다.


◈ 미역은 피를 맑게 하는 주인공 ◈

미역을 물에 담가 보면 표면이 온통 진득진득

끈끈이로되어 있는 것을 볼 수 있다.


끈끈이는 일종의 특수한 섬유로서 보통 섬유는

물에 녹지 않는데 미역의 섬유는 물에 녹는다.


물에 녹는다 해도 아주 물에 녹아

없어지는 것이 아니라

미세한 작은 알갱이로 분해되어 보통 섬유와

같이소화가 안 된다.

게다가 보통 섬유와는 달리 진득진득한 성질이 있기

때문에 다른 물질에 달라붙거나 빨아들이는 힘이 강하다.


이렇듯 미역 섬유의 알갱이들은 핏속의 불순물질에 철저히

달라붙어 포위해서 몸 밖으로 시원하게 몰아내버린다.


참으로 신기한 것은 미역에는 피를 덩어리지지 않도록

함과 동시에 맑게 하는 성분도 듬뿍 함유돼 있다는 것이다.


이때까지 알려진 것만 해도

후고이단, 라미닌,후고스테롤, 클로로필,

에이고사 판타엔산 등이다.


이와 같이 미역에는 피를 맑게 하는 성분들이 한 종류가

아니라 여러 종류가 있어서 합작하여 철저히 피를 맑게

하고 잘 순환시키기 때문에 만병을 예방하고

치료할수 있는 것이다.

◈ 미역은 암을 예방한다 ◈

영국에서 흥미로운 연구 결과를 발표한 적이 있다.

섬유식을 많이 먹는 아프리카의 인도인들의 대변의

통과시간이 약 30시간인데 영국인, 미국인 등은

섬유식을 안 하고 가공 정제된 식품을 먹기 때문에

평균 72시간을 이상을 소요하고 대변량도 적다는 것이다.

대변은 체내의 노폐물로서 그 중에는

몸에 해로운것이 많이 들어 있다.


특히 암을 유발하는 물질이 들어 있다.

그런 것들이 장안에 몰래 머물러 있으면 발암독이

농축되어 암이 유발되는 것이다.


식물 섬유는 콜레스테롤뿐만 아니라 발암물질,

기타의 병원 독을 흡착해서 몸 밖으로 몰아내버린다.


◈ 미역은 담배의 독을 몰아낸다 ◈

담배의 니코틴은 쾌감을 비롯해 심장병, 뇌졸중, 기타

만병을 유발하는 원흉이다.


니코틴 독이 걱정이 된다면 반드시 미역을 먹도록 하자.

담배를 피우지 않는다고 방심해서는 안 된다.


담배 연기만 마셔도 몸에 해롭기 때문이다.

따라서 평소 미역된장국을 상식해서

그 해독을 막도록 하자.

◈ 미역은 뼈를 강하게 한다 ◈

미역에는 칼슘이 100g당 약 960mg 들어 있다.

우리가 필요로 하는 1일 칼슘의 양은 약 600mg이다.

칼슘은 우리 몸에서 척추를 위시해서 뼈를 만드는 재료다.

따라서 만약 칼슘이 부족하면 건강은 고사하고

인간이존재할 수가 없다.


그러나 지금부터라도 끼니마다 미역을 부지런히 먹도록자.

특히 나이가 들어갈수록 점점 뼈에서는 칼슘이 빠져나와

나중에는 구부정한 노인이 될 수 있으니 그것이 싫다면

더욱 많이 미역을 먹어야 한다.


◈ 미역은 노화 막는 불로초다 ◈

각종 미네랄, 특히 요오도가 많이 들어 있고

피를맑게하기 때문이다.  

또 미역에는 물에 녹는 특수 섬유가 들어 있어 피부를

더럽히는 독소를 말끔히 몸 밖으로 몰아내준다.


변비는 우리 몸에 독을 만들어서 피부를 망쳐버린다.

여드름, 기미, 주근깨는 다 변비의 독이 만든다.


섬유가 풍부한 미역, 콩, 현미, 깨 등을

많이 먹으면변비에 걸리지 않는다.


또 피부를 아름답게 하려면 비타민 A, B1, B2, C, E 등도

필요한데 뜻밖에도 미역에 이들 영양소가 많다.


미역에는 중요한 영양소인 단백질, 지질, 당질 등이

풍부하고 섬유, 미네랄, 비타민 등도 많이 들어 있다.


특히 미역에는 칼로리가 거의 없으므로

많이 먹어도 살찔 염려가 없다.


◈ 미역은 위궤양을 예방, 치료한다 ◈

미역 섬유가 끈끈하고 찐득찐득해서 위와 십이지장
벽을보호해주기 때문이다.


그리고 미역의 섬유와 기타 성분은합작해서

위점막 세포등에

활력을 주어 강하게 하는 약리작용도 한다.

특히 미역에는 녹색성분인 클로로필과비타민 A가 풍부해서

이것들 역시 피부와 점막을 강화시키는 작용을 한다.

이러한 효능으로 인해 미역은 공해시대를 살아가는

우리에게는 최고로 좋은 보약이다.


매끼에 꼭 먹도록 하자.

미역자반, 미역국만 매일 먹으면 질리므로 미역, 다시마

등을 가루로 만들어서 다른 반찬에 첨가하도록 하자.

그리고 아무리 좋은 음식도 과식을 하면 독으로 되니

조금씩 잘 씹어 먹도록 한다.

쇠고기, 닭고기, 돼지고기 등은 몸에 해로우니

가급적 먹지말라고 해도

무슨 사정으로 종종 먹게 되는 일이 있다.


이럴 때는 반드시 미역을 먹도록 하자.

요즘의 동물성 지방에는 중금속이 많다.


사료에 들어 있는 중금속이 지방에 달라붙기 때문이다.

미역은 이 중금속과 콜레스테롤을 몸 밖으로 몰아내니

쇠고기, 돼지고기를 먹을 때는

미역과 된장국도 함께먹도록 하자.

다시마 김 등의 해초도 미역과 동등한 영양가가

있으므로 참고하자.

No. Subject Author Date Views
35 School of Jesus Disciples REV 2:7 , 미역 약처 먹는 법 섬김이 2010.06.10 6640
34 시력 좋아지는 비결 섬김이 2010.06.08 5239
33 ^*^♥ 아들 딸 이란 ♥^*^ 섬김이 2010.06.08 5129
32 우리 음식이 몸에 좋은 이유 섬김이 2010.06.08 5403
31 ♡사랑했습니다♡ 섬김이 2010.06.08 5187
30 School of Jesus Disciples REV 2:7 , Subject: Fw: 6.25전쟁 스라이드 섬김이 2010.06.08 332514
29 School of Jesus Disciples REV 2:7 섬김이 2010.06.05 5411
» School of Jesus Disciples REV 2:7 섬김이 2010.06.03 6438
27 기도의 선결 조건 섬김이 2010.06.02 5580
26 1.사도들의 가르침,2 복음의 여명 서상윤의 발자취를 따라 섬김이 2010.06.02 9046
25 세브란스병원 국제진료센터 인요한 박사의 강연 섬김이 2010.06.01 5008
24 :★이 세상에서 가장 행복한 사람★ 섬김이 2010.06.01 4969
23 언약궤와 양심에 관하여-(Part-I) ,♧ 숫자로 본 人體의 神秘 ♧ 섬김이 2010.05.30 6078
22 컴퓨터 끄기 전에 청소하기 섬김이 2010.05.29 4923
21 암의예방과치유-창조적건강관리를 위하여 섬김이 2010.05.29 12980
20 통풍(痛風)의 원인과 치료 섬김이 2010.05.28 6042
19 ★남한 사람 정신 차려야 합니다★ 섬김이 2010.05.28 5539
18 치매를 예방하는 확실한 방법 50가지를 소개합니다. 섬김이 2010.05.28 5532
17 주옥같은 말의향기 섬김이 2010.05.28 5579
16 십자가의 도 섬김이 2010.05.28 9025