School of Jesus Disciples    REV 2:7

1011 S. Arlington Ave, L.A. CA 90019                Tel. (213)928-2932  Pastor P.K.

Every Sunday 3:00 pm            JD-class      Email:  

그러나 너는 모든 일에 근신하여 고난을 받으며 전도인의 일을 하며 네 직무를 다하라”    But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.                                       II Tim 4:5

Devotional to JDs,

Ark of the Covenant & Conscience - I

언약궤와 양심에 관하여-(Part-I)

[히 9:14-히 9:14]

(14)하물며 영원하신 성령으로 말미암아 흠 없는 자기를 하나님께 드린 그리스도의 피가 어찌 너희 양심으로 죽은 행실에서 깨끗하게 하고 살아 계신 하나님을 섬기게 못하겠느뇨  

(14)How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?                                     Heb 9:14

(14) ¿Cu~nto m~s la sangre de Cristo, el cual por el Esp@ritu eterno se ofreci# ~ s@ mismo sin mancha ~ Dios, limpiar~ vuestras conciencias de las obras de muerte para que sirv~is al Dios vivo?

(14) povsw/ ma'llon to; ai|ma tou' Cristou' o~" dia; pneuvmato" aijwnivou eJauto;n

proshvnegken a[mwmon tw'/ qew'/ kaqariei' th;n suneivdhsin uJmw'n ajpo; nekrw'n

e[rgwn eij" to; latreuvein qew'/ zw'nti

The Ark (my heart) of the Covenant

Israel's sanctuary illustrates how our mental, physical, and spiritual dimensions interrelate. The court represents our body carrying out the choices of the will. The Holy Place is the realm of the mind, will and emotions - process thinking, choices, and feelings. This was separated from the most Holy Place by a veil. The court and Holy Place represent our outer man.

The Most Holy Place is the realm of the conscience, values and motives. This is the inner man. It is the "why" behind what we do. The Ark of the Covenant was in the Most Holy place. It represents our heart. The Mercy Seat over the Ark of the Covenant is clearly a throne. Someone is meant to reign there over our heart, the ark.

What was in the heart? (1)The Law was there, the standard defining what we should do. Condensed to its simplest form that law is love. (2) Aaron's rod was also there, representing the conscience. (3) Lastly there was a jar of manna, representing our needs. Let's look at this apart from anyone reigning on the throne accept ourselves. Who takes care of our needs? Well, we do of course. Many would dispute this, but when we are ultimately responsible for our needs being met, the result is a selfish perspective.

How does one with an egocentric or selfish perspective obey the law of love? They can't. What does the conscience say about that? Well it judges us when we don't do what's right. So what do we do? We justify ourselves as symbolized by the veil. This veil represents a separation between the Holy and Most Holy Place. There is a disconnect between our motives, and the mask we create for personal and public acceptance.

The law, defining what we should do, and the conscience, without the influence of grace (God reigning in love), creates a punitive, judgmental, and authoritarian moral atmosphere. This is the essence of the old covenant. This is the moral atmosphere in which most live if they have values yet fail to live under grace.

The problem is that we are born without the rightful ruler reigning over our hearts. However, if we make Jesus the Lord of our lives, things change. He alone can provide us with the security and love we need to be whole. He promises to provide for us. We can now let go of our need life and simply rest in His provision (symbolized by the manna). Sure, we have a part to play, but we can act that part resting safely in His care. Our selfish perspective is no longer necessary.

God's mercy and understanding need to reign over the conscience as well, creating a relational and merciful moral atmosphere. With Him reigning as a trusted friend, his law is seen as a gift of loving guidance. It no longer needs to function in a morally coercive role. Commands are no longer necessary.

When all of the issues of the heart take their appropriate place, under God, we can be honest with ourselves and others. The veil is rent. The glory of God's love shines forth from our heart. That love is reflected off the golden walls in the holy place and out into the court where it will touch others. Our lives are changed as we live under God's grace.                     - from Patrick Fagenstrom,

The Ark of His Covenant – 천국의 증거궤


"And there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament [covenant—R-V.]:, and great hail."        

Revelation 11:19.

Even we who believe have as yet failed to see much of the truth of God. We know enough to save us, to comfort us, and to help us on our way to heaven; but oh, how much of the glory of divine truth has never yet been revealed to our eyes! Some of God's children do not fully know even the common truths as yet, and those who do not know them realize but little of their depth and height.

From our text, it appears that there are certain things of God which as yet we have not yet seen there is need that they should be opened to us: "The temple of God was opened in heaven." When our Lord Jesus died, He rent the veil of the temple, and so He laid open the Holy of Holies but such is our dimness of sight, that we need to have the temple opened, and we need to have the Holy of Holies opened, so that we may see what is not really concealed, but what we are not ready to perceive by reason of the slowness of our understandings.

The two words for "temple" here may relate not only to the temple itself, but also to the Holy of Holies, the innermost shrine. Both of these, it seems, need to be opened, or else we shall not see what there is in them. Blessed be the Holy Spirit that He does open up one truth after another to us. Our Saviour's promise to His disciples was, "When he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth."

If we were more teachable, if we were more anxious to be taught, and waited upon Him more, He would, doubtless, lead us into many a truth which at the present moment we have not fully enjoyed. It is a happy thing for you and for me when at any time we can say, "The temple of God was opened in heaven, so that we saw even that which was in the innermost shrine of the holy temple."

The saints in heaven doubtless behold all the glory of God so far as it can be perceived by created beings; but we who are on the right way thither behold, as in a glass darkly, the glory of the Lord. We know only in part, but the part we do know is not so great as it might be, we might know far more than we do even here. Some suppose that they can know but little, because they say that it is written, "Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him."

Yes, but why do you stop there? Half a text is often not true; go on to the end of the passage: "But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God"; and that which your eye cannot see, and your ear cannot hear, and the heart of man cannot imagine, can be revealed to you by the Spirit of the Lord. Oh, that we were more conscious of the power of the Spirit, and that we waited upon Him for yet fuller instruction!

Then I am persuaded that, in our measure and degree, it would be true to us, even as to the perfected ones above, "The temple of God was opened in heaven," and they saw that which was in the holiest place.

What did they see when the temple was opened? When the secret place was laid bare to them, what did they see? That is to be my subject now. "There was seen in his temple the ark of his covenant." If we could look into heaven at this moment, this is what we should see, "the ark of his covenant."

O sinner, thou thinkest that thou wouldst see an angry God, but thou wouldst see the ark of His covenant! O child of God, perhaps thou dreamest of many things that might distress thee in the glory of that sight; but rest thou content, this would be the main sight that thou wouldst see, Jesus, the incarnate God, the great covenant Surety! Thou wouldst see there, where, the Godhead shines resplendent, the ark of His covenant.

I. I shall begin by noticing. first, that THE ARK OF HIS COVENANT IS ALWAYS NEAR TO GOD: "There was seen in his temple the ark of his covenant."  Of course, the outward symbol is gone; we are not now speaking of a temple made with hands, that is to say, of this building. We speak of the spiritual temple above; we speak of the spiritual Holy of Holies. If we could look in there, we should see the ark of the covenant; and we should see the covenant itself always near to God. The covenant is always there. God never forgets it; it is ever before Him: "There was seen in his temple the ark of his covenant."

Why is this? Is it not because the covenant is always standing? The Lord said concerning His people of old. " I will make with them an everlasting covenant," of which David said, "Yet hath he made with me an everlasting covenant, ordered in all things and sure." If God has made a covenant with you, it is not simply for today and tomorrow, nor merely for this life, but for the ages of ages, even forever and ever. If He has struck hands with you through the great Surety, and He has pledged Himself to you, remember, "If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself."

Jehovah hath said, "The mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed." What He hath said He will stand to forever. He will keep His Word. He said to His Son, "I will preserve thee. .and give thee for a covenant of the people"; and He will never revoke the gift. This covenant stands secure. Though earth's old columns bow, and though my spirits sink, and flesh and heart fail me, yet this covenant shall bear me up even to the end.

The covenant of grace is forever the same, because, first, the God who made it changes not. There can be no change in God. The supposition is inconsistent with a belief in His deity. Hear what He says: "I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed." The sun hath his changes, but the Father of lights is without variableness, or shadow of turning. "God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?"

God has never to alter His purposes; why should He? Those purposes are always infinitely wise. He knoweth the end from the beginning; so His covenant, which He made with such deliberation in the councils of eternity, that covenant which is sealed with the most precious things He ever had, even with the blood of His only-begotten Son, that covenant upon which He stakes His eternal honor, for His glory and honor are wrapped up with the covenant of grace—that covenant cannot be changed because God Himself changeth not.

Then, next, the Christ who is its Surety and Substance changes not. Christ, the great Sacrifice by whose death the covenant was ratified, Christ, the Surety, who has sworn to carry out our part of the covenant, Christ, who is the very sum and substance of the covenant, never alters. "All the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us." If we had a variable Saviour, brethren, we should have a changeable covenant.

Look at Adam; he could change, and therefore he was a poor representative of the human race. Our first federal head soon fell because he was a mere man; but the Surety of the new covenant is the Son of God, who, like His Father, faileth not, and changeth not. Though He is of the substance of His mother, bone of our bone, and flesh of our flesh, and therefore can stand as man's Representative, yet is he Light of Light, very God of very God, and so He standeth fast and firm, like the unchanging God Himself. In this great truth we do and we will rejoice.

The covenant is always before God, for Christ is always there. He, the Lamb in the midst of the throne, makes the covenant always to be close to the heart of God.

And, beloved, note you this. The covenant must always be near to God because the love which suggested it changes not. The Lord loves His people with a love which has no beginning, no end, no boundary, no change. He says, "I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with loving-Kindness have I drawn thee." When the love of God's heart goeth forth toward the believer, it is not changeful like the love of man, sometimes high and sometimes low, sometimes strong and sometimes weak;

but, as it is said of our Saviour, "having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them unto the end," so can it be said of the great Father that His love is evermore the same; and if the love which dictated the covenant is always in the heart of God, depend upon it that the covenant which comes of that love is always there in the secret place of the Most High.

Reflect also, beloved brethren, that the promises contained in the covenant change not. I quoted to you, just now, one passage about the promises, and that is enough: "All the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen." Not one single promise of God shall ever fall to the ground unfulfilled. His Word in the form of promises, as well as in the form of the gospel, shall not return unto Him void. O souls, you may hang your whole weight upon any promise of God! You need not fear that it will break.

And once more, not only the promises, but the force and binding power of the covenant change not. All God's acts are done with a reference to His covenant, and all His covenant has a reference to His covenanted ones. Remember what Moses said of old, "When the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel."

Everything that He does follows the line and rule of His covenant. If He chastens and afflicts, it is not in anger, but in His dear covenant love. When first that covenant came into full action with the redeemed, it was all powerful; but it is just as powerful still. All that God doeth is still guided and directed by His eternal purpose and His covenant pledges to His people. Stand still, then, and when thou lookest up, if thou canst not see that temple because thine eye of faith is dim, if thou scarcely darest to look within into the secret place which is the holiest of all, yet know thou of a surety that the covenant is still there, and always there, whether thou seest it or seest it not.

I will tell thee when perhaps, thou wilt best know that the covenant is there; that is, when the storm-clouds gather the most thickly. When thou shalt see the black masses come rolling up, then remember that the Lord said to Noah, "I do set my bow in the loud, and it shall he for a token of a covenant between me and the earth." Then shalt thou know that Jehovah remembereth His covenant; thou mayest even be half glad of a black cloud,

that the sun of the divine love may paint upon it the many-colored bow, that God may look on it, and remember His covenant. It is good for thee to look on it; but what must it be for Him to look on it, and to remember His covenant? Be thou glad that the covenant is always near to God, as out text declares, "And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his covenant."

II. Now, secondly, THE COVENANT IS SEEN OF SAINTS: There was seen in his temple the ark of his covenant."

First, we see it when, by faith, we believe in Jesus as our Covenant-head.
By faith we know that God has entered into covenant with us. He that believeth in Christ Jesus is in covenant with God. "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life." "He that believeth on Him is not condemned."

He that believeth in Him is at peace with God, he has passed from death unto life, and shall never come into condemnation. Thou art in covenant with God, believer. Wipe thy weeping eyes, ask God to take the dust out of them, that thou mayest see that there is an unchanging covenant made with thee tonight and forever.

Next, we see this covenant when, by faith, we perceive it in God's actions toward us. Faith may see the covenant of God in all His actions. Do you not remember how the old Scotch woman blessed God for her porridge, but she blessed Him most of all because the porridge was in the covenant? God had promised bread and water, and therefore it was sure to come to her. God sent her bread to her in the form of porridge, and she blessed the Lord that it was in the covenant. Now, I thank God that food is in the covenant, and that raiment is in the covenant.

It is written, "Thy shoes shall be iron and brass," so they are in the covenant Life is in the covenant and death is in the covenant: "To die is gain." Everything that is to happen to us is in the covenant; and when faith sees it so, it makes like a happy one. Am I chastened? I say to myself "Well, the rod was in the covenant, for the Lord said that, if His children disobeyed Him, He would chasten them with the rod of men.

If I never had the rod, I should be afraid I was not in the covenant." Is it not written, "In the world ye shall have tribulation?" That is a part of the covenant, you see; so that, when you get it, say to yourself, "The God who is evidently keeping this part of His covenant will keep the rest of it to me, His child."

Brethren, we get, perhaps. the best sight of the covenant when by prayer we plead it. In that hour of our wrestling, in the time of our inward craving of mercies from the hand of God, we come at last to this. "Lord, thou hast promised; do as thou hast said." I love to put my finger on a promise, and then to plead it with the Lord, saying,

"This is thy Word, my Father; and I know that thou wilt not run back from it. O God, I believe in the inspiration of this Book, and I take very word of it as coming from thy lips. Wilt thou not seal it to my conscience, my heart, my experience, by proving it to be true?" Have you ever found the Lord's promises fail you? I remember one who had put in the margin of her Bible in several places, "I and P"; and when she was asked what those letters meant, she said,

"That they mean, 'Tried and Proved.' As I go through life, I keep trying and proving the promises of God, and then I put a mark in the margin of my Bible against every one I have tested, that I may not forget it the next time I have to plead it." That is the way to see the covenant at the right hand of God, when you plead it in prayer.

And there are some of us, I think, who can say that our experience up till now proves that God does not forget His covenant. We have wandered, but we have been able to say, "He restoreth my soul." for He has restored us. We have needed many things, and we have gone to Him in prayer, and pleaded that word, "No good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly," and He has listened to the cries of His servants.

He said He would do so: "Call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me." He has remembered us in our low estate, for His mercy endureth forever; and some of us who are no longer young can set to our seal that God is true because of many experiences of His faithfulness.

If they tell us that there is nothing in the Bible, and nothing in God, and nothing in the gospel of Christ, we laugh them to scorn. We have now for many a year lived upon the faithfulness of God, and we cannot be driven into a distrust of Him. He is faithful, and His mercy endureth forever.

Do you not also think that, when we arrive in heaven, we shall have a wonderful retrospect, and that retrospect will all come to this: "The temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his covenant?" Miss Hannah More very prettily puts it that, often, we do not see the right side of things here.

She went into a carpet manufactory, and she looked at what the workmen were doing, and she could see nothing that looked like beauty of design. 'There were tags and ends hanging out, and she said to the men, "I cannot perceive any design here," and they answered, "No, madam, for you are on the wrong side of the carpet"; but when she went round to the other side, she saw the beauty of the workmanship. Alas! we are at present on the wrong side of God's work; we must get to heaven to see it perfectly, and when we get there, we shall—

Sing, with wonder and surprise,
His loving-kindness in the skies.
and we shall say, It was all right; it could not have been better.

Every dark and bending line
Meets in the centre of his love.

God hath not erred. He has not gone abut the longest way to do His work, but He has done in the wisest and most prudent manner all that was for the best and highest interests of His dear covenanted ones. Thus, I have shown you that sometimes, and it should be always, God's people do see that glorious covenant of grace which is in the temple above.

III. Now I want to have your attention while I say briefly, in the third place, that THE COVENANT CONTAINS MUCH THAT IS WORTH SEEING. Let us think of what was in the ancient ark of the covenant, for all that was in that ark as a type is to be seen in Christ our heavenly covenant ark above.

In that ark, if you and I could have gone into the holy place, and have had our eyes strengthened to look. we should have seen, first, God dwelling among men. What a wonderful thing! Over the top of the lid of that sacred coffer which was called the ark, there shone an amazing light which was the index of the presence of God. He was in the midst of the camp of Israel. He that filleth heaven and earth, the infinite Jehovah, deigned to make that place His special dwelling-place, so that He is addressed as, "Thou that dwellest between the cherubims."

Here is a part of the new covenant: "I will dwell in them, and walk in them." It is marvelous that God does speak with men. He whom you heard thundering, last night, as He drove His chariot through the sky, that God in infinite condescension speaks with us, and has come down to us, and taken us into relationship with Himself in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, who is at once the fellow of the Almighty, and the brother of the sons of men.

O beloved, rejoice in the covenant, that God is no longer divided from men! The chasm made by sin is filled, the gulf is bridged, and God now dwells with me, and manifests Himself to them; and "the secret of the Lord is with them that fear him."

Next, in that ark you would have noticed, if you could have seen into it, God reconciled and communing with men upon the mercy-seat. Over the top of that ark, as I have told you, was a golden lid, which fitted it, and covered it exactly, and that golden lid was called the mercy-seat, the throne of grace.

There God spoke with men. He sat there, as it were, enthroned as the Friend of men. Now, it is a part of the covenant that God hears prayer, that God answers our petitions, that He meets us in a way of reconciled love, that He speaks to us in tones which the spirit can hear though the ear cannot. Thank God for a blood-besprinkled mercy-seat. What should we do if we had not that as our meeting-place with the thrice-holy Jehovah?

Then, within the ark, underneath the lid, if we could have looked in, we should have seen the law, the two tables of stone, which represent law fulfilled in Christ, and henceforth laid up in His heart, and laid up in our hearts, too, if we delight in the law of God after the inward man. Now, this is our joy, that the law of God has nothing against the believer.

It is fulfilled in Christ, and we see it laid up in Christ, not to be a stone to fall upon us to grind us to powder, but beautiful and fair to look upon as it is in the heart of Christ, and fulfilled in the life of Christ. I rejoice in the covenant which contains in it stipulations all fulfilled, and commands all executed, by our great Representative.

Together with those tables of the law there was laid up a rod, a rod which had originally been a dry stick in the hands of Aaron, but when it was laid up before the Lord it budded, and blossomed, and brought forth almonds. So, in the covenant of grace, we see the kingdom established and flourishing in Christ, and we rejoice in it.

Oh how pleased we are to bow before His fruitful sceptre! What wonderful fruit we gather from that blessed rod! Reign, reign, Jesus, reign! The more Thou dost rule us, the more Thou art absolute Sovereign of our hearts, the happier shall we be, and the more shall we delight ourselves in Thee. There is no liberty like complete subjection beneath the sway of Jesus who is our Prophet, Priest, and King.

Then, by the side of that rod there was laid up the golden pot full of manna, the provision made for the wilderness. Let us rejoice that there is in the covenant all the provision that we need. God has laid up for us in Christ all our spiritual meat, all the food that we shall ever need between here and heaven. "Feed me till I want no more," we cry to our blessed covenant Representative, and He will do so.

Then, over the top off the ark, sat the cherubirm with outstretched wings, as, I think, representing how the angels are in league with us, and with the angels all the forces and powers of the universe. This day, the beasts of the field are our friends, and the stones of the field have ceased to be our foes. Child of God, you may travel by land or sea; you may go where you will; for everywhere you are in your Father's house.

All that you see about you is a friend to you, since you are a friend to God. I often wonder that the earth bears up ungodly men. It must groan beneath the weight of a swearer; it must want to open and swallow him up. But with the gracious man, the man who fears God, all things are at peace; and we may know it to be so. "Ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace; the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands."

Oh yes, oh yes, we are quite at home anywhere, now that God is our God! True, the earth travaileth, and is in pain, and the creation suffers and will suffer till Christ comes again; but still her travail is our travail, and we are in sympathy with her, and when she doth reflect the glory of her God she is our looking-glass in which we see our Father's face.

Thus, I think, 1 have shown you that there is much to be seen in the ark of the covenant. God give us grace, like the angels, to fix our eyes upon it! "Which things the angels desire to look into." We have more to do with the ark of His covenant than they have; let us be more desirous even than they are to look therein.

IV. I close with this fourth point. THE COVENANT HAS SOLEMN SURROUNDINGS. Listen: "There were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail."

When the people entered into covenant with God on Sinai, the Lord came down upon the top of the mount, and there were thunderings, and lightnings, and voices, and an earthquake. There were all these tokens of His presence, and God will not leave the covenant of his grace without the sanctions of His power; that thunder, that lightning, that storm—all these are engaged to keep His covenant.

When they are wanted, the God who smote Egypt with great hailstones, the God who make the Kishon to sweep his enemies away, the God who made the stars in heaven to fight against Sisera, will bring all the overwhelming forces that are at His command to the help of His people, and the fulfilling of the covenant which He has made with them.

O you who are His people, fall back in confidence upon the God who has treasures of snow, and hail, and the dread artillery of storms and tempest! Most of you, my hearers, have never seen a great storm yet, no r heard in its majesty the thunder of God's power. You must be in the tropics to know what these can be, and even then you would have to say, "These are but parts of His ways." Oh, how the Lord can shake the earth, and make it tremble even to its deep foundations when He pleases!

He can make what we call "the solid earth" to be as weak as water when He doth but lift up His finger. But all the power that God hath—and it is boundless—is all in that right hand which has been lifted high to heaven in the solemn oath that He will save His people. Wherefore, lean upon God without the shadow of a doubt. He may well put all your fears to rest even by the thunder of His power.

Then reflect that there is another side to this truth. You who are not in covenant with God, you who have not believed that Jesus is the Christ, you who have never fled for refuge to lay hold of the hope set before you, you who refuse the divine mercy which comes to you through the bleeding person of the suffering Christ, do remember that there will be for you the thunderings, and the lightnings, and the voices, and the earthquake, and the great hail, for these set forth the terrors of eternal law, overthrowing God's adversaries.

You have no conception of what God will do with the ungodly. False teachers may smooth it down as much as they like, but that Book is full of thunderbolts to you who refuse God's mercy. Listen to this one text: "Consider this, ye that forget God, lest I tear you in pieces, and there be none to deliver." Can you sport with that? Listen to another: "Ah, I will ease me of mine adversaries, and avenge me of mine enemies!"

What will you say to that, or to this? "And again they said Alleluia. And her smoke rose up forever and ever." "The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb.

And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever: and they have no rest day not night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark; of his name." That they talk as if we invented these terrible words, but we do not; we merely quote the Scriptures of truth, and they are terrible indeed to the wicked. That they should make men start in their sleep, and never rest until they find a Saviour.

So I beseech you, my hearers, fly to Jesus at once; weary, and heavy-laden, look to Him, for He saith especially to you, "Come unto me, and I will give you rest." The Lord add His blessing to the truth I have tried to preach to you, the sweet and the terrible alike, for Jesus' sake! Amen.

(22)거기서 내가 너와 만나고 속죄소 위 곧 증거궤 위에 있는 두 그룹 사이에서 내가 이스라엘 자손을 위하여 네게 명할 모든 일을 네게 이르리라  (22)And there I will meet with thee, and I will commune with thee from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubims which are upon the ark of the testimony, of all things which I will give thee in commandment unto the children of Israel.           Ex 25:22

Fight against the Devil

Words: Ju­lia W. Howe, 1861, Music: by John Will­iam Steffe

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord;
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;
He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword;
His truth is marching on.

Chorus - ( Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! His truth is marching on.)

2.He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat;
He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment seat;
Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him! be jubilant, my feet;
Our God is marching on.                 (-Chorus-)

3.In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,
With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me:
As He died to make men holy, let us live to make men free;
While God is marching on.               (-Chorus-)

4. He is coming like the glory of the morning on the wave,
He is wisdom to the mighty, He is honor to the brave;
So the world shall be His footstool, and the soul of wrong His slave,.
Our God is marching on                 (-Chorus-)  

FORWARDS - PIC -from Pastor Kang, Thanks.

숫자로 본 人體의 神秘 ***  

♥ 아프면 이곳을 눌러라 ♥
♧ 숫자로 본 人體의 神秘 ♧

피가 몸을 완전히 한바퀴 도는 데에는 46초가 걸린다.

눈을 한번 깜빡이는데 걸리는 시간은 1/40 초이다.

혀에 침이 묻어 있지 안으면 절대로 맛을 알수없고 코에 물기가 없으면 냄새를 맡을 수 없다.

갓난아기는 305개의 뼈를 갖고 태어나는데 커 가면서 206개 정도로 줄어든다.

사람의 허파는 오른쪽보다 왼쪽이 더 무겁다.

인간의 수명을 70세라 할 때 일어나는 일들을 살펴보면

소변을 본다: 38,300리터

꿈을 꾼다: 127,500번

심장이 뛴다: 27억번

운다: 3000번

난자 생산량: 400개

정자 생산량: 4천억

웃는다: 540,000번

음식물을 먹는다: 50톤

눈을 깜빡인다: 333,000,000회

물을 마신다: 49,200리터

머리카락이 자란다: 563Km

손톱이 자란다 : 3.7m

심장에서 피를 퍼 보낸다: 331,000,000리터

모든 인간은 코에 극소량의 철(Fe)을 가지고 있어서
커다란 자장이 있는 지구에서 방향을 잡기 쉽도록 해준다.
빛이 없을 때 이것을 이용해서 방향을 잡는다.

눈의 근육은 24시간 동안 약 100,000번 움직인다.
다리가 이 정도의 운동을 하려면 적어도 80Km는 걸어야 한다.

두개의 콧구멍은 3~4시간마다 그 활동을 교대한다.
즉 한쪽 콧구멍이 냄새를 맡는동안 다른 하나는 쉰다.

뼈의 조직은 끊임없이 죽고 다른 조직으로
바뀌어 7년마다 한번씩 몸 전체의 모든 뼈가 새로 바뀐다.

하루에 섭취하는 열량의 1/4이 뇌에서 사용된다.

누구든 눈을 뜨고 재채기를 하는 것은 불가능하다.

재채기는 시속 160Km의 속도로 퍼지는데 이는 야구에서
투수가 던지는 공보다 훨씬 빠르다.

인간의 몸에서 가장 강력한 뼈는 넓적다리뼈이다. 이는
강철과 같은 정도의 압력을 견디어낼수 있다.

어린애가 두살이 되면 그 키가 태어날 때의
두배가 되는데 이는 어른이 되었을 때의
키를 예측하는 기준이 된다. 두살된 남자 아이의 키는
어른이 되었을 때의 49.5%이고 두살된 여자아이는 어른이
되었을 때의 52.8%라 한다.

손톱, 발톱의 경우 뿌리 부분이 완전히 손톱 끝까지
성장하는데 걸리는 시간은 6개월이 걸린다.

여자가 임신을 하면 피의 양이 25%정도 증가한다.

뇌는몸무게의 2%밖에 차지하지 않지만 뇌가 사용하는 산소의 양은
전체 사용량의 20%이다. 뇌는 우리가 섭취한 음식물의 20% 를
소모하고 전체 피의15%를 사용한다.

뇌는 1,000억개 신경 세포와 1,000조개의 신경세포 접합부를
가지고 있어서 뇌속의 상호 연결은 사실상 한계가 없다.

성인이 가진 근육의 수는 650개이고 관절은 100개
이상이며 혈관의 길이는 120,000Km 나 된다.
또 뼈의 숫자는 206개인데 그중 절반이 손과 발에 있다.

인간의 뼈는 화강암보다 강해서 성냥갑 만한 크기로 10톤을
지탱 할 수 있다. 이는 콘크리트보다 4배 강한 것이다.

폐는 폐포라 하는 공기 주머니를 가지고 있는데
그것은 무려 3,000,000개정도나 된다.
이 폐포를 납작하게 편다면 그 넓이는 93평방미터 정도가 된다.

매일남성의 고환은 한국 인구의10배에 달하는 정자를만들어 낸다.

한 인간이 살아 있는 동안 평균 280,000,000번 심장 박동을 하고
약 2,270,000리터의 피를 퍼낸다. 하루에도 주먹만한 심장은
약 300리터의 피를 퍼내고 있는 것이다.

일반적으로 체중이 70Kg되는 사람은 피의 양이 약 5.2리터이다.
적혈구는 골수에서 매초마다 20,000개씩 생성되는데,
적혈구의 수명은 120-130일정도이다.
이 골수는 평생 동안 약 반톤가량의 적혈구를 만들어 낸다.

인체에서 가장 큰 기관은 피부이다. 어른 남자의 경우
피부의 넓이는 1.9평방미터, 여자의 경우는 1.6평방 미터이다.
피부는 끊임없이 벗겨지고, 4주마다 완전히 새 피부로 바뀐다.
우리는 부모님이 물려주신 이 천연의 완전 방수의 가죽옷을
한달에 한 번씩 갈아입는 것이 된다.
한사람이 평생 동안 벗어버리는 피부의 무게는 48Kg
정도로 1000번정도를 새로갈아입는다.

우리의 키는 저녁때보다 아침때의 키가 0.8Cm정도 크다.
낮동안 우리가 서 있거나 앉아있을때 척추에 있는 물렁한
디스크 뼈가 몸무게로 인해 납작해지기 때문이다.
밤에는 다시 늘어난다.

우리의 발은 저녁때에 가장 커진다. 하루 종일 걸어
다니다보면 모르는 새에 발이 붓기 때문이다.
그러므로 신발을 사려거든 저 녁때에 사는 것이 좋다.

소화란 강한 산성과 알칼리성 사이의 위태로운 평형 작용이라 할 수 있다.
위산은 아연을 녹여버릴 정도로 강하지만 위장에서 분비되는
알칼리성 분비물이 위벽이 녹지 않도록 막아 준다.

그런데도 위벽을 이루는 500,000개의 세포들이 매분
죽어서 새 세포들로 대치된다.
3일마다 위벽 전체가 새것으로 바뀌는 것이다.
이 위산은 바이오 리듬에 의해 일정한 시간
(대개 아침, 점심, 저녁때이다.)에 분비되는데 이때에 식사를 하지 않으면
배가 고픈 것을 느끼는데 이것은 위벽이 상하고 있다는 신호이다.

여자가 아기를 출산 때는 자궁 입구가  평상시 때보다 500배나 크게 열린다.

인간의 혈관을 한줄로 이으면
120,000Km로서 지구를 3바퀴 감을 수 있다.

콜레스테롤은 인간의 몸에 해로운 것으로 알려져 있는데
콜레스테롤은 음식물안의 지방을 녹이는등 생리작용에서 생화학적으로
아주 중요하다. 콜레스테롤을 너무 많이 섭취하면 간에부담을
주고 혈관 속에 쌓여 급기야는 혈관을 막아서 사람을죽게
하기도 하지만 우리 몸에서 필수 불가결한 요소이다.

자동차를 만드는 데에 13000개의 부품이, 747제트 여객기를
만드는데에 3,000,000개의 부속품이,
우주왕복선을 만드는 데에는 5,000,000개의 부속품을 필요로 하지만
우리 인간의 몸에는 100조개의 세포 조직이 있고,
25조개의 적혈구와 250억개의 백혈구가 있다. 심장은 1분에 4.7리터의 피를 퍼내고 혀에는 9,000개이상의 미각세포가 있다.
이 얼마나 정교한 기계인가?

인간의 뇌는 고통을 느끼지 못한다. 가끔 머리가 아픈 것은
뇌를 싸고 있는 근육에서 오는 것이다.

인간은 위와 비장(脾臟=지라)의 50%,
간의 70%, 내장의 80%, 한 개의 폐를 떼어 내도 살수 있다.

인간의 눈은 이상 조건에서 100,000가지의 색을
구분할 수 있지 만 보통은 150가지를 구별해 낸다.

남자의 몸은 60%가, 여자의 몸은 54%가 물로 되었기 때문에
대개 여자가 남자보다 술에 빨리 취한다.

아이들은 깨어 있을 때보다 잘 때 더 많이 자란다.

지문이 같을 가능성은 64,000,000,000대 1이다.
그러므로 이 세상 사람들의 지문은 모두 다르다.

갓 태어난 아기를 아무도 만져 주지 않으면 성장하지
않을 뿐만 아니라 때로는 죽기도 한다.
그래서 요즘 병원에서는 시간을 나누어서
교대로 간호원들이 갓 태어난 아기를 안아 준다.

개미는 자기 몸보다 50배나 무거운것을 들 수 있고,
벌은 자기보다 300배 더 큰 것을 운반할 수 있는데,
인간으로 보면 10톤짜리 트레 일러를 끌어야 한다.

보통 성인의 맥박은 1분에 70-80번인데,
조그마한 새의 심장은 1분 에 1000번이 넘게 뛴다.

한 단어를 말하는데 650개의 근육중 72개가 움직여야 한다.

남자는 모든 것의 무게가 여자보다 많이 나가지만
단 하나, 예외가 있는데 여자가 지방을 더 많이 가지고 있다.
이것이 여자를 아름답 게 만든다.

자궁의 임신기간
코뿔소: 560일
기 린: 410일
낙 타: 400일
말 : 340일
인 간: 266일
원숭이: 237일
염 소: 151일
개 : 63일
고양이: 60일
토 끼: 30일
쥐 : 19일

남자: 뇌의 무게: 1,417그램

여자: 뇌의 무게: 1,276그램      

심장의 무게: 283그램

심장의 무게: 227그램

피: 5.7리터

피: 5.5리터

수분: 60%
수분: 54%

뼈: 18%

뼈: 18% 지방: 18%

지방: 28%
뇌세포수: 평균 228억개
뇌세포수: 평균 193억개
1평방 인치의 피부에는 19,500,000개의 세포와 1300개의 근육조직,
78개의 신경 조직, 650개의 땀구멍 100개의 피지선, 65개의 털,
20개의 혈관, 178개의 열감지기와 13개의 냉감지기가 있다.

혀의 맛을 알아내는 기관은 냄새를 맡는
코의 기관과 밀접한 관계를 가지고 있다.
만약 눈을 감고 코도 막는다면 사과와 감자의
맛을 구별해 내기가 힘들어진다.

신비하게도 여자들의 관절염은 여자들이 임신하자마자 다 사라진다.

피는 물보다 약 6배 진하다.

정자를 만들어 내는 공장인 고환은 온도가 낮아야
제 기능을 할 수 있으므로 방열기구처럼 언제나 쭈글쭈글한
주름투성이의 모양으로 매달려 있는 것이다.

체온이 올라가면 세정관의 정자 생산이 중지되기 때문에
더운 날씨에는 축 늘어져 되도록 몸에서 떨어져 있으려하고,
추우면 오므라들어 몸안으로 기어든다.

몸의 열기는 80%가 머리로 빠져나가기 때문에
발을 따뜻하게 하려면 양말을 신는 것보다
모자를 쓰는 것이 더 낫다.

눈 깜빡임은 눈을 보호하고 각막을 매끄럽게 하는데,
한번 눈을 깜빡 거릴 때 1/40초의 시간이 소요된다.
1분에 평균 15번, 한 시간에 900 번,
평생 동안 300,000,000번 정도 한다.

정자의 무게는 난자의 1/75 이다.

고환 두개는 25그램인데 오른쪽의 것이 더 크고 무겁다.
이렇게 크기 와 높낮이가 다른 것은 서로 충돌의 위험을 배재하기 위함이다.

무게로 본 인체
뇌: 1.4킬로그램
심장: 130그램
간: 1,4킬로그램
지라: 198그램
고환2개: 25그램
난소: 7그램
자궁: 60그램
유방2개: 100그램
이자: 82그램
뼈: 9킬로그램
폐양쪽: 900그램
췌장: 85그램
신장2개: 290그램
방광: 1.1킬로그램

오른쪽 유방은 왼쪽 유방보다 약간 작다.

인간의 몸에서 하루동안 일어나는 일들을 살펴보면
2,340번 숨을 쉬며, 평균 3-4Km 정도를 움직이고
120평방미터의 공기를 마시며 1.3Kg의 수분을 섭취한다.
3.5Kg의 노폐물을 배설하며, 0.7리터의 땀을 흘리고
4800단어를 말하며 750번 주요 근육을 움직인다.
손톱은 0.0011684mm가 자라며 머리털은 0.435356mm가 자라고
7,000,000개의 뇌세포를 활동 시킨다.

미소를 짓기 위해서는 14개의 근육운동이 필요하고 찡그리기 위해서는 72개의 근육을 움직여야 한다.

어두운 곳에서 잘 볼 수 있으려면 약 50-60초 정도가 걸린다.
하지만 일단 조절만 되면 밝은 햇빛에서 보다 100,000배나 더 예민해진다.
달이 뜨지 않은 밤에도 80Km정도의 먼산에 앉아있는
사람도 볼 수 있 을 정도이다.

인간에게는 맛을 알아내는 9,000개의 미각이 있다.
혀의 뒷부분은 쓴 맛, 중간부분은 짠맛, 앞쪽은 단맛을 느낀다.
보통 새는 40-60개, 벌 새는 1000개, 박쥐는 800개, 돼지는 15,000개, 토끼는 17,000개, 소는 35,000개의 미각을 가지고 있다.

조로증(早老症)은 일생이 몇 해로 압축되어 진행되는 병이다.
이 조로 증에 걸린 어린아이는 7-8세에 벌써 피부에 주름이 생기고
머리털이 빠지며 얼굴이 노인처럼 쭈글쭈글해 진다.뿐만 아니라
느끼는 것, 말이나 행동도 노인처럼 하다가 11-12세에 죽는다.

알콜 중독자인 여자가 아이를 낳으면 보통 아기의
평균 몸무게의 반밖 에 되지않고 키도 20%정도 작다.
또 지능지수도 85를 넘지 못한다. 머리의 크기도 몹시 작으며
얼굴, 팔다리등이 몹시 비정상이 된다.
성장할 때도 다른 아이들보다 성장이느리고 운동 능력도 떨어진다.

만약 맥주를 마시며 구두를 닦고 있다면 병이 들거나 심하면 죽을 수도 있다.
구두약속의 니트로 벤젠은 인간의 피부에 쉽게 흡수되는 독성이
있어서 폐에 들어가거나 음식물에 섞여 섭취되면 매우 위험하다.
맥주 는 니트로 벤젠의 체내 침투를 돕는다고 한다.

식욕 과다증이라는 매우 이상하고 무서운 병이 있다.
이 병에 걸리면 먹어도 식욕이 계속 일어난다.
이 병에 걸린 어떤 소년은 하루에 15시 간동안 계속 먹으며
10번 이상 대변을 보았다고 한다.
그래서 48Kg의 체중이 129Kg으로 늘어났다고 한다.

파나마 운하를 건설할 때 처음 이 공사를 시작한 프랑스 정부는
20000 명이 죽고 260,000,000달러를 소모한 후에야 포기하고 미국에 넘겼다. 미국은 1904년 이 공사를 인수한 후에 군의관
윌리엄 코로호드 고가스 를 보내어 황열병의 원인을 알아보게 했다. 1년 안에 그는 그 병의 원 인이 모기에 있음을 알아내어
황열병을 몰아내고 공사를 완공했다.

우리의 몸을 구성하고 있는 성분들
물: 61,8%
단백질: 16,6%
지방: 1,49%
질소: 3,3%
칼슘: 1,81%
인: 1,19%
칼륨: 0,24%
염분: 0,17%
마그네슘: 0,041%
철분: 0,0075%
아연: 0,0028%
구리: 0,00015%
망간: 0,00013%
옥소: 0,00004%
기타: 0,10082%

인체의 구성원소:
산소, 수소, 탄소, 질소, 인, 칼슘, 나트륨, 칼륨, 염소, 유황, 마그네슘, 비금속원소: 불소, 옥소, 붕소, 규소, 비소, 브롬, 전이원소: 바나듐 금속원소: 철, 아연, 망간,
구리, 니켈, 코발트, 은, 칼륨 등

꿀 속에는 철,구리,망간,규소,염화 칼륨, 나트륨, 인, 알미늄,
마그네 슘 등이 들어 있어 영양 덩어리이다.

고대 그리스에서는 금과 소금의 가치가 거의 비슷했고
로마 시대에는 군인의 급료를 소금으로 지불했다.즉,소금(salt)이란
말은라틴어의 급료(saliry)를의미하는 말 salarium에서 나온 말이다.

팝콘이란 튀긴 옥수수라고 생각하는 사람들이 많은데
사실 팝콘이란 6가지의 옥수수중의 한 종류일 뿐이다.
팝콘만이 열에 튀겨지고 나머지 던트 콘이나 스위트 콘, 포드 콘,
플라 워 콘, 플린트 콘은 말라 버리거나 쪼개져버린다.

우리가 실제로 마실 수 있는 물은 지구에 있는 물의 0.009% 밖에 안된다. 97%가 바닷물이고 2%는 얼음과 눈이다.

길이로 본 인체
입 ~ 식도: 45cm
위장: 27cm
소장: 6m
대장: 1,5m
십이지장: 23cm
입 ~ 항문 총길이:

인체의 핏줄은(동맥, 정맥, 모세혈관의 총길이) 120,000km이다.
경부고속도로 왕복 900km 이니까,133번 왕복할 수 있는 길이이다.
지구둘레가 40,008km이니까, 지구를 3바퀴 돌 수 있는 길이이다.
이렇게 긴 핏줄을 이해한다면 피가 맑아야 병이 없고
오래살 수 있다는 것을 이해할 수 있다.

성인의 보통 머리카락의 숫자는 10만개이다. 수염은 3만개,
잔털은 30만 개이다. 머리카락의 성분은 아미노산, 탄소: 50%, 산소: 20%, 질소: 18%, 수소: 7%이다.

인체의 피부면적은 15,000 cm2 이다.
땀구멍은 500만개이며, 신경종말 은 1000만개,
뇌세포는 230억개, 세포수는 100조개,


여자의 난자는 인체에서 가장 큰 세포이다.
정자는 난자의 85,000분의 1크기이다.
정자를 희석하여 튜브에 넣고 미세한 전류를 흐르게 하면
음극에 X정자, 양극에 Y정자가 모인다.
이 원리로 남, 녀 조절이 가능 하나 법으로 금지되어있다.

귀청은 왜 있는가? 독한 냄새를 발하기 때문에 곤충이나
다른 이물질이 들어가면 죽는다.

인체의 뇌는 어떤 상태일 때 가장 편안할까?
뇌파로써 인간이 정말 편 안하게 있는지 스트레스를 받고
있는지를 알 수 있게 되었다.
뇌가 편 안히 쉬고 있을 때는 8-14 사이클과,
주파수가 낮은 알파파가 나오고 스트레스를 느낄때는
주파수가 높아지며 14-20 사이클의 베타파가 나온 다고 한다.

다시 말해서, 뇌파를 측정함으로써 뇌에 가장 적합한 환경이
어떤 것인가를 알수있다.그러면어떠한 환경이뇌를 편안하게 할까?
풍경으로 말하자면, 대지와 나무가 있고,
아름다운 공간에 미풍이 초목을 살랑살랑 흔드는
그러한 환경이다. 게다가 졸졸 흐르는 물소리까지 더해지면
뇌는 더욱 편안해질 것이다. 이것은 인류의 첫조상
아담과 하와가 살았다는 성경에 나오는 에덴동산의 환경과 같다.

사람은 마음 깊은 곳에서는 무릉도원 같은 기쁨의 동산을 꿈꾸며
그리 워하고 있는지도 모른다.
그러한 환경에서라면 영원히 사는 것이 가능할 것이다.
현대의학은 인간의 질병의 근원이 어디인지를 정확히 깨닫고
결과만을 연구하는 것이 아니라 인류에게
무공해 천연 자연을 물려주어 야 할 것이다.
인체의 면역계가 그러한 환경에서 왕성히 활동할 것이다.

같은 병에 계속 걸리지 않는 것은 왜일까?
체내에 침투한 세균 따위의 이물질을 공격하여 몸을 지켜 주는
세포는 백혈구만이 아니다.
임파구나 마크로파지가 그것으로 이물질을 잡아 먹는 역할을 한다.

이와 같은 세포를 대식세포라고 하는데, 최근 이속에 있는
마크로파지는 단순히 적을 잡는 것뿐만 아니라 면역에 있어서도
상당히 중요한 역할을 하고 있다는 것이 밝혀졌다.

이'마크로파지'는 자신이 한번 먹은 것은 그것이 어떠한 항원인가를 인식하고 정보화하여 그것을 면역계통에 전달한다고 한다.
다시말해 '마크로파지'는 첫 대면한 적을 해치운 뒤에
그것이 어떠한 성격이며 어떠한 약점을 갖고 있는지를
종합 분석하여 면역 부분에 전하는 것이다.

그러면 정보를 받은 면역 부분은 그의 적(항원)에게 표적을 맞춘
항체 (면역체)를 만들어,
그것이 재투입될 때에는 재빨리 반격하여 퇴치할 수 있도록
전선을 강화하는 것이다.

이 대식세포의 활동이 활발하면 할수록 몸은 당연히 높은 면역성을 지닌다.
그렇게 되면 암 따위의 난 치병도 예방될 가능성이
있으므로, 오늘날 면역학에서는 큰 관심을 기울이고 있다.

포유류라고 해서 월경을 하는 것은 아니다.
월경은 수태를 하기 위해 준비된 태반이 임신이 되지 않았을 때
일어난 것이므로 태생이 포유류 라면 모두 월경이 있을 것이라고
생각하는 사람이 많다. 그러나 포유류 가운데 월경을 하는 것은
사람과 원숭이뿐이다.

이렇게 말하면 "개가 월경을 하는 것을 본적이 있다"라고 말 할 사람이 있다.
분명히 개도 출혈을 한다. 그러나 이것은 단순한 배란에 의한 출혈이지
수정란을 착상시키기 위해 준비된 자궁 내막의
자리가 벗겨져 하는 출 혈은 아니므로 월경이라고 할 수 없다.

또 고양이나 토끼, 족제비 등은 교미하지 않으면 배란이
되지 않으므로 전혀 그런 출혈은 볼 수 없다. 한편 원숭이의 월경주기는
짧은꼬리원숭이가 28일, 침팬지가 35일, 비비는 30-40일이다.

매일 1원씩 저축한다면 70년을 살 때 인간은 25,550원,
80년을 살 때 29,200원 정도 저축을 할 수 있다.
30,000원 정도 저축할 때쯤에는 관속에 갇혀 무덤에 들어가는 것이다. 돈에 집착을 버리고 살자.

낙태를 하는 것은 엄밀히 말해서 살인이다.


No. Subject Author Date Views
35 School of Jesus Disciples REV 2:7 , 미역 약처 먹는 법 섬김이 2010.06.10 6640
34 시력 좋아지는 비결 섬김이 2010.06.08 5239
33 ^*^♥ 아들 딸 이란 ♥^*^ 섬김이 2010.06.08 5129
32 우리 음식이 몸에 좋은 이유 섬김이 2010.06.08 5403
31 ♡사랑했습니다♡ 섬김이 2010.06.08 5187
30 School of Jesus Disciples REV 2:7 , Subject: Fw: 6.25전쟁 스라이드 섬김이 2010.06.08 332514
29 School of Jesus Disciples REV 2:7 섬김이 2010.06.05 5411
28 School of Jesus Disciples REV 2:7 섬김이 2010.06.03 6438
27 기도의 선결 조건 섬김이 2010.06.02 5580
26 1.사도들의 가르침,2 복음의 여명 서상윤의 발자취를 따라 섬김이 2010.06.02 9046
25 세브란스병원 국제진료센터 인요한 박사의 강연 섬김이 2010.06.01 5008
24 :★이 세상에서 가장 행복한 사람★ 섬김이 2010.06.01 4969
» 언약궤와 양심에 관하여-(Part-I) ,♧ 숫자로 본 人體의 神秘 ♧ 섬김이 2010.05.30 6078
22 컴퓨터 끄기 전에 청소하기 섬김이 2010.05.29 4923
21 암의예방과치유-창조적건강관리를 위하여 섬김이 2010.05.29 12980
20 통풍(痛風)의 원인과 치료 섬김이 2010.05.28 6042
19 ★남한 사람 정신 차려야 합니다★ 섬김이 2010.05.28 5539
18 치매를 예방하는 확실한 방법 50가지를 소개합니다. 섬김이 2010.05.28 5532
17 주옥같은 말의향기 섬김이 2010.05.28 5579
16 십자가의 도 섬김이 2010.05.28 9025